时间:2022-04-19 11:34 | 分类: 句子大全 | 作者:臧新宏 | 评论: 次 | 点击: 次
"People discuss my art and pretend to understand as if it were necessary to understand, when it's simply necessary to love.”“I would advise young artists . . . to paint as they can, as long as they can, without being afraid of painting badly . . . . If their painting doesn't improve by itself, it means that nothing can be done – and I wouldn't do anything!”
Monet, Claude (b. Nov. 14, 1840, Paris, Fr.--d. Dec. 5, 1926, Giverny) French painter, initiator, leader, and unswerving advocate of the Impressionist style. He is regarded as the archetypal Impressionist in that his devotion to the ideals of the movement was unwavering throughout his long career, and it is fitting that one of his pictures--Impression: Sunrise (Musée Marmottan, Paris; 1872)--gave the group his name. His youth was spent in Le Havre, where he first excelled as a caricaturist but was then converted to landscape painting by his early mentor Boudin, from whom he derived his firm predilection for painting out of doors. In 1859 he studied in Paris at the Atelier Suisse and formed a friendship with Pissarro. After two years' military service in Algiers, he returned to Le Havre and met Jongkind, to whom he said he owed `the definitive education of my eye'. He then, in 1862, entered the studio of Gleyre in Paris and there met Renoir, Sisley, and Bazille, with whom he was to form the nucleus of the Impressionist group. Monet's devotion to painting out of doors is illustrated by the famous story concerning one of his most ambitious early works, Women in the Garden (Musée d'Orsay, Paris; 1866-67). The picture is about 2.5 meters high and to enable him to paint all of it outside he had a trench dug in the garden so that the canvas could be raised or lowered by pulleys to the height he required. Courbet visited him when he was working on it and said Monet would not paint even the leaves in the background unless the lighting conditions were exactly right. During the Franco-Prussian War (1870-71) he took refuge in England with Pissarro: he studied the work of Constable and Turner, painted the Thames and London parks, and met the dealer Durand-Ruel, who was to become one of the great champions of the Impressionists. From 1871 to 1878 Monet lived at Argenteuil, a village on the Seine near Paris, and here were painted some of the most joyous and famous works of the Impressionist movement, not only by Monet, but by his visitors Manet, Renoir and Sisley. In 1878 he moved to Vétheuil and in 1883 he settled at Giverny, also on the Seine, but about 40 miles from Paris. After having experienced extreme poverty, Monet began to prosper. By 1890 he was successful enough to buy the house at Giverny he had previously rented and in 1892 he married his mistress, with whom he had begun an affair in 1876, three years before the death of his first wife. From 1890 he concentrated on series of pictures in which he painted the same subject at different times of the day in different lights---Haystacks or Grainstacks (1890-91) and Rouen Cathedral (1891-95) are the best known. He continued to travel widely, visiting London and Venice several times (and also Norway as a guest of Queen Christiana), but increasingly his attention was focused on the celebrated water-garden he created at Giverny, which served as the theme for the series of paintings on Water-lilies that began in 1899 and grew to dominate his work completely (in 1914 he had a special studio built in the grounds of his house so he could work on the huge canvases). In his final years he was troubled by failing eyesight, but he painted until the end. He was enormously prolific and many major galleries have examples of his work. 进入下面的连接, 还有他各个时期的作品。
Claude Monet Biography and Monet Paintings Art GalleryClaude Monet's BiographyOscar-Claude Monet was born in Paris, France on November 14, 1840. He was the second child born to Claude Adolphe and Louise-Justine Monet. When Claude was about five, the family moved from Paris to the small town of La Havre. His father's brother-in-law, Jacques Lacadre, owned successful wholesale business in La Havre. His wife, Marie-Jeanne Lecadre, convinced him to offer Claude's father a job.全英文的资料:。
Monet was born in Paris, in his five years old when his family moved to Le Havre in Normandy (Le Havre). His father hoped that he had inherited the family grocery store, but you want to become an artist Monet. He was initially a minor celebrity because of his charcoal cartoons, these paintings asking price 10-12 francs. On the beach in Normandy, he met the artist Eugene • Boudin (Eugene Boudin), he later became a professor of Monet's mentor, and he learned oil painting. When Monet came to the Louvre in Paris, where he saw many painters imitating famous artists. As a result, to carry the paint and tools he sat next to a window began to draw what he saw. And then to return to his birthplace in 1859, started to learn painting. Monet in Algeria became a soldier for two years (1860 -1862), the seven years he served before the expiration of the contract, as typhoid fever, Monet's aunt Lecadre wife rescued him from the troops out and let him to finish college The arts courses. Because the university's traditional arts and education to make him wake up in Paris in 1862, Monet joined the Charles • Glaire (Charles Gleyre) studios. Where he identified the knot Pierre - Auguste Renoir • Frederick • Bazillais (Frederic Bazille), as well as Alfred • Sisley (Alfred Sisley). Together, they created a new art practices, that is outdoors and under natural light painting with thick paint, later known as the Impressionists. In 1866, he Camille • Doncieux (Camille Doncieux) models created for the "green woman" (The Woman in the Green Dress). Soon after, Doncieux that pregnant and gave birth to their first child, so that (Jean). In the Franco-Prussian War (Franco-Prussian War, 1870 Nian -1,871 years), the Monet came to the United Kingdom asylum. Where he was studying and Constable John • J • M • W • Turner (JMWTurner) works. Return to France after the 1872 or 1873, Monet in Le Havre as the background of a landscape created the "impression • Sunrise." It is the first time in 1874 Impressionist painters show appearance, it is now on display at the 巴黎马蒙丹 • Monet Museum (Musée Marmottan-Monet). According to the subject of the painting, art critic Louis Leroy • put forward the "Impressionism" at all. In 1870 is the year of Monet's most sad, because his wife, trends, but also left a 12-year-old son and 1-year-old second son. Alice Hoschede decided to help Monet raising his two children. They lived in Poissy (Poissy), but there do not like Monet. In April 1883, they moved to the Eure region of Normandy, Giverny. In 1884, he began to travel around the world, he went to London and the United States. 1890, he began to concentrate on in order to create the theme of water lily. He planted a large garden where he completed the rest of his life he painted. Monet and Hoschede married in 1892. In the nineteenth century, the eighties and nineties, Monet began a series of painting, that is, in a different light and angle of an object with a continuous draw. His first series of work, "Rouen Cathedral" is at different angles and different times of day to paint. In 1895, from 20 different angles by the paintings of the cathedral in the Durande - Luer (Gurand-Ruel) gallery display. He also drew a pile of rice straw series. From 1883 to 1908, the Monet painted many landscapes in the Mediterranean and the seascape. Unfortunately, his second wife died in 1911, and in 1914 his son died. Monet in 1923, had undergone two cataract operations. He was December 5, 1926 died, buried in the Giverny church cemetery. In 2004, Monet in the Parliament and the Effects of Sun in the Fog in London, sold more than 20 million U.S. dollars. • Monet specializes in experimental and performance techniques of light and shadows. His most important is to change the style of the shadows and contours of the painting in Monet's paintings do not see a very clear shadow, but also do not see the highlights or flat coated type of contour lines. In addition, the Monet for the use of very fine color, his paintings with the theme of many of the same experiment for the perfect expression of color and light. Monet had long explored the performance of optical effects of color and the air, often at different times and light, the right to make pieces of the same objects that depict changing light and colors from nature in expressing the feeling of an instant. His work is represented Impression, Sunrise Rouen Notre-Dame • Waterlilies Poppies near Vétheuil。
——西塞罗 遇到的困难越多,得到的荣誉也越大。 ——西塞罗 性清者荣,性浊者辱。
——左芬 在生活中,虚荣是被创造区别开来的兴趣,将虚荣与艺术上的兴趣相比较并以思考的人,也许能够找到切实解决虚荣的办法。 ——三木清 荣誉是一种偏见,它来自人们不善于珍重自己。
——高尔基 荣誉的职业是沉重的负担。 ——马辛杰 事业最要紧,名誉是空言。
——歌德 通往荣誉的捷径就是一无所有。 ——塞缪尔·巴特勒 一个人光溜溜地到这个世界来,最后光溜溜地离开这个世界而去,彻底想起来,名利都是身外之物,只有尽一个人的心力,使社会上的人更多得到他工作的裨益,才是人生最愉快的事情。
——邹韬奋 冠冕?是暂时的光辉,是永久的束缚。 ——冰心 由人授受的荣誉是长久不了的;世俗的荣誉只能给人带来烦恼。
——托马斯 荣誉要靠我们用行动去争取。 ——马洛 那些已经过去的美绩,一转眼间就会在人们的记忆里消失。
只有继续不断的前进,才可以使荣名永垂不朽。 ——莎士比亚 荣誉是时间的女儿。
——阿兰 风流人物的声誉不会维持很久,因为潮流会过去。 ——拉布品耶尔 情操要高尚!成为我们真正荣誉的,是我们自己的心,而不是他人的议论。
——席勒 穿戴朴素而有声誉,胜于自诩富有而默默无闻。 ——伊索 好人的荣誉深藏在人们的思想里,而不是挂在众人的嘴上。
——托马斯 荣誉称号不会抬高人的身价,人的荣誉称号全在于他自己。 ——约·福特 荣誉的产生不受外界条件限制。
品行好,荣誉也就存乎其中了。 ——簿柏 倘若我们要计算报酬,那么高尚德操所能获得的最大报酬就是荣耀。
——西塞罗 最大的困难是:第一获得名声,第二活着的时候维持它,第三死后还能保持它。——海顿 好名是追求名誉没有节制的欲望。
——斯宾诺沙 当我估量到生命中所有的忧愁的时候,我就觉得生命是不值得留恋的;可是名誉是我所要传给我的后人的,它是我唯一关心的事物。 ——莎士比亚 荣誉这东西,不会给一个偷盗它,但配不上它的人带来愉快,它只有在一个配得上它的人的心里才会引起不断的颤动。
——果戈里 谁终将声震人间,必长久深自缄默;谁终将点燃闪电,必长久如云漂泊。——尼采 得勿喜,失勿忧。
抗之甚高,挤之必酷。 ——佚名 小利,大利之贼;小祸,大祸之津。
敬贪小利则大利必亡,不遗小祸则大祸必至。 ——刘昼 得失一朝,而荣辱千载。
——佚名 智者千虑,必有一失;愚者知虑,必有一得。 ——司马迁 塞翁失马,安知非福。
——佚名 做少许事情而做得很好,胜于做许多事情而做得很糟。 ——苏格拉底 只要你不计较得失的话,人生还有什么不能想法子克服的? ——海明威 有机智之巧,必有机智之败。
——刘向 君不见门前柳,荣耀暂时萧索久。 ——贺兰进明 见其可欲也,则不虑其可恶也者,见其可利也,则不顾及可害也者。
是以动则必陷,为则必辱,是偏伤之患也。 ——荀子 小人其未得也,则忧不得;既已得之,又恐慌失之。
是以有终身之忧,无一日之乐。 ——荀子 最爱嘲骂人的人,往往是最受嘲骂的人;天道循环,今天笑我的人,明天自有人笑他。
——辛尼加 许多人因为羡慕别人,不觉连自己的东西也丢掉了。 ——伊索 成功大易,而获实丰于斯所期,浅人喜焉,而深识者方以为吊。
——梁启超 没有什么事比一心指望出人头地更为平庸陈腐了。 ——霍姆斯 乐往必悲生,泰来犹否极。
——白居易 早荣亦早枯,易得还易失。 ——张廷玉 荣誉应该是结果,而不是行为的动机。
——普利尼 荣誉比生命更宝贵。——罗曼·罗兰 荣誉并没有绝对的目的,并不能超过生命的自身的存在和价值。
——叔本华 荣誉不过是一块铭旌。——莎士比亚 荣誉不能寻找,任何追求荣誉的做法都是徒劳的。
——歌德 荣誉不是法令所管得到的。——马克·吐温 荣誉称号不会抬高人的身价,人的荣誉称号全在于他自己。
——约·福特 荣誉的产生不受外界条件限制。品行好,荣誉也就存乎其中了。
——簿柏 荣誉的获得在乎把一个所有的才德和真价值无损无伤地显露出来。——培根 荣誉的职业是沉重的负担。
——马辛杰 荣誉感是一种优良的品质,因而只有那些禀性高尚、积极向上或受过良好教育的人才具备。——爱迪生 荣誉就像玩具,只能玩玩而已,绝不能永远守住它,否则就一事无成。
——居里夫人 荣誉就像萤火虫,远看闪闪发光,近看既不发热,也不怎么亮。——约翰·韦伯斯特 荣誉如同生命一样,一旦失去,就不可复得。
——赛勒斯 荣誉使艺术盛兴,一切有志于钻研的人,无不受着荣誉感的激动。——西塞罗 荣誉是时间的女儿。
——阿兰 荣誉是一种偏见,它来自人们不善于珍重自己。——高尔基 荣誉要靠我们用行动去争取。
——马洛 荣誉应该是结果,而不是行为的动机。——普利尼 荣誉在于劳荣誉这东西,不会给一个偷盗它,但配不上它的人带来愉快,它只有在一个配得上它的人的心里才会引起不断的颤动。
——果戈里 荣誉之所以伟大,就因为得之不易。——华兹华斯 蔑视荣誉勋位本身,就是一枚一极荣誉勋章! ——莫奈 易得者易失。
——佚名 祸福同根,。
克劳德·莫奈(Claude Monet,1840年11月14日-1926年12月5日),法国画家,印象派代表人物和创始人之一。
莫奈曾长期探索光色与空气的表现效果,常常在不同的时间和光线下,对同一对象作多幅的描绘,从自然的光色变幻中抒发瞬间的感觉。 印象派运动可以看作是19世纪自然主义倾向的巅峰,也可以看作是现代艺术的起点。
.这断句有点儿奇怪..我搜了一下是things i didn't know..这种情况其实我建议你直接用百度翻译,然后一句一句重新修饰修改。比较省时间。
今年是虎年,我想起英国作家、画家William Morris的诗句:“我们要寻找第三只老虎,在神话以外的世界上踩遍大地。”