时间:2022-04-26 15:18 | 分类: 句子大全 | 作者:菁读英语启蒙 | 评论: 次 | 点击: 次
1. 《精灵鼠小弟》中的10句经典英文句子有哪些
Snowbell: Didn't your mother warn you that you shouldn't go out into Central Park at night? Smokey: My mother was the reason you shouldn't go out into Central Park at night.Mrs. Keeper: Mr. and Mrs. Little, we try to discourage couples from adopting outside of their own。
species. It rarely works out.Stuart Little: I'm not just a mouse. I'm a member of this family.Monty, the Mouth: Pretty funny? I'm gonna wet my fur! A MOUSE WITH A PET CAT!Snowbell: Thank-you Mister Smokey sir, how could I ever think you?Snowbell: Tinkerbell! Ha Ha, He called me Tinkerbell! You're a funny guy!Monty, the Mouth: Oh well, beggars can't be choosers. Load me up and light a match!Smokey: And I have an empty stomach! Now, get that mouse!Snowbell: How'd you like to rub it from the INSIDE, mouse-boy?Mr. Stout: Taxi! What does a mouse have to do to get a cab in this city?1.【作品介绍】: 《精灵鼠小弟》是美国作家E·B·怀特(1899—1985)所著的三部被誉为“二十世纪读者最多、最受爱戴的童话”之一。好莱坞根据本书改编的电影,让倔强而可爱的鼠小弟征服了全世界。
2.【内容简介】: 利特尔家的第二个孩子斯图尔特生下来只有两英寸高,模样活脱脱就是一只小老鼠。这位老鼠小弟心地善良、聪明伶俐,一家人里头,除了那只名叫“野茉莉”的猫,没有不喜欢它的。
3.【电影与原著的差异】: 1.由于原著发表于二战期间,故,看起来似乎更悲观,如与小女孩的邂逅、玛格罗的失踪等地方。电影中关于斯图亚特与玛格罗的相别就很有美感; 2.战争时期,政治挂帅。
原作中,斯图亚特就发表过关于“世界政府”的言论(这个世界乱糟糟,就是因为没有一个世界政府。言下之意,莫非美国……?) 3.原作描写的更像童话世界,从小女孩的身材(世界不止有一个矮小的斯图亚特!)、斯图亚特是人类的血亲等地方可以有自己的体会; 4.大世界与小世界的格局:原作中的小世界格局是:雪铃与斯图亚特对敌到底。
4.【作品评价】: 来自孤儿院的小老鼠斯图尔特来到了对他来说像天堂一般的利特一家,并成为这个大家庭中的一员。但斯图尔特的主人身份总是受到威胁,宠物大白猫对这个新来的老鼠主人充满敌意,感到自己猫的尊严受到严重挑战;而利特家的小主人乔治也对这个小兄弟没有太多好感,小老鼠的命运如何?大明星与动画小老鼠配合得天衣无缝,营造出温馨的中产阶级家庭生活气氛。
5.【作者简介】: E·B·怀特(1899-1985),美国当代著名散文家、评论家,以散文名世,“其文风冷峻清丽,辛辣幽默,自成一格”。生于纽约蒙特弗农,毕业于康奈尔大学。
作为《纽约客》主要撰稿人的怀特一手奠定了影响深远的 “《纽约客》文风”。怀特对这个世界上的一切都充满关爱,他的道德与他的文章一样山高水长。
2. 《精灵鼠小弟》中的经典句子
精灵鼠小弟 Stuart Little (1999) 精彩对白:(百度一下嘛。
从中挑吧)Snowbell: Didn't your mother warn you that you shouldn't go out into Central Park at night? Smokey: My mother was the reason you shouldn't go out into Central Park at night. George Little: Maybe we should go home. Mr. Little: Why? George Little: I'm not wearing my lucky underwear. Mr. Little: You don't have lucky underwear. George Little: Well, maybe we should get some, and then come back for another race. Mrs. Keeper: Mr. and Mrs. Little, we try to discourage couples from adopting outside of their own。
species. It rarely works out. Snowbell: I can't believe I'm arguing with lunch. Stuart Little: Snow, where are you going? Snowbell: Oh, I gotta yawn, stare at traffic, lick myself. And believe me, that could take hours if you do it right. Mrs. Little: Is he going to be alright? Dr. Beechwood: Well, a lad that size swallowing all that detergent. Amazingly, I think he's gonna be fine. Also, he's very clean. Snowbell: I lied, okay? Welcome to Manhattan! Monty, the Mouth: Aren't you gonna' run? Stuart Little: Why? Monty, the Mouth: 'cause you're a mouse. Stuart Little: I'm not just a mouse. I'm a member of this family. Monty, the Mouth: A mouse with a pet cat? [rolls over and laughs out loud, repeating that line over again] Stuart Little: I guess that's pretty funny! Monty, the Mouth: Pretty funny? I'm gonna wet my fur! A MOUSE WITH A PET CAT! [laughs hard more, and looks down at Snowbell, who is embarrassed] Monty, the Mouth: Your new little master? Wait 'til the boys hear all about this! Snowbell: Ah, the humiliation! [to Stuart] Snowbell: I'm going to kill you! Snowbell: You think you could help me? Smokey: Consider it done. Snowbell: Thank-you Mister Smokey sir, how could I ever think you? Smokey: Don't worry Tinkerbell, anytime. Snowbell: Tinkerbell! Ha Ha, He called me Tinkerbell! You're a funny guy! Smokey: Yeah, whatever. HOUSE CATS, Sheesh! Race Spectator: Who is that mouse anyway? George Little: That's no mouse, that's my brother. Anton, the stuck-up bully: [bragging on George's ship] Gee George, what did you do, get that out of a cereal box? I'm glad you're here George, somebody's got to finish last. Anton, the stuck-up bully: Gee George, you all done crying? George Little: Yeah! Are you all done being a jerk? Anton, the stuck-up bully: No! Stuart Little: So, what do I call you? Mrs. Little: Mom. Mr. Little: And Dad. Mrs. Little: We haven't told you the best news of all. Mr. Little: You have a brother, named George. Stuart Little: What do I call him? Mrs. Little: George. Stuart Little: I'm so happy! I。 I feel 10 inches tall! Anton, the stuck-up bully: How did that stupid mouse get in my sail? George Little: He's not a stupid mouse! Anton, the stuck-up bully: You're right; He's a stupid rat! [when Snowbell spots Stuart lying in bed] Snowbell: Are you cozy? Stuart Little: Yes, thanks. I'm quite comfortable. Snowbell: All I've got to sleep on is a rag in the corner, you little rat! Monty, the Mouth: You know, I'm not picky as long as it ain't meat loaf. That stuff gives me gas, something awful. Snowbell: I'm sorry, it's meat loaf. Monty, the Mouth: Oh well, beggars can't be choosers. Load me up and light a match! Snowbell: [Monty tries to go into the kitchen, but Snowbell tries stopping him, so he won't see Stuart and possibly humiliate him] No, Monty. Stop. You don't wonna do that. Monty, the Mouth: Why? I eat from garbage cans, drink from public toilets. Like a little gas is gonna bother me. [he walks through the cat door to the kitchen] Snowbell: No, wait. Don't! [while the alley cats are chasing Stuart in the roadster] Lucky: I hope he runs out of gas! Red: I hope you do! Lucky: Why don't you run to the back? Red: I can't help it! I have a nervous stomach! Smokey: And I have an empty stomach! Now, get that mouse! Stuart Little: Now I know that fairy tales are real. Snowbell: [From the top of the stairs] Fairy tales are real? Oy, I think I'm gonna cough up a furball. Stuart Little: You seem tense! Snowbell: Tense? Oh, I'm - I'm way, way past tense Stuart Little: Well, maybe I could help. Can I scratch your ears? I could rub your tummy. Snowbell: How'd you like to rub it from the INSIDE, mouse-boy? Stuart Little: I'm a little confused. I thought that's what you did with a pet. Snowbell: A Pet? I am not your pet! I'm a cat, you're a mouse. You should be livin' in a hole. This is my family. Stuart Little: Can we share them? Snowbell: Read my furry pink lips. "No!" Stuart Little: Good-bye, fake father! Good-bye, fake mother! Mrs. Stout: Good-bye, fake son! [Stuart drives off in the toy car] Mrs. Stout: I'm gonna miss that boy. Mr. Stout: I'm gonna miss that car. Mrs. Eleanor Little: George,。
3. 精灵鼠小弟的英语经典台词.在线等待
你自己挑选几句精彩的吧! 精灵鼠小弟 Stuart Little (1999) 精彩对白: Snowbell: Didn't your mother warn you that you shouldn't go out into Central Park at night? Smokey: My mother was the reason you shouldn't go out into Central Park at night. George Little: Maybe we should go home. Mr. Little: Why? George Little: I'm not wearing my lucky underwear. Mr. Little: You don't have lucky underwear. George Little: Well, maybe we should get some, and then come back for another race. Mrs. Keeper: Mr. and Mrs. Little, we try to discourage couples from adopting outside of their own。
species. It rarely works out. Snowbell: I can't believe I'm arguing with lunch. Stuart Little: Snow, where are you going? Snowbell: Oh, I gotta yawn, stare at traffic, lick myself. And believe me, that could take hours if you do it right. Mrs. Little: Is he going to be alright? Dr. Beechwood: Well, a lad that size swallowing all that detergent. Amazingly, I think he's gonna be fine. Also, he's very clean. Snowbell: I lied, okay? Welcome to Manhattan! Monty, the Mouth: Aren't you gonna' run? Stuart Little: Why? Monty, the Mouth: 'cause you're a mouse. Stuart Little: I'm not just a mouse. I'm a member of this family. Monty, the Mouth: A mouse with a pet cat? [rolls over and laughs out loud, repeating that line over again] Stuart Little: I guess that's pretty funny! Monty, the Mouth: Pretty funny? I'm gonna wet my fur! A MOUSE WITH A PET CAT! [laughs hard more, and looks down at Snowbell, who is embarrassed] Monty, the Mouth: Your new little master? Wait 'til the boys hear all about this! Snowbell: Ah, the humiliation! [to Stuart] Snowbell: I'm going to kill you! Snowbell: You think you could help me? Smokey: Consider it done. Snowbell: Thank-you Mister Smokey sir, how could I ever think you? Smokey: Don't worry Tinkerbell, anytime. Snowbell: Tinkerbell! Ha Ha, He called me Tinkerbell! You're a funny guy! Smokey: Yeah, whatever. HOUSE CATS, Sheesh! Race Spectator: Who is that mouse anyway? George Little: That's no mouse, that's my brother. Anton, the stuck-up bully: [bragging on George's ship] Gee George, what did you do, get that out of a cereal box? I'm glad you're here George, somebody's got to finish last. Anton, the stuck-up bully: Gee George, you all done crying? George Little: Yeah! Are you all done being a jerk? Anton, the stuck-up bully: No! Stuart Little: So, what do I call you? Mrs. Little: Mom. Mr. Little: And Dad. Mrs. Little: We haven't told you the best news of all. Mr. Little: You have a brother, named George. Stuart Little: What do I call him? Mrs. Little: George. Stuart Little: I'm so happy! I。 I feel 10 inches tall! Anton, the stuck-up bully: How did that stupid mouse get in my sail? George Little: He's not a stupid mouse! Anton, the stuck-up bully: You're right; He's a stupid rat! [when Snowbell spots Stuart lying in bed] Snowbell: Are you cozy? Stuart Little: Yes, thanks. I'm quite comfortable. Snowbell: All I've got to sleep on is a rag in the corner, you little rat! Monty, the Mouth: You know, I'm not picky as long as it ain't meat loaf. That stuff gives me gas, something awful. Snowbell: I'm sorry, it's meat loaf. Monty, the Mouth: Oh well, beggars can't be choosers. Load me up and light a match! Snowbell: [Monty tries to go into the kitchen, but Snowbell tries stopping him, so he won't see Stuart and possibly humiliate him] No, Monty. Stop. You don't wonna do that. Monty, the Mouth: Why? I eat from garbage cans, drink from public toilets. Like a little gas is gonna bother me. [he walks through the cat door to the kitchen] Snowbell: No, wait. Don't! [while the alley cats are chasing Stuart in the roadster] Lucky: I hope he runs out of gas! Red: I hope you do! Lucky: Why don't you run to the back? Red: I can't help it! I have a nervous stomach! Smokey: And I have an empty stomach! Now, get that mouse! Stuart Little: Now I know that fairy tales are real. Snowbell: [From the top of the stairs] Fairy tales are real? Oy, I think I'm gonna cough up a furball. Stuart Little: You seem tense! Snowbell: Tense? Oh, I'm - I'm way, way past tense Stuart Little: Well, maybe I could help. Can I scratch your ears? I could rub your tummy. Snowbell: How'd you like to rub it from the INSIDE, mouse-boy? Stuart Little: I'm a little confused. I thought that's what you did with a pet. Snowbell: A Pet? I am not your pet! I'm a cat, you're a mouse. You should be livin' in a hole. This is my family. Stuart Little: Can we share them? Snowbell: Read my furry pink lips. "No!" Stuart Little: Good-bye, fake father! Good-bye, fake mother! Mrs. Stout: Good-bye, fake son! [Stuart drives off in the toy car] Mrs. Stout: I'm gonna miss that boy. Mr. Stout: I'm gonna miss that car. Mrs. Eleanor Little: George, 。
4. 求帮忙写一篇【精灵鼠小弟】电影的英文简介,100词以内
A movie based on the story by children's author about a mouse who is adopted by the Little family, and his adventures trying to become an accepted member of the family. He fights to gain his Brother's affection, and to stay, which is against the family cat's wishes.
The adventures of a heroic and debonair stalwart mouse named Stuart Little with human qualities, who faces some comic misadventures while searching for his lost bird friend and living with a human family as their child.
若满意 请采纳
5. 精灵鼠小弟英语作文
" Stuart Little" about the United States New York one called Park Jang Su and ordinary families,they have a like a mouse size,look like a mouse boy Stewart.But one family did not get excited over a little thing,no more heave great sighs.In contrast,Stuart Stewart,a life has become even more interesting,had a lot of fun.The story is full of deep affection and deep love.Especially the younger rats Stewart was full of adventure,optimistic to meet the challenge,never yield in spite of reverses in pursuit of their love.He is looking for his love of birds and Gallo,driving a mini car,to the north.Particularly afford much food for thought is until the end of the story,the younger rats have yet to find birds and Gallo,but he said:" I will always go to the north,until the end of my life."Therefore,we also need to like Stewart noble spirit -- confident,open-minded,optimistic,never yield in spite of reverses,march forward courageously.My heart always be with a beautiful dream,though he is blind development,but we should also try to pursue happiness,for my heart.Like Stewart,Maria Calo is it heart all beautiful spiritual yearning for a substitute,he may never find his MA Gallo,but never mind,the most important is not the end,it he was persistent state.He is on the way,he was looking for,he will never give up.Because all life is a trip without destination to be unable to travel,do not know where in the world,but we can dream always go to the north. 中文 《精灵鼠小弟》:美国纽约一个叫利特和普通的家庭,他们有一个像老鼠的大小,看起来像一个男孩斯图尔特.但是一个家庭没有大惊小怪,没有唉声叹气.与此相反,斯图尔特斯图尔特,生活变得更加有趣,有很多乐趣.这个故事充满了深厚的感情和深深的爱.尤其是年轻大鼠斯图尔特富有冒险精神,乐观地迎接挑战,永不屈服尽管扭转在追求自己的爱.他正在寻找他的爱鸟和加洛,驾驶一辆小型车,以北.尤其耐人寻味的是负担得起直到故事的结尾,年轻大鼠尚未找到鸟类和法国,但他说:“我会一直向北走,直到我生命的尽头.”因此,我们还需要像斯图尔特的崇高精神——自信,开朗,乐观,从不产量尽管逆转,勇往直前.我的心永远是一个美丽的梦想,尽管他是盲目发展,但我们也应该努力追求幸福,我的心.斯图尔特·加洛,它心中美好的精神向往的替补,他可能永远找不到他的马加洛,但不要紧,最重要的不是结束,它是持续状态.他是这样说的,他要找的是,他将永远不会放弃.因为所有的生命都是没有目的的旅行是无法旅行,不知道在世界何处,但我们可以梦想一直向北走。
6. 问《精灵鼠小弟》的精彩对白
精灵鼠小弟经典台词:你可以一直依靠我是你高,是我高?你也高,我也高里里外外都吐干净了……乌云,还镶着金边! 大踏步,自信的走向风中,就像昨晚,尽管风狂雨急,我仍不慌不忙的在雨中行走,感受着大雨倾盆:每一种生活,都是人生必经的历程,不管是风狂雨骤还是风和日丽,坦然面对,笑看人生。
----------------------对白太多了 e on.Don't you hear the call of the wild?1600:01:41,960 --> 00:01:45,316Learning to live off the land,exploring the woods.1700:01:45,480 --> 00:01:48,153Sleeping in the dirt,no air conditioning, Lyme disease.1800:01:48,320 --> 00:01:51,392I hate to burst your bubble,Daniel Boob, but it's dangerous there.1900:01:51,560 --> 00:01:53,312The closest you've beento the woods。
2000:01:53,480 --> 00:01:55,710。is the occasional whiffof pine air freshener.2100:01:55,880 --> 00:01:59,475You sound just like Mom and Dad.But I have instinctive, natural abilities.2200:01:59,640 --> 00:02:02,438I mean, after all,I am somewhat like a mouse.2300:02:02,600 --> 00:02:04,750You're also somewhatlike a mental case.2400:02:04,920 --> 00:02:07,036This summer is gonna bea real turning point.2500:02:07,200 --> 00:02:08,599I'm gonna prove to Mom and Dad。
2600:02:08,760 --> 00:02:10,751。I don't need themwatching my every step.2700:02:10,920 --> 00:02:12,399I can take care of myself.2800:02:12,560 --> 00:02:14,596-I don't need to be told what to do.-Stuart.2900:02:14,760 --> 00:02:17,957-It's a long drive. Did you go potty?-Mom!3000:02:18,120 --> 00:02:19,838The whole neighbourhoodwill hear you.3100:02:20,000 --> 00:02:24,039I'm sure Davy Crockett's motherasked him the very same question.3200:02:24,320 --> 00:02:25,594-Monty.-Oh, man.3300:02:25,760 --> 00:02:27,796-I didn't believe it.-Believe what?3400:02:27,960 --> 00:02:32,590Well, word in the alley isyou are going camping.3500:02:32,760 --> 00:02:34,990-Camping?-Now you're gonna have to rough it。
3600:02:35,160 --> 00:02:38,596。just like the rest of us,Mr. Fancy Pants.3700:02:38,760 --> 00:02:40,637That's malicious slander.3800:02:40,800 --> 00:02:46,113-Well, then where are you going?-Where? Well, to。
.3900:02:46,280 --> 00:02:49,795Where? Yes, we're going--Oh, we're going to a fancy resort.4000:02:49,960 --> 00:02:53,430It's the Hartz MountainResort and Spa.4100:02:53,600 --> 00:02:55,192Sounds nice.4200:02:55,360 --> 00:02:56,873It's paradise.4300:02:57,040 --> 00:02:59,076All-you-can-eat kibble buffet。4400:02:59,240 --> 00:03:03,392。
whisker waxing,pawdicure, tail grooming。4500:03:03,560 --> 00:03:06,950。
24-hour Animal Planet.4600:03:08,520 --> 00:03:10,112Hey, can I come?4700:03:10,280 --> 00:03:11,872Can you co--? Yeah, well。.4800:03:12,720 --> 00:03:15,712-I don't know.-Oh, come on, can I come? Please?4900:03:15,880 --> 00:03:19,475Hey, it's not me, it's the Littles.5000:03:19,640 --> 00:03:24,077They don't exactly。
.Oh, what am I trying to say here?5100:03:24,560 --> 00:03:26,118They don't like you.5200:03:26,280 --> 00:03:28,510Well, I guess I knowwhen I'm not wanted.5300:03:28,680 --> 00:03:30,511Actually, you don't.But you're learning.5400:03:30,680 --> 00:03:33,911And I'll think of youwhen I'm eating caviar for breakfast.5500:03:34,080 --> 00:03:35,638And I'll think of you when I'm--5600:03:36,760 --> 00:03:40,753-Like taking sardines from a kitten.-Time to go, Snow.5700:03:51,600 --> 00:03:53,511Given a choice,I'd rather be at the vet.5800:03:53,680 --> 00:03:56,274Come on, come on. Yes!5900:03:56,440 --> 00:03:59,238-Yes, yes, no, no.-We're on our way.6000:03:59,400 --> 00:04:03,678We should be at the lakein two hours, 34 minutes.6100:04:03,840 --> 00:04:06,513Well, I'm forgettingabout time altogether.6200:04:06,680 --> 00:04:09,240I have nothingon my calendar all summer。6300:04:09,400 --> 00:04:11,516。
but lazy days and carefree nights.6400:04:11,680 --> 00:04:13,796Hey, Mom, Dad?6500:04:13,960 --> 00:04:15,712I'm doing 。
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