时间:2022-04-27 19:19 | 分类: 句子大全 | 作者:英语东 | 评论: 次 | 点击: 次
1. 关于“梦想”“旅行”的唯美英文句子有哪些
1. We've been traveling, waiting for someone to be the partner of our journey, to accompany us through a memory that no one else can replace.我们一直在旅行,一直在等待某个人可以成为我们旅途的伴侣,陪我们走过一段别人无法替代的记忆。
2. Go to different places, see different scenery, know different things, feel different life.去了不同的地方,看了不同的风景,知道了不同的事,感悟了不同的人生。 3. Some things do not do now, will never do in their lifetime.有的事情现在不做,就一辈子也不会做了。
4. Dreams are not luxuries, as long as they take the first step.梦想,并不奢侈,只要勇敢地迈出第一步。5. Because of the dream, so brave to set out, choose to start, and then only for the wind and rain.因为有梦,所以勇敢出发,选择出发,便只顾风雨兼程。
6. Travel doesn't care about the end, it's about the people and things on the way and the wonderful memories and sights.旅游不在乎终点,而是在意途中的人和事还有那些美好的记忆和景色。7. If you don't go out, you'll think this is the world.如果你不出去走走,你就会以为这就是世界。
8. Life is a wonderful journey, on a train that never returns. Go through it with the new and the old. Perhaps this is the fate that a person cannot resist, have you, have me, also have him.生活是一段奇妙的旅行,就在那一去无返的火车上。与那些新人和旧人们共同经历吧!也许这就是一个人无法抗拒的命运,有你、有我、也有他。
9. I want to travel, a backpack, a person to travel, a person to witness the scenery along the way, holding the camera, taking pictures of the scenery along the way, recording the mood along the way. That's what I want.我想去旅行,一个人背包,一个人旅行,一个人目睹沿途的风景,拿着相机,拍下沿途上的风景,记录沿途的心情。那样的生活才是我想要的。
10. One day, I will leave all my weariness and my ideal, take my camera and my computer, away from the busy, and go to empty.总有一天,我会丢下我所有的疲倦和理想,带着我的相机和电脑,远离繁华,走向空旷。11. I have seen many people, I have heard many stories, I have seen the scenery of traveling, and I have learned to grow up.背着背包的路上,看过许多人,听过许多故事,见过旅行风景,就这样,慢慢学会了长大。
12. The time that flows, all become the beautiful ornament that the road is, look at the sky, see snow, in quiet, unspoken words are good scenery.流转的时光,都成为命途中美丽的点缀,看天,看雪,安安静静,不言不语都是好风景。13. A backpack, a few books, all the songs you like, a one-way ticket, a smart heart.一个背包,几本书,所有喜欢的歌,一张单程车票,一颗潇洒的心。
14. The journey of a person, meet the most authentic self on the road.一个人的旅行,在路上遇见最真实的自己。15. A heart to walk, a picture of a couple, a sweet journey.一颗说走就走的心,一个会拍照的情侣,一段甜蜜的旅程。
2. 关于旅游的格言 谚语 英语
心在路上, 路在脚下。
仁者爱山 智者爱水
上车睡觉 下车撒尿 一到景点狂拍照
吃 住 行 游 购 娱 是旅游的六大要素,在旅游的时候心情开阔是第一
3. 求一些关于梦想,旅行的唯美英文句子
No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world.
and one chance to do all the things you want in life.梦想你的梦想;到你想到的地方;做你想做的自己吧!因为你只能活一次。will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone。 一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某天发现,费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就那么忘记了。
4. 收集20个英语名言警句和优美句子
1.Do one thing at a time, and do well. 一次只做一件事,做到最好!2.Keep conscience clear,then never fear. 问心无愧,永无畏惧。
3.This moment will nap, you will have a dream; But this moment study,you will interpret a dream.此刻打盹,你将做梦;而此刻学习,你将圆梦。4.Studies this matter, lacks the time, but is lacks diligently. 学习这件事,不是缺乏时间,而是缺乏努力。
5. The time is passing. 时间在流逝。6. Now drips the saliva, will become tomorrow the tear. 现在淌的哈喇子,将成为明天的眼泪。
7.The dog equally study, the gentleman equally plays. 狗一样地学,绅士一样地玩。8. Today does not walk, will have to run tomorrow. 今天不走,明天要跑。
9. Even if the present, the match does not stop changes the page 即使现在,对手也不停地翻动书页。10. Has not been difficult, then does not have attains 没有艰辛,便无所得.11.I knew I love you, before I met you. Stray birds of summer come to my window ot sing and fly d yellow leaves of autumn,which have no songs,flutter and fallthere whit a sign.12.Be yourself and stay unique. Your imperfections make you beautiful, lovable, and valuable.做最特别的自己,正因为你的不完美,你才如此美丽、可爱、珍贵!13.Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people.困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书. 14.Failure is the mother of success. - Thomas Paine 15.Man errs as long as he strives. -- Goethe 失误是进取的代价. -- 歌德 16.The failures and reverses which await men - and one after another sadden the brow of youth - add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do. -- Henry David Thoreau 尽管失败和挫折等待着人们,一次次地夺走青春的容颜,但却给人生的前景增添了一份尊严,这是任何顺利的成功都不能做到的. -- 梭罗 17.A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else. -- J. Burroughs 一个人可以失败很多次,但是只要他没有开始责怪旁人,他还不是一个失败者. -- 巴勒斯 失败乃成功之母. 18.A friend indeed is known by sharing hardships. 患难是朋友的试金石。
19.Plain living and high thinking. 生活要朴素,情操要高尚。20.What is done by night appears by day. 若要人不知,除非己莫为。
5. 唯美的英文句子~
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;what is essential is invisible to the eyes.~~~ 一个人只有用心去看,才能看到真相。事情的真相只用眼睛是看不见的……
In life, there is no station, no one place to arrive at once and for all. The true joy of life is the trip. The station is only a dream.~~~ 在人生的旅途中并没有车站,也没有一个能够一老永逸的地方。生活的真正乐趣在于旅行的过程,而车站不过是个梦。
I replayed all the times we had together. I don't miss you, but I miss the feelings I had when i'm with you.~~~ 我回忆了我们在一起的时光。我不想念你,我想念的是和你在一起的时候的感觉。
Believe it or not. There's somebody out there hoping to meet someone just like you.~~~ 不管你信不信,有个人正在等待希望能遇到像你这样的人。
In fact, that the world is not everyone's dream. But some learn to forget, and some insist.~~~事实上,这个世界不符合所有人的梦想,只是有人学会了 遗忘,有人却一直坚持。
6. 关于旅行的英文句子加翻译
其经久不衰的火爆场面令人叹为观止,流连忘返Istanbul is the capital of the province of Istanbul, Turkey, Turkey's largest city and port, industrial and commercial center and a major tourist destination. To see a real Turkish kebab in the country, a Turkish kebab understanding is so poor. Spectacular barbecue column, overflowing aroma filled the streets, shopping malls, hotels, railway stations, playgrounds, residential areas, has become a beautiful landscape of Europe and the United States on the streets.
Its enduring unrest amazing linger
7. 求几句和旅行有关的英文哲理句子
The sun, the stars will also rises, in my tracks, wandering the overdue correspondence, a cloud, the sky quietly please write the sentence, in the end, I love you。
8. 谁有关于旅游的英语名句
长城 The Great Wall
故宫 the Forbidden City
莫高窟 Mogao Caves
承德避暑山庄与周围寺庙 Chengde Mountain Resort and the Temples Around
西藏布达拉宫 The Potala Palace in Lhasa
武当山古建筑群 Ancient Architectural Complex in Wudang Mountain
丽江古城 The Ancient Town of Lijiang
平遥古城 The Ancient Town of Pingyao
苏州古典园林 Classical Garden of Suzhou
北京颐和园 The Summer Palace in Beijing
北京天坛 The Temple of Heaven in Beijing
大足石刻 The Dazu Rock Carvings
龙门石窟 Longmen Grottoes
灯火辉煌 glittering
兴味无穷 intriguing
风景如画 scenic/picturesque view 诱人景致inviting views
变幻无穷 ever-changing
如诗如画 poetic and picturesque
山外有山 mountains beyond mountains
经典佳作 great classics
华夏祖先 Chinese ancestors
锦绣大地 a land of splendors
自然景观 natural scenery/attraction
山清水秀beautiful mountains and clear waters
山水风光 scenery with mountains and rivers; landscape
诗情画意 a scene full of poetic and artistic conception
旅游景点tourist attraction; scenic spot; tourist destination; places of interest
名山大川famous mountains and great rivers
名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sites
避暑胜地/山庄 summer resort/ mountain resort
度假胜地 holiday resort
心旷神怡 soothing and relaxing
关于旅行的动词短语 Phrasal Verbs for TRAVEL
My name is Emma, and in today's video I'm going to talk about something I love, and that is travel.
So, if you like travelling too, if you're planning on going on a vacation, or if you know somebody who's travelling, this video will be very, very helpful to you.
In this video I'm going to teach you some very important verbs.
They're all phrasal verbs, and I'll explain what a phrasal verb is in a moment.
So, these are all verbs that we use when we're talking about travel. Okay. So, to get started, I wanted to tell you a little bit about phrasal verbs.
What is a phrasal verb?
One of the difficulties students have with English are verbs where you have a verb and a preposition.
So, when you see a verb and a preposition together, that's a phrasal verb.
Now, you might be thinking: " What's a preposition? " Good question.
I'm going to give you an example.
We have here four words, each of these is a phrasal verb.
They all have the verb " get" : " get in" , " get up" , " get on" , " get over" , and there's many more, " get away" .
他们都有动词"get":"get in","get up","get on","get over",还有更多,"get away"。
There's tons of them.
Each of these actually can have multiple meanings, too.
So, one of the most difficult parts about English is learning phrasal verbs, because this, the blue part is the preposition, it can change the meaning of the verb.
So, prepositions are words like: " on" , " off" , " up" , " down" , " toward" , " over" , " away" , these types of words are prepositions.
So, you'll notice with phrasal verbs, they're very, very common in conversation.
They're. . .
You can write them down, too, but in general, when people talk they often use phrasal verbs.
So, they're very, very important, especially when you're talking about going on a trip with your friends or family.
So let's look at some of the common phrasal verbs we use when we're talking about trips.
The first verb I want to teach you: " Drop off" .
So: " drop" is the verb, " off" is the preposition, together: " drop off" is a phrasal verb.
所以:"drop"是动词,"off"是介词,一起:"drop off"是一个短语动词。
What does this mean: " drop off" ?
When you " drop someone off" it means you're taking them to a place and then you leave them there.
So, for example, maybe your friend needs to go to the airport, so you drive them to the airport and you drop them off at the airport.
This means you take them there and you leave them in that place.
So they don't come home with you; they stay there.
So, for example, I have a friend named Frank, and when Frank goes travelling: " We drop Frank off at the airport." So, we drive Frank to the airport, he has all his luggage, his suitcases, and then we say to Frank: " Goodbye, Frank, you know, have a nice trip." We drop Frank off at the airport.
You can also use " drop off" in a lot of other situations.
For example, when you were a child maybe your parents, your mom or your dad, or maybe your grandparents dropped you off at school.
This means that they took you to school, and then once you got to school, they would say goodbye to you and they would leave.
So: " drop off" means you take someone to a place, and then you leave them there.
You'll also notice. . .
So, I have here the verb and the preposition.
" Frank" is a name of a person and it's in the middle of " drop" and " off" .
So, these two are not together.
We drop somebody off at the airport.
So, sometimes with phrasal verbs. . .
For some phrasal verbs you actually separate them, and you can put the names of somebody between them; for other ones you can't do that.
For this one: " drop off" , you put the name between the two. . .
Between the verb and the preposition.
So, now let's look at another example of a common phrasal verb.
" See off" .
"送行" 。
So, again, we have " off" in both of these.
" See off" is when. . .
It's similar to " drop off" , but it's a little bit different.
Sometimes your family or your friends are going away for a long time, maybe they're going on a vacation or a trip, so you want to " see them off" .
It means you want to say goodbye to them at the airport, at the train station, maybe at their house.
So, it's that goodbye you say before somebody goes off on a vacation.
So, for example: " We see Frank off." Frank is going to Australia, so we go to the airport because we want to say goodbye to Frank, so: " We see Frank off" is another way to say: " We say goodbye to Frank when he goes on his trip." All right, so now let's look at. . .
Oh, and again, similar to " drop off" , notice where " Frank" is.
" We see Frank off." , " Frank" is between the verb and the preposition.
So, we see somebody off.
" We see our mother off." , " We see our father off." , " We see our friend off." So, this is the way you use this phrasal verb.
Now, let's look at some other phrasal verbs that have to do with travel.
Okay, so our next phrasal verb is very important when we're talking about the airport.
So, if you've ever been on an airplane, you should know this word: " take off" .
So, the meaning of " take off" is this is when the airplane leaves the airport and flies away.
So, if this is the airplane, it takes off.
It's the opposite of " lands" .
So: " takes off" means the airplane goes up into the sky.
So, an example of this is very simple: " The plane takes off." Okay?
" The plane takes off at 7 o'clock." Again, " takes" and " off" are together, so there's nothing separating them.
All right, what's another important phrasal verb?
We also have: " Get in" .
我们还有:"进入" 。
So, this also has to do with the airplane.
This is when the plane arrives at the airport.
" . . . on an airport" , " plane arrives" , sorry.
" ...在机场","飞机到达",对不起。
The plane arrives at an airport.
So, for example: " Frank's plane gets in at 9 pm." We can also use this for a person.
When you say: " Frank gets in at 9 pm" , it pretty much means arrives.
So: " Frank gets in at 9 pm." , " Frank's airplane gets in at 9 pm." We can also use this for train: " Frank's train gets in at 9 pm." So, it means arrives.
And we use it a lot when we talk about transportation, like planes and trains. Okay. The next one: " Check in" .
当我们谈论交通时,我们经常使用它,比如飞机和火车。好。下一个:" 签到" 。
" Check in" and " Check out" .
These are very important for when you stay at a hotel or a hostile.
So, when you check in, this means you register at the hotel.
So, for example, I want to stay at a hotel, I want to sleep at the hotel, I go to the hotel and there's somebody at the front desk, and what do I say to them?
I say: " I would like to check in." " Frank checks in." , " Frank checks in to the hotel." So, this means Frank goes into the hotel, and he tells them: " I'm here. I want a bed. I check in." Now, the opposite of this is " Check out" .
我说:"我想办理登机手续。"弗兰克入住了。"弗兰克入住了酒店。所以,这意味着弗兰克走进酒店,他告诉他们:"我在这里。我想要一张床。我办理了入住手续。现在,与此相反的是" 退房" 。
This is when you leave the hotel, and you pay them the money for your stay there.
这是你离开酒店的时候,你付给他们钱, 你在那里住的。
So, maybe you go to the hotel for five days, when you leave the hotel and you pay the money for those five days, that's when you check out.
So, we can say: " Frank checks out." Now, let's look at a couple more phrasal verbs.
Okay, so our next phrasal verb is: " set out" .
好吧,所以我们的下一个短语动词是:"set out"。
" Set out" .
"出发" 。
So, what does it mean?
When you set out it means you start. . .
So, key word here is " start" .
A journey, or you sometimes start a road trip.
So, it's the beginning of usually a journey or a trip.
So, for example, imagine Frank, he's at the hotel and he wants to go on an adventure, he wants to explore.
Maybe he's. . .
I said he was in Australia, maybe he's in Sydney, Australia, and he wants to explore Sydney, so we can say: " Frank set out early to explore." This means that Frank starts his journey early.
If you've ever gone on a road trip where you drove your car somewhere very far, you know, maybe you drove your car for three days to go somewhere, you can say: " Every day we set out early" or " we set out late" .
So this means we began our trip early or we began our trip late.
So, " set out" means to start a journey.
Okay, our last one, very important: " pick up" .
Okay, there's many different meanings of the word " pick up" .
You can pick up the phone, you can pick something up with your hand.
In this case it's a little bit different when we're talking about travel.
When we're talking about " pick up" here, we're talking about where you get someone from a place, and then you take them to another place.
So, for example, when Frank comes home, I will pick Frank up from the airport and take Frank home.
So it's where you. . .
Usually it's you're in a car, not always, but usually you pick somebody up with your car, and you take them somewhere else.
So, for example: " Michelle picks Frank up in her car." So, maybe at the airport, she drives to the airport, Frank's there from his long trip in Australia, and she picks him up.
Not literally, she doesn't lift him up. No. With her car, she takes him from the airport to his house. Okay. So, I'd like you to come visit our website at www. engvid. com, and there, you can actually do a quiz to practice all the words you learned today and the grammar in these words.
不是字面上的意思,她不会把他举起来。不。她用她的车把他从机场带到他家。好。所以,我希望你来访问我们的网站 www.engvid.com 在那里,你实际上可以做一个测验来练习你今天学到的所有单词和这些单词的语法。
So, I hope you check that out.
And until next time, take care.