时间:2022-05-05 13:33 | 分类: 句子大全 | 作者:火车头室内设计 | 评论: 次 | 点击: 次
1. 设计优美语句,有要求哦
我们永远是一家人 (303班同学毕业班会)
有缘,我们一定会重逢在阳光灿烂的明天~明天象是盒子里的巧克力糖,什么滋味无法想象.让我们为了美好的明天而努力吧 如果昨天可以重来我还希望和你作朋友,如果今天可以停止我希望停在欢笑的那时刻,如果明天可以预知,我希望有你在身旁.
2. 描写“设计师很努力”的唯美句子
这就是好的设计。有梦想,敢于实现梦想的人,才叫成功人 。
心中无敌,无敌于天下。 你对设计有激情、有梦想,这就是一个好的开始。
3. 优美的说明文句子
4. 描写“设计师很努力”的唯美句子
1. 设计师像拥有马良一样的神笔,把一切事物栩栩如生的表现出来;可还有人说:设计师就像神仙下凡,用神力把纸上的东西表现出来!
2. 心有多大,舞台就有多大。
1. 用极简的线条勾勒出最具灵性的空间。
2. 创造未来,领选于时代潮流。
3. 设计就是空间、色彩、设计回归本位。
4. 因生活而设计,因设计而美好。
5. 设计源于生活,精彩的生活才会有出彩的设计效果。
6. 艺术是生活的升华,设计是艺术的呈现。
7. 好的设计师本身就应该是一位艺术家,他们该具有开启人们对美的想象的能力。
8. 用心观察生活,感悟人生真谛,让设计与生活互动。
9. 不想做总工的设计师,不是好设计师。
10. 一个好的设计应该是让我进去几乎是看不见任何造型,但是又能强烈的感觉到你所要表达的思想。这就是好的设计。
11. 有梦想,敢于实现梦想的人,才叫成功人 。
12. 心中无敌,无敌于天下。
13. 你对设计有激情、有梦想,这就是一个好的开始。
14. 世界不会因为我们其中一个而停止,但是我们却可以做到世界因设计师而更加美丽。
15. 你是什么样的设计师,你就能签下什么样的单。
5. 关于“设计”的句子有哪些
1. 爱情是需要创意和设计的;婚姻是需要经营和管理的.——金星
2. 设计是自由的意志;设计是精神的构筑;设计是天才的肆意;——戴帆(设计鬼才)《摧毁》
3. 用语言表达设计是另一种设计行为——原研哉《设计中的设计》
4. 若你只想着设计,那你不会做出好设计。
5. 用文字设计一场无人知晓的悲欢离合,送给素昧平生的你。——关东野客《我有故事你有酒吗》
6. 真正的设计不是设计出来的,是骨子里的气质。——前卫艺术大师戴帆《戴帆理论》
7. 我设计了一万种方式遇见你,却没设计一种方式留住你——《文字》
8. 上帝负责设计你的人生,我们负责设计你的外形。
9. 好的设计作品,是使人生活得更为幸福的设计作品。——马场未织《周末田舍生活》
10. 世界上设计的最好的迷宫,困住的是人的意识,不是人的身体——南派三叔《黄泉手记》
11. 设计一万种方式遇见你
12. 中国设计改变中国。——知名建筑设计师戴帆《戴帆名言》
13. 我设计好所有的情节 包括遇不到你——《亲爱的 未来见 解语之音》
14. 设计总不及天然。——张秋寒《没说出的告别,由风转达》
15. 运气是设计的残留物。——《前目的地》
6. 要有10个有说明方法的句子
1下定义:科技是人们心血的结晶 2打比方:雪是白色的精灵 3列数字:全世界平均每1秒钟有3个婴儿夭折 4作比较:暖国的雨,柔顺飘飞;朔方的雨,刚猛豪放
6对比:不少人看过象,都说象是很大的动物。其实还有比象大得多的动物,那就是鲸。 7列数据:最大的鲸有十六万公斤重,最小的也有两千公斤。我国捕获过一头四万公斤重的鲸,有十七米长,一条舌头就有十几头大肥猪那么重。 8分类别:鲸的种类很多,总的来说可以分为两大类:一类是须鲸,没有牙齿;一类是齿鲸,有锋利的牙齿。 9举例子:有一种号称“海中之虎”的虎鲸,有时好几十头结成一群,围住了一头三十多吨重的长须鲸,几个小时就把它吃光了。 10作诠释;鲸生活在海洋里,因为体形像鱼,许多人管它叫鲸鱼
7. 设计优美语句,有要求哦
我们永远是一家人 (303班同学毕业班会)同学们,大家好! 在中考来临之际,这是我们最后一次聚会了,天下无不散之筵席,希望大家不要伤感,化悲痛为力量,努力走好人生重要的一步________中考!在此,我预祝各位中考加油、中考顺利了! 有缘,我们一定会重逢在阳光灿烂的明天~明天象是盒子里的巧克力糖,什么滋味无法想象.让我们为了美好的明天而努力吧 如果昨天可以重来我还希望和你作朋友,如果今天可以停止我希望停在欢笑的那时刻,如果明天可以预知,我希望有你在身旁. ok,一切尽在不言中,忘不掉的是师生情。
让我们为了我们明天的明天,放飞梦想,共同拼搏吧! 相信大家吃了幸福之糖,从此生活会甜甜蜜蜜、开开心心!! 。
8. 含有说明方法的句子
1.石拱桥的桥洞成弧形,就像虹.( 打比方,可以使要说明的对象形象可感.) 2.唐朝的张嘉贞说它“制造奇特,人不知其所以为”.( 引用说明,可以增加文章的说服力 ) 3.赵州桥非常雄伟,全长50.82米,两端宽9.6米,中部略窄,宽9米.( 列数字,体现准确性 ) 4.永定河发水时,来势很猛,以前两岸河堤常被冲毁,但是这座桥却从没出过事,足见它的坚固.( 作比较,容易突出被说明对象的特点.) 5.这些石刻石狮子,有的母子相抱,有的交头接耳,有的像倾听水声,有的像注视行人,千态万状,惟妙惟肖.( 摹状貌,使被说明对象更具体,更形象.) 6.按屏的建造材料极其装饰的华丽程度,分为金屏、银屏、锦屏、画屏、石屏、木屏、竹屏等,因而在艺术上有雅俗之别,同时也显露了使用人不同的经济与文化水平.( 分类别,使读者明白屏的种类.) 7.苏州园林与北京的园林不同,极少使用彩绘.( 作比较,容易突出被说明对象的特点.) 8.记得童年与家人在庭院纳凉,母亲总要背诵唐人“银烛秋光冷画屏,轻罗小扇扑流萤”的诗句,其情境真够令人销魂的了.( 引用说明,可以增加文章的说服力 ) 9.苏州园林在每一个角落都注意图画美.阶砌旁栽几丛书带草.( 举例子 ,增加文章的可信度 ) 10.大拱的两肩上,各有两个小拱.这个创造性的设计,不但节约了石料,减轻了桥身的重量,而且在河水暴涨的时候,还可以增加桥洞的过水量,减轻洪水对桥身的冲击.同时,拱上加拱,桥身也更美观.( 作诠释,使读者明白这个设计的巧妙之处.) 11.我国的石拱桥几乎到处都有.这些桥大小不一,形式多样,有许多是惊人的杰作.其中最著名的当推河北省赵县的赵州桥,还有北京丰台区的卢沟桥.( 举例子,既增加了文章的可信度,又使文章血肉丰满.) 12.太和殿俗称金銮殿,高28米,面积2380多平方米,是故宫最大的殿堂.( 列数字,体现准确性 )。
GNU金秋 | 无问东西,意在而形隐
"What kind of modern definition should we grant to an enterprise club?
Nowadays, the experienced business owners who have seen the world will not be easily overwhelmed by the functional settings and aesthetic conventions of the past. So what will do instead is a space with complete functions, more diversified sense experiences, luxurious hotel management and more communicative attributes.
Through the unique furniture, soft furnishings and original artworks with an international aesthetic vision, the space will unveil the business owners' lifestyles, help them become key opinion leaders and generate wider cooperation stickiness within the circle."
Guangzhou Donghuan Vanke Center is a detached office building located in Panyu, Guangzhou. The developer, Guangzhou Vanke Real Estate, has tried to build a new soul for the office influence, by incorporating the social concept of the "immersive boutique hotel" into its pioneering construction concepts, and serving the enterprises in the club with multiple value attributes.
GNU, an excellent force in the design industry, is responsible for the soft furnishing design of the club and part of its interior finish design and optimization. By following the elegance positioning of the project, in combination with Guangzhou's attributes of being the "fashionable city with traditional humanities", GNU tries to cover the Italian classic concepts with the oriental artistic ones, to create a club with dual qualities of prosperity and tranquility.
Refreshing Italian classics
The soft furnishing of the club is inspired by the essence of the Bulgari Hotel: a subdued black and brown color as the main tone, complemented by the iconic orange and brown of the Bulgari Hotel, and partly decorated with the Bulgari jewelry green. In the collision of aristocratic tones and textured furnishings, the club presents the essence of the Bulgari Hotel, that is, the haunting elegance and refinement of the Italian living.
设计师致力在空间中升华万科品牌精神,接待大堂以城市景观为灵感创作的木雕艺术品,出自荷兰艺术家 James McNabb之手,木雕图形为广州地标建筑及万科地产代表性建筑,通过庞大的体积、精巧的细节体现万科“见天,见地,见世界”的品牌内核与深度。
The designer is committed to glorifying the Vanke spirits in the space. The lobby is featured with a piece of cityscape wood carvings made by Dutch artist James McNabb. Themed with the landmark building of Guangzhou and that of Vanke Real Estate, the carving reflects Vanke's core philosophy of "Seeing the World, Seeing beyond the World" through its giant size and exquisite details.
The overall low-key tone of black and brown restores the Italian style of luxury and aristocracy, while the interspersed red, the finishing touch of the colors, integrates into the space the aesthetic of retro and vibrant qualities. Both its furniture size and the color scale are designed to gain an aristocratic and comfortable experience or impression with the low-key, textured design.
Intending to create a rich but delicate experience in the minimalist tone, GNU seeks to relax people of it in behaviors, emotions and feelings through the intervention of soft furnishings, so that they could really be immersed in the slow life style of the Italian way to enjoy the pleasures of life. So the colors, materials and accessories are all chosen in line with the Italian context: While the classic Italian materials such as velvet, marble and leather are used to create a sense of texture, the colors of Bulgari jewelry green, Chinese red and bright orange are applied to sublimate the artistic level and atmosphere, against a background of quiet elegance, vividly presenting a sense of rituals in the exquisite living scene.
The underground is an area where multiple social modes strongly interact with each other, including meetings, wine tastings, doing fitness, doing spa, swimming etc. ..., all of which are intertwined with a variety of different lifestyles here. However, the designer has his own designing ideas about rules and regulations. In terms of furniture selection, accessories decoration and overall coloring, he maintains the style of the first floor here, keeping the low-key elegance and quietness as the basic tone, and being interspersed with the bright orange to form the highlights of the space, so that a sense of warmth and intimacy could be added in this way.
As for the water bar, the lounge and the billiard room, no clear boundaries are set up between them, because the designer hopes to create a free social setting, which keeps the three areas not only connected with but independent from each other. That's why the separation of the areas is achieved not through the form, but mostly through the layering of colors instead to create a psychological experience of changes, so that the whole context of harmony could be shaped and felt.
Inheriting Oriental Elegance
Different from the luxury of the first floor and the underground, the focus of the third floor is on exploring the humanistic power of returning to the true nature. An original work by the artist Xie Aige, the artwork "Lightness" of the lift lobby, is derived from a very important thinking in Chinese history --- handling complicated matters with ease. Through the superimposition of bubbles, people, balloons and toy dogs stacked upwards, the work forms a striking contrast between real and imaginary objects, leading to infinite imagination of its artistic conception.
The President's space is designed by GNU for both interior finish and soft furnishings. The designer has created an oriental style that is both neat and restrained, attempting to show the space aesthetics of "explicit intention in implicit forms". The large, elegant wood veneer and the orderly lines of the space lay out a modern oriental tone, corresponding with the modern stylish but simple desks and chairs. Where the contemporary aesthetics and oriental culture merge into each other, a new aura of importance is formed in a refreshing manner.
The President's parlor looks neat and symmetrical to vividly depict the oriental style of rituals. The coloring of warm amber, with its intrinsic depth, creates an elegant and relaxing psychological experience, while an ink-painting decorative screen, with its oriental artistic conception, shows a warm perceptual beauty little by little...
Plainly painted, the President's lounge is colored with a restrained gentleness to define a gentleman's elegance in a low key manner. An expert at taking materials from nature who is inspired by the natural sceneries, GNU adopts the rustic wood and elegant upholstery to set up a restful atmosphere in a tranquil retreat. On the other hand, the lush greenery outside forms a three-dimensional decorative painting of the space, where art and life are interrelated and satisfied with each other, creating a broader spiritual experience.
The natural texture of the log has the magic of relaxing oneself in an instant. The room full of rustic logs, paired with an abstract painting, incorporates a light, Zen-like oriental taste into the space, creating a quiet, slow lifestyle far away from the hustle and bustle of the city life.
Based on the idea of "going back to basics", the tea table takes materials from nature and blends the rock and wood harmoniously, so that a Zen-like, simple and comfortable environment could come into being with the natural texture, touch and colors of the materials.
The aisle to the hotpot hall is made of black mirrors around the room, various reflections in it creating a dreaming starry night... Its inspiration comes from 'A Midsummer Night's Dream': a starry night, a vast expanse of sage swaying in the wind, swarms of fireflies flying over the tips of the grass --- all seem to freeze the flowing moment into a romantic picture. Through placing the poetry of nature above the aesthetics of the space, the designer aims to activate a more vibrant enjoyment of senses with the nourishment of nature.
On the wall of the hotpot hall hangs a painting by the early abstract art artist Conrad Marca-Relli. His use of dazzling red injects evident enthusiasm and infectious energy into the elegance and tranquility of the space.
The private banquet hall, which can accommodate up to 15 guests at a time, includes a karaoke bar, washrooms, guest rooms and other rooms. Fully equipped for social functions, the hall has a particularly wide vision, making nature part of the space, so that guests could enjoy the changing weather at a 270° degree view.
Project Name:Guangzhou Donghuan Vanke Center Club
Location:Panyu Guangzhou China
Project Client:Guangzhou Vanke
Client Team:Xu Xiaoyu、Huang Wensi
Decoration Design&Execution:GNU Design
Decoration Cost:¥2700/㎡
Project Area:1230㎡
Design Date:May,2021
Completion Date:November,2021
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