
时间:2022-05-10 11:26 | 分类: 句子大全 | 作者:连环画PP | 评论: 次 | 点击:



1:There was a smell of coffee pervading the atmosphere. 空气里弥漫着咖啡的香味。

2:I'd like some coffee with a laced brandy. 我想喝一点加少量白兰地的咖啡。

3:I have coffee after dinner, as is my usual practice. 我饭后喝咖啡,这是我的习惯。

4:Here, have some coffee on me. 来,我请你喝咖啡关于咖啡的英文句子 16句关于咖啡的英文句子 16句。

5:He used to have a cup of coffee preparatory to his work. 在工作之前,他总要喝上一杯咖啡。


Flavor 【风味】





































起源 Coffee is a brewed beverage prepared from roasted seeds, commonly called coffee beans, of the coffee plant. They are seeds of "coffee cherries" that grow on trees in over 70 countries. It has been said that green coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world behind crude oil.Due to its caffeine content, coffee can have a stimulating effect in humans. Today, coffee is one of the most popular beverages worldwide.It is thought that the energizing effect of the coffee bean plant was first recognized in the south west of Ethiopia, and the cultivation of coffee expanded in the Arab world.The earliest credible evidence of coffee drinking appears in the middle of the fifteenth century, in the Sufi monasteries of the Yemen in southern Arabia. From the Muslim world, coffee spread to Italy, then to the rest of Europe, to Indonesia, and to the Americas.Coffee berries, which contain the coffee bean, are produced by several species of small evergreen bush of the genus Coffea. The two most commonly grown species are Coffea canephora (also known as Coffea robusta) and Coffea arabica; less popular species are liberica, excelsa, stenophylla, mauritiana, racemosa. These are cultivated primarily in Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Africa. Once ripe, coffee berries are picked, processed, and dried. The seeds are then roasted, undergoing several physical and chemical changes. They are roasted to varying degrees, depending on the desired flavour. They are then ground and brewed to create coffee. Coffee can be prepared and presented in a variety of ways.Coffee has played an important role in many societies throughout history. In Africa and Yemen, it was used in religious ceremonies. As a result, the Ethiopian Church banned its secular consumption until the reign of Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia.It was banned in Ottoman Turkey in the 17th century for political reasons,and was associated with rebellious political activities in Europe.Coffee is an important export commodity. In 2004, coffee was the top agricultural export for 12 countries, and in 2005, it was the world's seventh-largest legal agricultural export by value.Some controversy is associated with coffee cultivation and its impact on the environment. Many studies have examined the relationship between coffee consumption and certain medical conditions; whether the overall effects of coffee are positive or negative is still disputed.The term coffee was introduced to Europe by the Ottoman Turkish kahve, which is, in turn, derived from the Arabic: قهوة‎, qahweh.The origin of the Arabic term is derived either from the name of the Kaffa region in western Ethiopia, where coffee was cultivated, or by a truncation of qahwat al-būnn, meaning "wine of the bean" in Arabic. The English word coffee first came to be used in the early to mid-1600s, but early forms of the word date to the last decade of the 1500s. In Ethiopia's neighbor Eritrea, "būnn" (also meaning "wine of the bean" in Tigrinya) is used. The Amharic and Afan Oromo name for coffee is bunna.品种 Americano: A single shot of espresso with about 7 ounces of hot water added to the mix. The name for this coffee drink stemmed from an insult to 'uncouth' Americans who weren't up to drinking full espressos.A Shot in the Dark: See 'Hammerhead'.Black coffee: A drip brew, percolated or French press style coffee served straight, with no milk.Cafe au Lait: Similar to Caffe Latte, except that an au lait is made with brewed coffee instead of espresso. Additionally, the ratio of milk to coffee is 1:1, making for a much less intense taste.Cafe Breva: A cappuccino made with half and half milk, instead of whole milk. The theory is that the mix gives a richer, creamier flavor. You should be aware, before trying this for yourself, that half and half is much harder to foam.Caffe Latte: Essentially, a single shot of espresso in steamed (not frothed) milk. The ratio of milk to coffee should be about 3:1, but you should be aware that latte in Italian means 'milk', so be careful ordering one when in Rome.Cafe Macchiato: A shot of espresso with steamed milk added. The ratio of coffee to milk is approximately 4:1.Cappuccino: Usually equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and frothed milk, often with cinnamon or flaked chocolate sprinkled on top. Some coffee shops will add more milk than that so that the customer will get a bigger drink out of the deal, but that makes the coffee itself far weaker. Click here for how to make Cappuccino Double, or Double Shot: Just as it sounds, this is two shots of espresso mixed in with the regular amount of additional ingredients. So, for example, if 。


The history of coffee is as rich as the brew itself, dating back more than a thousand years. The first coffee plants are said to have come from the Horn of Africa on the shores of the Red Sea. Originally, coffee beans were taken as a food and not as a beverage. East African tribes would grind the coffee cherries together, mixing the results into a paste with animal fat. Rolled into little balls, the mixture was said to give warriors much-needed energy for battle. Later, around the year 1000 AD, Ethiopians concocted a type of wine from coffee berries, fermenting the dried beans in water. Coffee also grew naturally on the Arabian Peninsula, and it was there, during the 11th century that coffee was first developed into a hot drink.。


1 南美洲 【哥伦比亚(Colombia)】 是世界第二大咖啡生产国,年产量约占全球的12%,虽然远低於第一名巴西的30%到35%,却大部分都是高品质的高山水洗豆。

哥伦比亚中部被南北纵向的三条山脉分割成数块谷地,其中中央和东边的山脉正是咖啡的主要产区。此地咖啡用集散的市场来命名,在中央山脉的有美得林(Medellin)、阿曼尼亚 (Armenia)和马尼札雷斯(Manizales),而在东边山脉较有名的有波哥大(Bogota,首都)和布卡拉艋 (Bucaramanga)。

其中中央山脉最有名的美得林,有着厚重的质感、丰富的香味和平衡优美的酸味,阿曼尼亚和马尼札雷斯则没那麽好,但在市场上这三种会被看做是同一类豆子来流通,称做「MAM」。如果你买到一袋MAM,表示袋子里可能是这三种豆子中的任一种,它具有和美得林类似的质感与香味,却没有那麽酸;至於布卡拉艋 ,则有点苏门答腊的特性,质感浓稠,滋味丰富,酸味微弱。

依颗粒的大小分级,最高等的哥伦比亚豆为「顶级」(Supremo),次一等的则叫「特优级」(Extra),不过在市场上这两级常常被泛称为同一等级,叫做特高级(Excelso)。 最好的哥伦比亚豆和哥斯大黎加或夏威夷可那豆类似,是一种没有极端的咖啡,质感浓郁,却不如苏门答腊浓;香味丰富,却不如最好的牙买加高山香;酸味明显,却不如安提瓜酸。

它常带一种焦糖似的甘美味,类似布丁的芬芳,闻起来缺乏酸酸的果香,令人联想到牛奶煎饼的气味;用来调配综合咖啡也十分适合。 七十年代以来,在哥国政府的全力推动之下,许多老树被产量高的新树种所取代,可惜评论家认为新种咖啡较旧种温和普通,品质已经大不如前了。

【委内瑞拉(Venezuela)】 委内瑞拉的咖啡产量不高,大部分供应国内消费。虽然委内瑞拉咖啡主要产自西部接近哥伦比亚的地区,但是它的酸味非常弱,一点也不像哥伦比亚豆,反而比较像加勒比豆般甜而深沉。

【秘鲁(Peru)】 水洗的秘鲁豆,以中部的婵茶玛悠(Chanchamayo)与南部的库斯科(Cuzco)最着名,另外北部也有一些不错的有机咖啡。秘鲁豆有柔和到锐利的酸味,单薄到中等的质感,滋味与香气颇佳,是很好的综合品成份。

【巴西(Brazil)】 虽然巴西咖啡年产量达全球的30到35%,占世界第一位,但没有一种巴西豆称得上是顶级的咖啡。满山遍野的咖啡树,分布在巴西的南部,可是搬得上台面的,却只有「山多士」(Santos)一种;其他草率处理的豆子,大部分都拿来做即溶咖啡和易开罐咖啡。

山多士咖啡生长在圣保罗(Sao Paulo)一带,以出口港山多士为名,是十八世纪由布邦岛(Island of Bourbon,今天的法属留尼旺岛,位於马达加斯加岛东边的印度洋中)传来的阿拉比卡树后裔,属於布邦亚种(var. Bourbon)。在树龄三到四岁以前,布邦咖啡树结的是小而扭曲的豆子,称为「布邦山多士」,这是最高级的巴西豆,通常在咖啡馆里直接被叫做「巴西」。

三四岁以后,布邦咖啡树只会结出又大又平的豆子,称做「平豆山多士」(Flat Bean Santos),价格便宜,不受咖啡族青睐。 布邦山多士没有突出的个性,滋味平平,质感中等,酸味普通,通常当做综合咖啡的基底,专门衬托别的咖啡。

不过它倒有一个特色,就是含油丰富,这对不喜欢用罗布斯塔豆来调配Espresso综合品的人来说,是一项令人欢迎的优点--它保证给你厚厚的克丽玛。 巴西还有一种「里约」豆(Rio),由里约热内卢(Rio de Janeiro)输出,也很有名,不过它的名不是因为好喝,而是因为怪味。

它有一股浓烈攻鼻的碘味,咖啡专家们特别把这类臭味叫做「里约碘味」(Rio);另外一个和里约豆有关的不名誉字眼,用来形容一种尝起来有点刺激性的药味,称为「里约味」(Rioy),是由在树上乾燥的咖啡浆果在乾燥过程中持续发酵所造成的,常常可在乾燥处理的里约豆中发现。 2 拉美中美加勒比海 【牙买加(Jamaica)】 提到牙买加,我们马上听想到「蓝山」(Blue Mountain)咖啡。

稀有昂贵的真蓝山豆,原产自华伦福(Wallensford)咖啡园,但现在产地已扩充到附近海拨一千公尺以上的蓝山山区,只要庄园的树种和处理程序合乎一定标准,政府就会颁发保证书,准许使用「蓝山」这个名称。 它曾经是咖啡神话的主角,可惜许多人认为传说中的特性--丰富的芳香、完整的质感,与均匀适口的酸味完美结合--已经不再,十五年前还有的美好酸味,如今只能在回忆里找寻了。

尽管如此,它的价格还是水涨船高,在台湾,有保证书的生豆零售价每公斤通常要2000元以上;在普遍使用麻袋包装的生豆市场中,坚持用圆桶包装的蓝山豆格外显示它的身价不凡。 「牙买加高山」(Jamaica High Mountain)指的是在岛上其他低於一千公尺的山地所产的咖啡豆,品质比较普通,具有温和的质感与酸味。

至於「综合蓝山」(Blue Mountain Blend)或「蓝山式」咖啡(Blue Mountain Style),通常是用好的哥伦比亚豆为主来调制的综合品,意在模仿蓝山的味道,和牙买加没有绝对的关系,你不会在蓝山式咖啡里面找到任何一颗真蓝山豆。 【多明尼加共和国(Dominican Republic)】 多明尼加共和国出产的豆子通常被叫做「圣多明哥」(。







1、I won’t let her go without a fight! 我不会轻易放过她的

2、It could happen to anyone./ It happens to anybody./ That happens. 谁都可能会遇到这种情况

3、I’m a laundry virgin.我从未洗过衣服(注意virgin的用法,体会老美说话之鲜活)

4、I hear you. 我知道你要说什么。/ 我懂你的意思了

5、Nothing to see here!这里没什么好看的/看什么看!

6、Hello? Were we at the same table? 有没有搞错?(注意hello的用法,用疑问语气表示“有没有搞错?”)

7、You are so sweet/ that’s so sweet. 你真好。

8、I think it works for me. (work为口语中极其重要的小词)

9、Rachel, you are out of my league(等级,范畴). 你跟我不是同一类人

10、You are so cute. 你真好/真可爱


11、Given your situation, the options with the greatest chances for

success would be surrogacy. (given表示考虑到的意思;非常简洁好用)

12、Let’s get the exam rolling. 现在开始考试了( get……rolling的用法)

13、Why don’t we give this a try?我们为何不试一下呢

14、Bravo on the hot nanny!为那个性感的保姆喝彩!/赞一下那个性感的保姆!(重点是brave on sth/sb这个句型,表示为……喝彩/赞叹的意思)

15、My way or the highway.不听我的就滚蛋!(很漂亮的习语,压后韵)

16、I planned to go there but something just came up.我本想去那的,但突然有点事情(注意something just came up这个搭配)

17、That’s not the point.这不是关键/问题所在

18、(If) he shows up, we stick with him. 他一出现,我们就跟着他走(着重比较书面英语和标准的口语,表条件的if可以省略)

19、My life flashes before my eyes. 我的过往在我眼前浮现。

20、 I have no idea what you have said不知道你在说什么(I don’t have the slightest idea……)“我不知道”不要总说I don’t know,太土了,可以说I have no idea或者I don’t have a clue……

21、Just follow my lead. 听我指挥好了。

22、Good for you!你真不错/好!(老友记中极其常见的赞扬、表扬句型)

23、Let me put it this way, we’re having sex whether you’re here or not. (主要是前半句中put的用法,这里put等于say;极其标准的口语说法)

24、The more I worried about it, the more I couldn’t sleep.(the more……the more……越什么……就什么……;多学点这样的句型举一反三不论对口语还是写作都有帮助)

25、We’re more than happy to give you recommendations.(more han happy等于非常高兴)

26、Rachel, Can you pass me the TV guide? 能把电视报递给我吗?(非常实用的口语句型,叫别人递东西可以引用)

27、Not that it’s your business, but we did go out. (倒不是……不过……典型的绕弯子式美国思维模式)

28、We have to cut our trip short! 我们不得不中断旅行.(cut sth short打断话语;中断某事;)

29、This party stinks/ sucks! (sth sucks意思是什么事情很糟糕)

30、You do the math.你自己来算一下

31、I’m with you 我同意你的观点

32、I was/will be there for you.我支持(过)你!(还记得老友记主题曲最后一句吗)

33、I’m all yours!我全听你的

34、I’ll take care of it. 我会搞定的

35、I would like to propose a toast.(英美电影宴会婚礼场景经典句型;提议为什么事情举杯祝福时用:)

36、Lucky me! 我真走运/幸运!(诺丁山里面出现)

37、Storage rooms give me creeps. 储藏室让我全身冒鸡皮疙瘩。

38、What is with that guy? 那个家伙到底怎么了?

39、Plus, I’m gonna take you out a lot for free dinner. (plus除此之外)

40、we’ve talked about the relationship and stuff.(And stuff诸如此类)

41、Too bad we must return them. 很不幸,我们必须退还它们。(too bad开头来描述一件糟糕的事情)

42、Take my word for it. 相信我

43、Here’s to a lousy Christmas!(here’s to……为……而干杯)

44、I made a fool of myself.

45、To hell with that bitch! 让那婊子见鬼去吧!(咒骂别人的时候,to hell with)

46、The worst part is……最糟糕的是

47、I think I should give it a shot/go!我觉得应该尝试一下!

48、Now you tell me she’s not a knock-out! 你该不会说她不是个美人儿吧!

49、Be good!/be a man/be cool! 要听话/像个男人的样子/冷静点

50、Nice save!好扑救!/打圆场避免失态(来源于足球)

51、Man, you scared the shoot/crap out of me!你把我吓坏了! Beat the crap out of sb(crap等于shoot,不过要稍微文雅一些;)

52、You did it!你做到了!(或者还可以说I made it! 口语中要注意make, do等小词的运用)

53、Let’s make a deal!我们做笔交易吧。

54、That was close!/close one 好险

55、What if I had the guts to quit my job.(have the guts有种,有勇气)

56、How did it go with Ceria?和Ceria怎么样了?

57、How’s it going?/ how are you doing?你好

58、It’s not like (I did this on purpose).并不是……(又是典型的绕弯子式美国思维了!这句话还可以换成Not that I did this on purpose)

59、How come you are working here? 你怎么在这里工作?(how come=why)

60、I’ll fix it! 我去搞定!

61、Hats off to phoebe. I’d say that you’re a very good competitor. (hats off to向谁脱帽致敬)

62、How long has it been since (you had sex with your gf)? 有多久没做……

63、Forget it!/skip it!/I don’t wanna talk about this any more. 别提了

64、I mean it! 我是认真的!

65、I’m totally over her! 我早就忘了她了!

66、I’m gonna pay for it tonight. 今晚我要付出代价。

67、Where were we?刚才我们谈/做到哪里了?

68、Leave me alone! 别管我/别惹我

69、You have to pick your moments/timing. 你说话得选时机。

70、You started it!你先挑衅的(选自 The Incredibles)

71、Will he know what this is in reference to?他知道是谁打来的吗?

72、Make it three/two.再来一杯/份(和老外一起到酒吧,餐厅点同样东西时的经典用语,言简意赅)

73、That makes two of us. 所见略同

74、Two coffee to go. 两杯咖啡打包。

75、I was trying to reach you all night. 我找了你一晚上。

76、I was wondering/thinking if after work we could grab a cup of coffee?我在想……

77、You bet!当然

78、I’ve been through this!我有经验/我也经历过

79、Did it ever occur to you that I might be that stupid!

80、You really need to hate Julie’s guts.(hate sb’’s guts 恨透……)

81、What do you say I buy you a cup of coffee/we go take a walk? 我请你喝杯咖啡怎么样?(what do you say加从句,可用与征求别人意见)

82、Hold it! 打住!

83、Up yours! 去你的

84、I don’t have a clue!我不知道

85、Come on, cut it out! 别闹了~

86、You are nothing like us.你一点都不象我们。It’s nothing like

Hobbit/You guys, this cat is nothing like my grandma’s cat.(nothing like sth表示一点都不像)

87、If you want kids, then kids it is! 如果你想要孩子,那就要吧 Art it is/ two it is !!/ a hundred it is (名词加it is 表示一种不耐烦语气)

88、Mind if I see some identification? 介意我看看证件吗? Mind if I come downstairs with you?

89、It’s between Ross and me. 是我和ross之间的事情

90、I”ll give you a call if anything comes up.

91、I don”t give a/an damn / f*k / shoot / ass… 表示不在乎.

92、The judging stuff has taken a lot out of me.(take a lot out of sb=making sb tired)

93、I asked around. Word is, he deals primarily in arms. (Ocean Eleven)

94、I bet you 20 bucks I can get her to have breakfast with me?

95、Do not rush/push me. 别催我

96、Call it even. 扯平了

97、Not that I know of. 据我所知没有

98、Part of me thinks the kid’s right. 一方面我觉得这孩子没错but another part of me thinks...

99、You fall for it every time. 你每次都要上当

100、Thanks, man! I’m not really into sports.!/ I’m really not into guys.我不太喜欢体育


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