时间:2023-08-22 12:39 | 分类: 句子大全 | 作者:儒霓所思 | 评论: 次 | 点击: 次
新学年第二学期No. 312 生日祝福线上传 阿克同学快乐添,下面一起来看看本站小编儒霓所思给大家精心整理的文章说说,希望对您有帮助
新学年第二学期No. 312 生日祝福线上传 阿克同学快乐添
2023-07-10周一Cloudy 多云Friendship improves happiness, and abates misery, by doubling our joys, and piding our grief. 一Joseph Addison友谊增强幸福,减轻痛苦,因为它使我们的欢乐加倍,使我们的悲伤减半。—约瑟夫·艾迪生
Joseph Addison was an English essayist, poet, and Whig politician. He studied and taught at Oxford University and traveled to continental Europe for many years. With Steele, he co-authored the Gossip (1710) and The Spectator (1711). He is one of the great masters of English prose. He wrote the poem "The Expedition", the tragedy "Cato" and literary criticism.约瑟夫·艾迪生,英国散文家、诗人、辉格党政治家。曾在牛津大学求学和任教,并去欧洲大陆旅行多年。他与斯蒂尔合办《闲话报》(1710)和《旁观者》(1711)等刊物。为英国散文大师之一。写有诗篇《远征》、悲剧《卡托》以及文学评论文章等。
南无阿弥陀佛说Communicate on something pine
以柔克刚胜券握Overcome difficulty in a soft fight
迪斯尼园乐趣多Nice Disneyland full of fun realized
处事依法潇洒过Get on well with law to enjoy life
能力提高目标索Reach a goal for the ability inside
富贵吉祥胸怀阔Auspicious wealthy a broad mind
日常恩感暖心窝Touch heart greatly for being kind
慢条斯理笑承诺Use a steady state to promise smile
发奋努力好运落Luck will come if work hard to strive
温文尔雅阅览博Amiable attitude from reading wide
优秀成绩视野阔Top achievements can be foresight
事半功倍勇开拓Efforts half result double in surprise
7月10号周一记录2:自然分光无限 英语金句平安
7月10号周一记录4:雪山沙漠草原 幸福快乐永远
7月10号周一记录6:签名用笔豪放 身心愉悦舒畅
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