时间:2022-04-14 06:07 | 分类: 句子大全 | 作者:光村奇幻写作材料 | 评论: 次 | 点击: 次
1. 英语环保标语20条
保护环境,人人有则 人人为环保、环保为人人 人人关心环境质量 人人参与环境保护 珍惜资源 永续利用 保护环境光荣 污染环境可耻 依靠科技进步 促进环境保护 提高环境意识 保护美好家园 合理利用资源 保护生态平衡 促进经济持续发展 保护环境就是保护生产力 保护环境山河美 持续发展事业兴 别让可爱的生灵在我们这一代人手中消失 发展经济不能以牺牲环境为代价 环境保护是一项基本国策 建设项目必须依法进行环境影响评价 合理利用自然资源 防止环境污染和生态破坏 尊崇自然、敬畏生命 尊天重地、敬天爱人 判天地之美、析万物之理 环境保护,人人有责。
为了地球上的生命-拯救我们的海洋"。 保护蓝天碧水。
建设美丽的边疆,爱护我们的家园。 环境保护从我身边做起。
保护环境,造福人民。 保护环境就是保护我们自己。
保护水环境,节约水资源。 树立大环境意识,保护生态环境。
欣赏荒野、回归自然 青山清我目、流水静我耳 山中何所有?岑上多白云 水光山色与人亲,说不尽,无穷好 自然不可改良、生活可以选择 选择绿色生活、健康适度消费 只有一个地球、人类应该同舟共济 人类善待自然、就是善待自己 地球能满足人类的需要、但满足不了人类的贪婪 幸福生活不只在于丰衣足食,也在于碧水蓝天。 追求绿色时尚、走向绿色文明 The protection environment, everybody has then Everybody is the environmental protection, the environmental protection is an everybody Everybody cared about environment quality everybody participates in the environmental protection Treasures the resources to continue forever to use The protection environment honorable pollution environment is ignominious Dependence advance in technology promotion environmental protection Enhances the environmental awareness protection happy homeland Reasonably continues using the resources conservation ecological equilibrium promotion economy to develop The protection environment protects the productive forces The protection environment mountains and rivers beautifully continue to develop the enterprise to be popular Do not let the lovable life vanish in our this generation of person hand The development economy cannot take sacrifice the environment as a price The environmental protection is a basic national policy The items of basic construction must carry on the environmental effect appraisal legally Reasonably prevents the environmental pollution and the ecology destruction using the natural resource Venerates the nature, the awe life Reveres the day to be heavy, to respect the day spouse Sentences beauty the world, analyzes principle of the myriad things Environmental protection, everybody has a responsibility. - Saves our sea "for Earth's on life. Protection blue sky blue water. Develops beautiful border area, cherishes our homeland. The environmental protection starts from my side. The protection environment, benefits the people. The protection environment protects us. The protection water environment, saves the water resources. Acquires the macroenvironment consciousness, protects the ecological environment. Appreciates wilderness, the return nature The green hill is clear I item, the running water is static my ear In the mountain where has? On Cen multi- white clouds Water glare Shan Se and the human kiss, says endlessly, infinite is good May not improve, the life naturally may the choice green life, the health appropriate consumption Only then an Earth, the humanity should cross a river in a boat together The humanity handle kindlies the nature, is handle kindlies oneself The Earth could meet humanity's needs, but cannot satisfy humanity's greedy The happy life not only lies in having ample food and clothing, also lies in the blue water blue sky. Pursue green fashion, trend green civilization。
2. 求助:英语的环保口号的句子
环境保护 ◆提高全民族环保意识。
Awaken the whole nation to the importance of environmental protection. ◆中国已规定并修改了有关水、空气及固体垃圾污染的有关法律,为取得持续发展打下了基础。 China has stipulated and revised the relevant laws on water air and solid waste pollution, laying the foundation for achieving sustainable development. ◆保护地球环境-人类共有的家园。
Protect the earth's environment -- the homeland of all mankind. ◆保护环境识每个公民的责任与义务。 Protecting the environment is every citizen's responsibility and moral duty. ◆对环境问题的关注已经成为一种不可逆转的历史潮流。
The attention to environment issue has become an irreversible historical trend. ◆切实搞好生态环境建设。 Practical measures need to be taken to improve the environment. ◆工厂废气、污水排放到2000年底必须符合排放标准。
All factories must meet discharge standards by the end of 2000. ◆到2010年,我国可能制止城乡环境的恶化。 By 2010, our country expects to curb environmental deterioration in the cities and villages. ◆为了避免破坏西部环境,有必要对西部地区的经济开发与建设进行严格监督。
To avoid ruining the environment in the west, strict supervision of economic development and construction in the western areas is necessary. 环保专题 有关环境保护的国际合作必须充分考虑到发展中国家的特殊情况和需要。应该记住两点:第一,对许多发展中国家来说,贫困和落后是环境恶化的根本原因;因此必须在平等的基础上开展环境保护工作,以加强南北合作为前提建立一个有利于所有国家,尤其是发展中国家经济持续发展的新的国际经济秩序。
第二,对许多发展中国家来说,国内长期没有得到解决的环境问题,如沙漠化、水灾、旱灾、淡水的质量和供应等问题要比气候变化和臭氧层损耗这类全球性问题更为重要。 The special conditions and needs of the developing countries should be taken into full account in any international effort to cooperate on environmental protection. Two points should be kept in mind. First, to many developing countries, poverty and backwardness are the root cause of environmental degradation. Therefore, it is essential to put environmental protection on the basis of equality and , under the prerequisite of strengthening North-South cooperation, to establish a new international economic order conductive to the sustained economic development of all countries, developing countries in particular. Second, domestic environmental problems which have remained unresolved for a long period of time, such as desertification, floods and droughts and the quality and supply of fresh water, are more crucial to many developing countries than such global problems as climate change and ozone layer depletion. 历年世界环境日的主题 2002年 使地球充满生机(Give Earth A Chance) 2001年 世间万物,生命之网(Connect with the World Wide Web of Life) 2000年 2000环境千年----行动起来吧(2000 The Environment Millennium - Time to Act) 1999年 拯救地球就是拯救未来(Our Earth - Our Future - Just Save It!) 1998年 为了地球上的生命,拯救我们的海洋(For Life on Earth - Save Our Seas) 1997年 为了地球上的生命(For Life on Earth) 1996年 我们的地球.居住地.家园(Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home) 1995年 各国人民联合起来,创造更加美好的世界(We the Peoples: United for the Global Environment) 1994年 一个地球,一个家庭(One Earth One Family) 1993年 贫穷与环境----摆脱恶性循环(Poverty and the Environment - Breaking the Vicious Circle) 1992年 只有一个地球----一齐关心,共同分享(Only One Earth, Care and Share) 1991年 气候变化----需要全球合作(Climate Change. Need for Global Partnership) 1990年 儿童与环境(Children and the Environment) 1989年 警惕全球变暖(Global Warming; Global Warning) 1988年 保护环境、持续发展、公众参与(When People Put the Environment First, Development Will Last) 1987年 环境与居住(Environment and Shelter: More Than A Roof) 1986年 环境与和平(A Tree for Peace) 1985年 青年、人口、环境(Youth: Population and the Environment) 1984年 防止沙漠化(Desertification) 1983年 管理和处置有害废气物,防止酸雨污染和提高能源利用率(Managing and Disposing Hazardous Waste: Acid Rain and Energy) 1982年 纪念斯得哥尔摩人类环境会议10周年----提高环境意识(Ten Years After Stockholm (Renewal of Environmental Concerns)) 1981年 保护地下水和人类食物链,防止有毒化学品污染(Ground Water; Toxic Chemicals in Human Food Chains and Environmental Economics) 1980年 新的10年,新的挑战----没有破坏的发展(A New Challenge for the New Decade: Development Without 。
3. 用英语说的环保标语
2、保护环境是一项必须长期坚持的基本国策。 3、实施科教兴国与可持续发展战略。
4、1998年6月5日世界环境日主题是:"为了地坏上的生命-拯救我们的海洋"。 5、保护蓝天碧水。
6、建设美丽的边疆,爱护我们的家园。 7、加强环境宣传教育,提高全民环境意识。
8、保护环境是每一位公民应尽的责任。 9、环境保护从我身边做起。
10、保护环境,造福人民。 11、保护环境就是保护我们自己。
12、破坏环境,就是破坏我们赖以生存的家园。 13、土壤不能再生,防止土壤污染和沙化,减少水土流失。
14、环境与人类共存,资源开发与环境保护协调。 15、保护水环境,节约水资源。
16、保护戈壁植被,防止沙尘污染,保护大气环境。 17、树立大环境意识,保护生态环境。
1, the Environmental Protection is the responsibility of everyone. 2, the long-term protection of the environment is a must adhere to the basic national policy. 3, implementation strategy and the strategy of sustainable development. 4, June 5, 1998 World Environment Day theme : "To life, to bad-save our oceans." 5, the blue sky to protect the clean water. 6, building beautiful border, love our home. 7, strengthen environmental education and raising the people's environmental awareness. 8, the protection of the environment is the responsibility of every citizen. 9, from my side with environmental protection. 10, to protect the environment and benefit the people. 11, protecting the environment means protecting ourselves. 12, the destruction of the environment, is to undermine our existence homes. 13, soil, are not renewable, prevent soil pollution and desertification, and reduce soil erosion. 14, the environment and human coexistence, resource development and environmental protection coordination. 15, the protection of water environment, conservation of water resources. 16, protection Gobi vegetation to prevent sand dust pollution, the protection of the atmospheric environment. 17, a major environmental awareness and the protection of the ecological environment. 人人为环保、环保为人人 人人关心环境质量 人人参与环境保护 珍惜资源 永续利用 保护环境光荣 污染环境可耻 依靠科技进步 促进环境保护 提高环境意识 保护美好家园 合理利用资源 保护生态平衡 促进经济持续发展 保护环境就是保护生产力 保护环境山河美 持续发展事业兴 别让可爱的生灵在我们这一代人手中消失 发展经济不能以牺牲环境为代价 环境保护是一项基本国策 建设项目必须依法进行环境影响评价 合理利用自然资源 防止环境污染和生态破坏 尊崇自然、敬畏生命 尊天重地、敬天爱人 判天地之美、析万物之理 环境保护,人人有责。 为了地球上的生命-拯救我们的海洋"。
保护蓝天碧水。 建设美丽的边疆,爱护我们的家园。
环境保护从我身边做起。 保护环境,造福人民。
保护环境就是保护我们自己。 保护水环境,节约水资源。
树立大环境意识,保护生态环境。 欣赏荒野、回归自然 青山清我目、流水静我耳 山中何所有?岑上多白云 水光山色与人亲,说不尽,无穷好 自然不可改良、生活可以选择 选择绿色生活、健康适度消费 只有一个地球、人类应该同舟共济 人类善待自然、就是善待自己 地球能满足人类的需要、但满足不了人类的贪婪 幸福生活不只在于丰衣足食,也在于碧水蓝天。
追求绿色时尚、走向绿色文明 Everybody is the environmental protection, the environmental protection is an everybody Everybody cared about environment quality everybody participates in the environmental protection Treasures the resources to continue forever to use The protection environment honorable pollution environment is ignominious Dependence advance in technology promotion environmental protection Enhances the environmental awareness protection happy homeland Reasonably continues using the resources conservation ecological equilibrium promotion economy to develop The protection environment protects the productive forces The protection environment mountains and rivers beautifully continue to develop the enterprise to be popular Do not let the lovable life vanish in our this generation of person hand The development economy cannot take sacrifice the environment as a price The environmental protection is a basic national policy The items of basic construction must carry on the environmental effect appraisal legally Reasonably prevents the environmental pollution and the ecology destruction using the natural resource Venerates the nature, the awe life Reveres the day to be heavy, to respect the day spouse Sentences beauty the world, analyzes principle of the myriad things Environmental protection, everybody has a responsibility. - Saves our sea "for Earth's on life. Protection blue sky blue water. Develops beautiful border area, cherishes our 。
4. 求英语环保标语
Plant trees and grass, environmentally-friendly
Take a proactive role in waste reduction campaign, do a good job in the implementation of waste management;
Building green enterprises, green adhere to the operation;
Simple to obtain resources, utilization of resources into full;
Improve the system of environmental protection, responsibility for the implementation of environmental protection;
Cherish the sustainable use of resources, green environment purification of the mind
We love the earth bit by bit from the start;
Do not watch, to join the ranks of actors in environmental protection;
Economic development can not be at the expense of the environment;
Environmental and human co-existence, development and protection of synchronization;
Garbage is mixed own garbage, garbage classification of resources;
The production of green products to promote green living
Water - the source of human life
5. 求英文环保口号
Water is the source of life, environmental protection and benefit the people, save first. 水是生命之源,环保利民,节约先行
Home to our common survival, please act now, adding green to the test!为了我们共同生存的家园,请立即行动起来,加入绿色环保行动吧!
Protection of the environment, so the blue sky like Guanghui long stay in Baiyun Yong. 保护环境,让蓝天白云永驻 愿绿水青山长留。
6. 急
保护环境,人人有则 人人为环保、环保为人人 人人关心环境质量 人人参与环境保护 珍惜资源 永续利用 保护环境光荣 污染环境可耻 依靠科技进步 促进环境保护 提高环境意识 保护美好家园 合理利用资源 保护生态平衡 促进经济持续发展 保护环境就是保护生产力 保护环境山河美 持续发展事业兴 别让可爱的生灵在我们这一代人手中消失 发展经济不能以牺牲环境为代价 环境保护是一项基本国策 建设项目必须依法进行环境影响评价 合理利用自然资源 防止环境污染和生态破坏 尊崇自然、敬畏生命 尊天重地、敬天爱人 判天地之美、析万物之理 环境保护,人人有责。
为了地球上的生命-拯救我们的海洋"。 保护蓝天碧水。
建设美丽的边疆,爱护我们的家园。 环境保护从我身边做起。
保护环境,造福人民。 保护环境就是保护我们自己。
保护水环境,节约水资源。 树立大环境意识,保护生态环境。
欣赏荒野、回归自然 青山清我目、流水静我耳 山中何所有?岑上多白云 水光山色与人亲,说不尽,无穷好 自然不可改良、生活可以选择 选择绿色生活、健康适度消费 只有一个地球、人类应该同舟共济 人类善待自然、就是善待自己 地球能满足人类的需要、但满足不了人类的贪婪 幸福生活不只在于丰衣足食,也在于碧水蓝天。 追求绿色时尚、走向绿色文明The protection environment, everybody has then Everybody is the environmental protection, the environmental protection is an everybody Everybody cared about environment quality everybody participates in the environmental protection Treasures the resources to continue forever to use The protection environment honorable pollution environment is ignominious Dependence advance in technology promotion environmental protection Enhances the environmental awareness protection happy homeland Reasonably continues using the resources conservation ecological equilibrium promotion economy to develop The protection environment protects the productive forces The protection environment mountains and rivers beautifully continue to develop the enterprise to be popular Do not let the lovable life vanish in our this generation of person hand The development economy cannot take sacrifice the environment as a price The environmental protection is a basic national policy The items of basic construction must carry on the environmental effect appraisal legally Reasonably prevents the environmental pollution and the ecology destruction using the natural resource Venerates the nature, the awe life Reveres the day to be heavy, to respect the day spouse Sentences beauty the world, analyzes principle of the myriad things Environmental protection, everybody has a responsibility. - Saves our sea "for Earth's on life. Protection blue sky blue water. Develops beautiful border area, cherishes our homeland. The environmental protection starts from my side. The protection environment, benefits the people. The protection environment protects us. The protection water environment, saves the water resources. Acquires the macroenvironment consciousness, protects the ecological environment. Appreciates wilderness, the return nature The green hill is clear I item, the running water is static my ear In the mountain where has? On Cen multi- white clouds Water glare Shan Se and the human kiss, says endlessly, infinite is good May not improve, the life naturally may the choice green life, the health appropriate consumption Only then an Earth, the humanity should cross a river in a boat together The humanity handle kindlies the nature, is handle kindlies oneself The Earth could meet humanity's needs, but cannot satisfy humanity's greedy The happy life not only lies in having ample food and clothing, also lies in the blue water blue sky. Pursue green fashion, trend green civilization。
7. 一句环保标语,用英语
1. Keep our nature healthy, 'cause it will make us wealthy.
2. Reduce wastes and recycle them instead, put them with plants and they will be fed.
3. 保护地球环境-人类共有的家园。Protect the earth's environment -- the homeland of all mankind.
4. 保护环境识每个公民的责任与义务。Protecting the environment is every citizen's responsibility and moral duty.
5. 对环境问题的关注已经成为一种不可逆转的历史潮流。The attention to environment issue has become an irreversible historical trend.
6. 切实搞好生态环境建设。Practical measures need to be taken to improve the environment.
7. 使地球充满生机!Give Earth a Chance
8. 提高全民族环保意识。Awaken the whole nation to the importance of environmental protection.
9. Keep the environment clean, so it will stay green.
10. Global warming is so uncool!
11. Save our precious Earth!
12. 地球能满足人类的需要、但满足不了人类的贪婪.The earth can satisfy our needs but not our greeds.
13. 拯救地球就是拯救未来Save the earth save the future.
14. 为了地球上的生命,拯救我们的海洋For Life on Earth - Save Our Seas
15. 水-20亿人生命之所系!Water - Two Billion People are Dying for It!
16. Clean & live, or be lazy & die!
17. Our Earth is most precious
18. It's not my fault greenhouse gases hate earth!
19. It's everyone's duty to love and protect the environment.爱护和保护环境是每个人的责任和义务。
20. But some people don't care about it.但是有些人却不关心或不在意。
21. The most important question in the world today is pollution.当今世界最重要的话题就是污染问题。
22. The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less.适合人类喝的水是越来越少了。
23. Even worse, they pour dirty water in to rivers.更糟糕的是他们排放污水到河流里。
24. They waste a lot of water in their daily life.日常生活中他们浪费很多水。
25. Something must be done to stop the pollution.人类必须采取一些措施来制止污染。
8. 求英语环保标语
2、保护环境是一项必须长期坚持的基本国策。 3、实施科教兴国与可持续发展战略。
4、1998年6月5日世界环境日主题是:"为了地坏上的生命-拯救我们的海洋"。 5、保护蓝天碧水。
6、建设美丽的边疆,爱护我们的家园。 7、加强环境宣传教育,提高全民环境意识。
8、保护环境是每一位公民应尽的责任。 9、环境保护从我身边做起。
10、保护环境,造福人民。 11、保护环境就是保护我们自己。
12、破坏环境,就是破坏我们赖以生存的家园。 13、土壤不能再生,防止土壤污染和沙化,减少水土流失。
14、环境与人类共存,资源开发与环境保护协调。 15、保护水环境,节约水资源。
16、保护戈壁植被,防止沙尘污染,保护大气环境。 17、树立大环境意识,保护生态环境。
1, the Environmental Protection is the responsibility of everyone. 2, the long-term protection of the environment is a must adhere to the basic national policy. 3, implementation strategy and the strategy of sustainable development. 4, June 5, 1998 World Environment Day theme : "To life, to bad-save our oceans." 5, the blue sky to protect the clean water. 6, building beautiful border, love our home. 7, strengthen environmental education and raising the people's environmental awareness. 8, the protection of the environment is the responsibility of every citizen. 9, from my side with environmental protection. 10, to protect the environment and benefit the people. 11, protecting the environment means protecting ourselves. 12, the destruction of the environment, is to undermine our existence homes. 13, soil, are not renewable, prevent soil pollution and desertification, and reduce soil erosion. 14, the environment and human coexistence, resource development and environmental protection coordination. 15, the protection of water environment, conservation of water resources. 16, protection Gobi vegetation to prevent sand dust pollution, the protection of the atmospheric environment.。
9. 环保标语(中英文)
环保类提高环保意识 建设美好家园 保护环境 就是保护生产力 水-----20亿人生命之所系 既要金山银山 更要青山绿水环境保护,人人有责保护环境是一项必须长期坚持的基本国策 实施科教兴国与可持续发展战略 1998年6月5日世界环境日主题是:"为了地坏上的生命-拯救我们的海洋"保护蓝天碧水 建设美丽的边疆,爱护我们的家园加强环境宣传教育,提高全民环境意识 保护环境是每一位公民应尽的责任环境保护从我身边做起 保护环境,造福人民 保护环境就是保护我们自己 破坏环境,就是破坏我们赖以生存的家园土壤不能再生,防止土壤污染和沙化,减少水土流失 环境与人类共存,资源开发与环境保护协调 保护水环境,节约水资源保护戈壁植被,防止沙尘污染,保护大气环境提倡绿色生活 实施清洁生产 树立节水意识 反对浪费水源 提高环境道德水平 建设文明小康城区 保护环境 造福后代 全面建设小康社会 同心共创美好家园 当环保卫士 做时代公民 让大气清新、让天空蔚蓝、让河山碧绿 企业求发展 环保须先行 别让眼泪成为地球上的最后一滴水 提高环境保护意识 爱护我们共有家园 天蓝水清 地绿居佳 合理利用资源 保护生态平衡 环境保护是我国一项基本国策 全面建设小康社会 切实走可持续发展之路坚持科学发展观 树立科学资源观 清洁生产是企业的生命 节约和保护资源 走可持续发展道路 自觉遵守环保法律 加强企业污染治理 点滴做起 清洁生产保护环境 功盖千秋 破坏环境 祸及千古 草木无情皆愿翠 行人有情多爱惜 污染环境千夫指 保护环境万人颂 蓝天之下你我他 优美环境靠大家。
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