
时间:2022-04-18 12:34 | 分类: 句子大全 | 作者:刺猬读书 | 评论: 次 | 点击:



Pardon all but thyself. 宽恕一切人,只是别宽恕自己。

Pride goes before fall. 骄者必败。

Knowledge is no burden. 知识再多不压身.

Civility costs nothing. 礼貌不费分文.

Charity begins at home. 仁爱先施于亲友.

Better late than never. 迟做总比不做好.

Better leave than lack. 有余胜过不足.

Cheapest is the dearest. 最便宜的也就是最贵的.

Custom is second nature. 习惯是第二天性。/ 习惯成自然。

In valour there is hope. 希望在于勇敢.

Reason rules all things. 理智统治一切.

Learn young, learn fair. 学习趁年少,而且要学好.


元旦(1月1日)NewYear'sDay 春节(农历一月一日)theSpringFestival 元宵节(农历一月十五日)theLanternFestival 国际劳动妇女节(3月8日)InternationalWorkingWomen'sDay 植树节(3月12日)ArborDay 邮政节(3月20日)PostalDay 世界气象节(3月23日)WorldMeteorologyDay 清明节(4月5日)ChingMingFestival;Tomb-sweepingFestival 国际劳动节(5月1日)InternationalLabourDay 中国青年节(5月4日)ChineseYouthDay 护士节(5月12日)Nurses'Festival 端午节(农历五月初五)theDragonBoatFestival 国际儿童节(6月1日)InternationalChildren'sDay 中国共产党成立纪念日(7月1日)theParty'sBirthday 建军节(8月1日)theArmy'sDay 中秋节(农历八月十五)Mid-autumn(Moon)Festival 教师节(9月10日)Teachers'Day 重阳节(农历九月九日)Double-ninthDay 国庆节(10月1日)NationalDay 除夕(农历十二月三十日)NewYear'sEve 阳历节日1月1日元旦(New Year's Day)2月2日世界湿地日(World Wetlands Day)2月14日情人节(Valentine's Day)3月3日全国爱耳日3月5日青年志愿者服务日3月8日国际妇女节(International Women' Day)3月9日保护母亲河日3月12日中国植树节(China Arbor Day)3月14日白色情人节(White Day)3月14日国际警察日(International Policemen' Day)3月15日世界消费者权益日(World Consumer Right Day)3月21日世界森林日(World Forest Day)3月21日世界睡眠日(World Sleep Day)3月22日世界水日(World Water Day)3月23日世界气象日(World Meteorological Day)3月24日世界防治结核病日(World Tuberculosis Day)4月1日愚人节(April Fools' Day)4月5日清明节(Tomb-sweeping Day)4月7日世界卫生日(World Health Day)4月22日世界地球日(World Earth Day)4月26日世界知识产权日(World Intellectual Property Day)5月1日国际劳动节(International Labour Day)5月3日世界哮喘日(World Asthma Day)5月4日中国青年节(Chinese Youth Day)5月8日世界红十字日(World Red-Cross Day)5月12日国际护士节(International Nurse Day)5月15日国际家庭日(International Family Day)5月17日世界电信日(World Telecommunications Day)5月20日全国学生营养日5月23日国际牛奶日(International Milk Day)5月31日 世界无烟日(World No-Smoking Day)6月1日 国际儿童节(International Children's Day)6月5日世界环境日(International Environment Day)6月6日全国爱眼日6月17日世界防治荒漠化和干旱日(World Day to combat desertification)6月23日国际奥林匹克日(International Olympic Day)6月25日全国土地日6月26日国际禁毒日(International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking)7月1日中国共产党诞生日(Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party)7月1日国际建筑日(International Architecture Day)7月7日中国人民抗日战争纪念日7月11日世界人口日(World Population Day)8月1日中国人民解放军建军节(Army Day)8月12日国际青年节(International Youth Day)9月8日国际扫盲日(International Anti-illiteracy Day)9月10日中国教师节(Teacher's Day)9月16日中国脑健康日9月16日国际臭氧层保护日(International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer)9月20日全国爱牙日9月21日世界停火日(World Cease-fire Day)9月27日世界旅游日(World Tourism Day)10月1日中华人民共和国国庆节(National Day)10月1日国际音乐日(International Music Day)10月1日国际老年人日(International Day of Older Persons)10月4日世界动物日(World Animal Day)10月5日世界教师日(World Teachers' Day)(联合国教科文组织确立)10月8日全国高血压日10月9日世界邮政日(World Post Day)10月10日世界精神卫生日(World Mental Health Day)10月14日世界标准日(World Standards Day)10月15日国际盲人节(International Day of the Blind)10月15日世界农村妇女日(World Rural Women's Day)10月16日世界粮食日(World Food Day)10月17日国际消除贫困日(International Day for the Eradication of Poverty)10月24日联合国日(United Nations Day)10月24日世界发展新闻日(World Development Information Day) 10月28日中国男性健康日10月29日国际生物多样性日(International Biodiversity Day)10月31日万圣节(Halloween)11月8日中国记者节11月9日消防宣传日11月14日世界糖尿病日(World Diabetes Day)11月17日国际大学生节11月25日国际消除对妇女的暴力日(International Day For the elimination of Violence against Women)12月1日世界爱滋病日(World AIDS Day)12月3日世界残疾人日(World Disabled Day)12月4日全国法制宣传日12月9日世界足球日(World Football Day)12月25日圣诞节(Christmas Day)12月29日国际生物多样性日(International Biological Diversity Day)1月最后一个星期日国际麻风节3月最后一。


元旦(1月1日)NewYear'sDay春节(农历一月一日)theSpringFestival元宵节(农历一月十五日)theLanternFestival国际劳动妇女节(3月8日)InternationalWorkingWomen'sDay植树节(3月12日)ArborDay邮政节(3月20日)PostalDay世界气象节(3月23日)WorldMeteorologyDay清明节(4月5日)ChingMingFestival;Tomb-sweepingFestival国际劳动节(5月1日)InternationalLabourDay中国青年节(5月4日)ChineseYouthDay护士节(5月12日)Nurses'Festival端午节(农历五月初五)theDragonBoatFestival国际儿童节(6月1日)InternationalChildren'sDay中国共产党成立纪念日(7月1日)theParty'sBirthday建军节(8月1日)theArmy'sDay中秋节(农历八月十五)Mid-autumn(Moon)Festival教师节(9月10日)Teachers'Day重阳节(农历九月九日)Double-ninthDay国庆节(10月1日)NationalDay除夕(农历十二月三十日)NewYear'sEve阳历节日1月1日元旦(New Year's Day)2月2日世界湿地日(World Wetlands Day)2月14日情人节(Valentine's Day)3月3日全国爱耳日3月5日青年志愿者服务日3月8日国际妇女节(International Women' Day)3月9日保护母亲河日3月12日中国植树节(China Arbor Day)3月14日白色情人节(White Day)3月14日国际警察日(International Policemen' Day)3月15日世界消费者权益日(World Consumer Right Day)3月21日世界森林日(World Forest Day)3月21日世界睡眠日(World Sleep Day)3月22日世界水日(World Water Day)3月23日世界气象日(World Meteorological Day)3月24日世界防治结核病日(World Tuberculosis Day)4月1日愚人节(April Fools' Day)4月5日清明节(Tomb-sweeping Day)4月7日世界卫生日(World Health Day)4月22日世界地球日(World Earth Day)4月26日世界知识产权日(World Intellectual Property Day)5月1日国际劳动节(International Labour Day)5月3日世界哮喘日(World Asthma Day)5月4日中国青年节(Chinese Youth Day)5月8日世界红十字日(World Red-Cross Day)5月12日国际护士节(International Nurse Day)5月15日国际家庭日(International Family Day)5月17日世界电信日(World Telecommunications Day)5月20日全国学生营养日5月23日国际牛奶日(International Milk Day)5月31日 世界无烟日(World No-Smoking Day)6月1日 国际儿童节(International Children's Day)6月5日世界环境日(International Environment Day)6月6日全国爱眼日6月17日世界防治荒漠化和干旱日(World Day to combat desertification)6月23日国际奥林匹克日(International Olympic Day)6月25日全国土地日6月26日国际禁毒日(International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking)7月1日中国共产党诞生日(Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party)7月1日国际建筑日(International Architecture Day)7月7日中国人民抗日战争纪念日7月11日世界人口日(World Population Day)8月1日中国人民解放军建军节(Army Day)8月12日国际青年节(International Youth Day)9月8日国际扫盲日(International Anti-illiteracy Day)9月10日中国教师节(Teacher's Day)9月16日中国脑健康日9月16日国际臭氧层保护日(International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer)9月20日全国爱牙日9月21日世界停火日(World Cease-fire Day)9月27日世界旅游日(World Tourism Day)10月1日中华人民共和国国庆节(National Day)10月1日国际音乐日(International Music Day)10月1日国际老年人日(International Day of Older Persons)10月4日世界动物日(World Animal Day)10月5日世界教师日(World Teachers' Day)(联合国教科文组织确立)10月8日全国高血压日10月9日世界邮政日(World Post Day)10月10日世界精神卫生日(World Mental Health Day)10月14日世界标准日(World Standards Day)10月15日国际盲人节(International Day of the Blind)10月15日世界农村妇女日(World Rural Women's Day)10月16日世界粮食日(World Food Day)10月17日国际消除贫困日(International Day for the Eradication of Poverty)10月24日联合国日(United Nations Day)10月24日世界发展新闻日(World Development Information Day) 10月28日中国男性健康日10月29日国际生物多样性日(International Biodiversity Day)10月31日万圣节(Halloween)11月8日中国记者节11月9日消防宣传日11月14日世界糖尿病日(World Diabetes Day)11月17日国际大学生节11月25日国际消除对妇女的暴力日(International Day For the elimination of Violence against Women)12月1日世界爱滋病日(World AIDS Day)12月3日世界残疾人日(World Disabled Day)12月4日全国法制宣传日12月9日世界足球日(World Football Day)12月25日圣诞节(Christmas Day)12月29日国际生物多样性日(International Biological Diversity Day)1月最后一个星期日国际麻风节3月最后一个完整。

4.关于traditional food的英文句子10个

Tangyuan is the traditional food for the Lantern Festival or Yuanxiao Festival. The small dumpling balls are usually made of glutinous rice flour.

We call these balls yuanxiao or tangyuan. Obviously, they get the name from the festival itself. Made of sticky rice flour filled with sweet stuffing and round in shape, it symbolizes family unity, completeness and happiness.

The fillings inside the dumplings or yuanxiao are either sweet or salty. Sweet fillings are made of sugar, Walnuts, sesame, osmanthus flowers, rose petals, sweetened tangerine peel, bean paste, or jujube paste. A single ingredient or any combination can be used as the filling. The salty variety is filled with minced meat, vegetables or a mixture.


Neither is it merely in the phrase; for whereas it hath been well said, that the arch-flatterer, with whom all the petty flatterers have intelligence, is a man's self; certainly the lover is more. 而在其他场合,同样的词令只能招人耻笑。


来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 His inner tensions and some of his insecurities persist behind a deceptively casual facade of geniality,self-deprecation,easy humor and aphoristic conversational skill. 表面上他装得和蔼可亲,十分谦逊,轻松幽默,谈起话来满口警句,然而在这一切的背后,他的内心一直是紧张的,还是有些缺乏自信。 来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 We can go on from here with the words of Abraham Lincoln in our hearts: with malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right. 让我们用亚伯拉罕,林肯的一句名言继续下去:“对任何人不怀恶意,对一切人心存宽厚,按上帝的指引坚诗正义。”

来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 Take an American student or teacher aside later today and ask if he or she hasn't committed those words to memory. They are from the document by which we created our country, the Declaration of Independence. 散会以后,你们可以把这里的任何一位美国学生或教员拉到一旁,问问他能不能背诵这句出自美国建国文献《独立宣言》的名言。 来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 We can go on from here with the words of Abraham Lincoln in our hearts:"with malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right." 让我们用亚伯拉罕,林肯的一句名言继续下去:“对任何人不怀恶意,对一切人心存宽厚,按上帝的指引坚诗正义。”

来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 This famous line was repeated in the sequel,Terminator 2,when he tells his young charge," Stay here.I'll be back." 在续集《终结者ii》中,施瓦辛格向他保护的年轻人重复了这句名言:"就呆在这儿,我会回来的。 来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 In the Terminator,during the Terminator's(Arnold Schwarzenegger)mission,he delivers the oft-quoted,straight-faced line"I'll be back" to a desk clerk. 在《终结者》中,终结者(阿诺德·施瓦辛格饰)在执行任务时,面无表情地对一位接待员道出了那句名言:"我会回来的"。

来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 During my competitive gaming,one of my mottoes was "Sometimes you do your best and it doesn't matter,so there's no point in getting nervous." 我在打比赛的时候,我的警句之一就是:"发挥自己最佳实力就没问题,没有什么可紧张的。 来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 MR. CHEN: I noticed that the report used some classic quotes which included a quote by a famous ancient Chinese military thinker Sun Tzu. 陈:我注意到你的报告中引用了一些传统的格言,其中包括中国古代著名军事思想家孙子的名言。

来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 I have attempted also to write a series of literary epigrams under the general title "Cigar Ashes. 我也曾以“烟屑”为总题,试写一些文艺方面的警句。 来源:词友 最后更新:2007-04-24 收藏 编辑 历史 举报 更多相关短句 >> 技术合作:哈工大信息检索研究室。


1、There are many legends concerning the origins of Lantern Festival.关于元宵节的来历有很多传说。

2、In America, lavish4, extravagant3 gifts are definitely out. An appropriate alternate to a gift is to take the deserving person to dinner, or to an entertainment or sporting event. 在美国,赠送贵重的礼物是行不通的,比较合适的礼物是带上你要感谢的朋友去赴宴或参加娱乐体育活动。3、Jessica Alba epitomizes casual cool in her laid-back but lovely Tory Burch peacoat. The clean lines and structured shoulders make it a perfect choice to dress up a stylishly slouchy look.杰西卡·阿尔芭随性可爱的托里·伯奇厚呢短大衣凸显了她休闲的着装特点。

简洁的线条和挺拔的肩部设计,是懒散而又个性的最佳选择。4.灯谜:1. What month do soldiers hate?2. How many feet are there in a yard?3. Why is an empty purse always the same?4. What book has the most stirring chapters?5. What kind of dog doesn't bite or bark?6. What is the smallest room in the world?7. What kind of water should people drink in order to be healthy?8. How do we know the ocean is friendly?9. You have it.You read it.There're some pictures in it?10. A mouse has a large pocket.What is it?答案:答案:1.March (三月,行军)2.It depends on how many people stand in the yard. (码,院子)3.There is no change in it. (零钱,变化)4.A cook book. (动人的,搅拌的)5.Hot dog. (热狗)6.Mushroom. (蘑菇)7.Drink well water. (井水,健康的)8.It waves. (起波浪,招手致意)9.book(书)10.a kangaroo(袋鼠) 5.Some bachelor pads may contain more than 15 times the amount of bacteria than the homes of their female counterparts! Charles Gerba, professor of microbiology at the University of Arizona, says of the surfaces tested in the homes of single men, coffee tables and remote controls harbored the most bacteria.调查显示:单身男子公寓里的细菌比单身女子居所内的细菌高出15倍还多!亚利桑那大学微生物学教授查尔斯称,单身男子的居所里、咖啡桌上以及远程遥控器上的细菌最多。

It was always women who wanted to settle down and start a family, while men dragged their heels。 or so we thought.一般来说女人们才想生个孩子,稳定下来,而男人们总是尽力拖延。

至少我们是这么认为的。These days, it seems the ladies are being beaten to it by their menfolk.但如今男人们似乎比女人们更心急。

According to research, men are getting broody too.调查显示,越来越多的男人急于要小孩。The experts believe it's all down to greater equality. Lead researcher Helen Fisher, of Rutgers University, in New Jersey, said: 'Men today are more like [the female archetype] than we have seen in generations. They are becoming the broody供钉垛固艹改讹爽番鲸 ones, they are more likely to want to settle down sooner.专家们认为这都是因为男女更加平等的缘故。


The study of 5,199 single men and women in the US was conducted for dating website Match.com.婚恋网站Match.com共采访了5199位在美国的单身男女。It found that 51 per cent of unattached men aged 21 to 34 wanted children, compared to just 46 per cent of single women that age. Men in older age groups were also more broody, with 27 per cent of single guys aged 35 to 44 wanted to have children. But the figure was just 16 per cent for women.该调查发现,年龄在21岁到34岁之间的未婚男子中有51%想要小孩;同年龄段的单身女子中想要小孩的只占46%。

年龄更大一些的男人们也比女人更想要小孩:年龄在35岁到44岁之间的单身男人中有27%想要小孩,而同年龄段的女人只有16%想要小孩。 Millions of census workers fanned out across India on Wednesday as they began a mammoth effort to document every person in the world's second most populous country over the next three weeks.自本周三起,印度将派出数百万人口普查员展开为期三周的人口普查工作。

印度人口总量位居全球第二,普查任务十分艰巨。A series of colorful celebration activities begin on the first day of the first lunar month.从农历正月初一开始的节庆活动可谓丰富多彩,多种多样。

Researchers believe that reciting facts shortly after learning them is better than many new-style educational methods.研究人员认为课后立即背诵比许多新的教育方法更有效。Handsome men and women often appear to be blessed with lucky lives. Now research has shown they are cleverer than most people as well.长得好看的男人和女人似乎常常拥有幸运的人生,如今研究显示他们还比大多数人都聪明。


1.Smooth is the way that leads unto wickedness. —— Plato 通往邪恶的路是平坦的。

—— 柏拉图 2.An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. ——Bible 以眼还眼, 以牙还牙。 ——《圣经》 3.Appearances often are deceiving. ——Aesop, Fables 外表往往具有欺骗性。

——《伊索寓言》 4.Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. ——Martin Luther King Jr (1929-1968) 世界上再也没有比纯粹的无知和认真的愚蠢更危险的了。 ——小马丁·路德·金 5.Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not absence of fear. ——Mark Twain (1835-1910) 勇敢并非没有恐惧,而是克服恐惧,战胜恐惧。

——马克·吐温 6.It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees. ——Dolores Ibarruri (1895-?) 宁愿站着死,决不跪着生。 ——多洛雷斯·伊巴露丽 7.I succeeded because I willed it; I never hesitated. ——Napoleon I (1769-1821) 我成功是因为我有决心,从不踌躇。

——拿破仑一世 8.Life is not all cakes and ale. ——Thomas Hughes (1822-1896) 人生并不就是吃喝玩乐。 ——托马斯·休斯 9.The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it. ——Goethe (1749-1832) 人生中至关重要的事是在远大的目标和达到这个目标的雄心壮志。

——歌德 10.It is better to waste one\'s youth than to do nothing with it at all. ——George Courteline (1858-1926) 年轻时做一点儿事要比什么事也不做好。 ——乔治·库特林 11.No man is happy who does not think himself so. ——Publilius Syrus 认为自己不幸福的人就不会幸福。

——普布利柳斯·西鲁斯 12.Nothing is more fatal to happiness than the remembrance of happiness. ——Andre Gide (1869-1951) 没有什么比回忆幸福更令人痛苦的了。 ——安德烈·纪德 13.We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it. ——George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) 不创造幸福的人无权享用幸福,正如不创造财富的人无权享用财富一样。

——萧伯纳 14.Almost anything is easier to get into than to get out of. ——Agnes Allen 几乎所有事情都是进去容易退出难。 ——艾格尼丝·艾伦 15.Riches are gotten with pain, kept with care, and lost with grief. ——Latin Proverb 财富从辛苦中得来,在忧虑中保持,在悲伤中失去。

——拉丁谚语 16.God gives every bird its food, but does not throw it into the nest. ——J.G.Holland 天赐食物于鸟,但不投之于巢。 ——霍兰 17.The countenance is the portrait of the mind, the eyes are its informers. ——Cicero (106 BC- 43BC) 表情是思想的写照,眼睛是心灵的窗户。

——西塞罗 18.As a rough rind sometimes covers the sweetest fruit, so a rough exterior often conceals a kindly and hearty nature. ——Samuel Smiles (1812-1904) 如同粗糙的果皮可以包裹最甜蜜的水果一样,丑陋的外表往往掩盖着善良和诚挚的本性。 ——塞缪尔·斯迈尔斯 19.Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it. ——George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) 自由意味着责任。

这就是多数人害怕自由的缘故。 ——萧伯纳 20.You could cover the whole world with asphalt, but sooner or later green grass would break through. ——Ilya Ehrenburg (1891-1967) 哪怕沥青覆盖了整个地球,绿草迟早会冲破障碍茁壮成长。



If you can you can.A light heart lives long .( William Shakespeare , British dramatist ) 豁达者长寿。

(英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.) Early to bed and early to rise , makes a man healthy , wealthy and wise .(Benjamin Franklin , American president ) 早睡早起会使人健康、富有和聪明。 (美国总统 富兰克林. B.) Sloth , like rust , consumes faster than labor wears .(Benjamin Franklin , American president) 懒惰像生锈一样,比操劳更能消耗身体。

(美国总统 富兰克林. B.) The first wealth is health .( Ralph Waldo Emerson , American thinker ) 健康是人生第一财富。 (美国思想家 爱默生. R. W.) All is but lip-wisdom that wants experience. (Philip Sideney, British satesman) 凡是没有实际经验的,都只是口头智慧。

(英国政治家 锡得尼 D .) Expericence is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards. (Law Vernon, British writer) 经验是一位先行测试然后才授课严厉的教师。(英国作家 弗农. L.) Experience is not interesting till it begins to repeat itself, in fact, till it does that ,it hardly is experience. (Elizabeth Bowen, British novelist) 经验直到自我重复时才变得有意义,事实上,直到那时才算得上经验。

(英国小说家 鲍恩 E.) Expericence is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him. (Aldous Leonard Huxley, American writer) 经验不会从天而降;经验只有通过实践才能获得。(美国作家 郝胥黎.A.L.) Experience is the child of thought , and thought is the child of action. We cannot learn men from books. (Benjamin Disraeli, British statesman) 经验是思想之子,思想是行动之子,了解他人不可以书本为据。

(英国政治家 迪斯雷利 B .) Experience is the na me give their mistakes. (Oscar Wilde, British playwriter and poet) 经验是每个人为其错误寻找的代名词。(英国剧作家、诗人 王尔德 O.) Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want. (Dan Stanfort, American brsinessman) 经验是当你没得到想得到之物时所得到的东西。

(美国实业家 斯坦福。D.) Expreience keeps a dear school, yet fools will learn in no other. (Benjamin Franklin, Americna president) 经验始终是收费高的学校,然而,笨汉非进此学校不可。

(美国总统 富兰克林 B ) Experience more than sufficiently teaches that men govern nothing with more difficulty than their tongues. (Bendict de spinoza, Dutch philosopher) 经验给我们太多的教训,告诉我们人类最难管制 的东西,莫过于自己的舌头。(荷兰哲学家 斯宾诺沙 B) Experience never misleads; what you are missed by is only your judgement, and this misleads you by anticipating results from experience of a kind that is not produced by your experements. (Leonardo Da Vinci, Italian painter) 经验永远不会对你做错误的引导;把你引导错的只是你自己的判断,而你的判断之所以对你发生误导的作用,乃是由于它根据那种并非借着实验而产生的经验来预料的结果。

(意大利画家 达芬奇) Experience without learning is better than learning without excperi-ence. (Bertuand Russell, British philosopher and mathematician) 有经验而无学问胜于有学问而无经验。(英国哲学家、数学家 罗素.B.) I have but one lamp wait which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past. (Patrick Henry, Americna statesman) 我只拿一盏灯来指引我的脚步,而那盏灯就是经验,对于未来,我只是能以过去来判断。

(美国政治家 享利.P.) Mistakes are an essential part of education. (Bertrand Russell, Bdritish philosopher) 从错误中吸取教训是教育极为重要的一部分。(英国哲学家 罗素 . B .) Neither beliver nor reject anything, because any other person has rejected of believed it. Heaven has given you a mind for judging truth and error, Use it. (Thomas Jefferson, American president) 不要因为别的人相信或否定了什么东西,你也就去相信它或否定它。

上帝赠予你一个用来判断真理和谬误的头脑。那你就去运用它吧/ (美国总统 杰斐逊 .T.) One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning. (James Russell Lowell, British Poet and critic) 一次痛苦的经验抵得上千百次的告诫。

(英国诗人、批评家 洛威尔 .J. R .) Practical wisdom is only to be learned in the school of experience. (Samuel Smiles, British writer) 实用的知识只有通过亲身体验才能学到。(英国作家 斯迈尔斯 . S .) Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience. (Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish writer) 谚语是从长期经验中获得的短句。

(班牙作家 塞万提斯.M.) The tragedy of the world is that those who are imaginative have but slight experience, and those who are experienced have feeble imaginations. (Alfred North Whitehead, British philosopher and nathematician) 世界的悲剧就在于有想象力又缺乏经验,而有经验的人又缺乏想象力。(英国哲学家、数学家 怀特海 .A . N.) The great difficulty in educatio。



































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