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ESSAY, any relatively brief literary composition on a restricted topic. It is one of the principal pisions of literature—along with poetry, drama, and fiction.


The essay as a literary genre is very broad, covering many subforms, a wide range of subject, and a variety of styles. The essay, an artistically wrought and imaginatively developed work of nonfiction, may reveal an author’s personality, express his speculations on life or events, or make a formal statement about his attitude toward a precise, objective subject. Although an essay is customarily brief, it may also be an extended formal treatise, such as John Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690) and Ernst Cassirer’s Essay on Man (1944). An essay is usually in prose, but there are examples in verse, such as Alexander Pope’s Essay on Criticism (1711) and Essay on Man (1733—1734). The term “essay” originated in the 16th century with Montaigne, who called his writings essais---that is, trials or attempts and hence tentative rather than final statements. But the form is actually far older.


Types. Attempts to classify the types of essays have had only limited success, for a literary mode as protean as the essay can assume an almost endless number of forms. There are two principal kinds of essays: formal and informal. Informal essays are brief, discursive, highly personal and inpidual statements that are conversational in tone and loose in structure. Formal essays are longer, more tightly organized expositions of personal opinions or attitudes on specific and impersonal subjects. Sharper distinctions than these are arbitrary and usually deal more with subject matter or style than with literary form. Often, but by no means always, the informal essay is considered the only one that may be regarded a truly literary type.

类型 想对随笔进行分类的尝试收获不大,因为作为像随笔一样千变万化的文学模式可以设想几乎有无数的形式。但随笔有两种主要形式:正式的和非正式的。非正式随笔简短、散漫、高度个人化,而且陈述独特,因此它口语化,结构松散。正式随笔更长,对表达个人见解或特定且客观主题的态度要更为严谨。相比那些武断的陈述区别更为明显,通常是更多地涉及主题事物或风格,而非文学形式。

In the informal essay the emphasis is placed on the revelation of some aspect of the personality of the author. Informal essays range from brief observations—such as La Rochefoucauld’s Maxims (1665), which are sometimes only a sentence in length—to extended and elaborate treatments of a subject—such as Henry David Thoreau’s Walden (1854), a full-length book. But almost all informal essays are characterized by a marked personal element, a suggestive rather than formal or analytical treatment of the subject, an informal structure, a graceful style that appears to be effortless, and a conscious striving for literary effect. The informal essay is the most urbane and civilized of literary forms. Its best examples are graceful ruminations of persons of wit, learning, and good humor, presenting the play of well-trained, speculative minds on events and persons. It attempts to convey a mood and an attitude, to persuade without argument and to entertain without strain.


Certain general subcategories of informal essays may be made, although they are not mutually exclusive. The familiar, or personal, essay presents an aspect of the writer’s personality as he reacts to an experience, object, or event, usually in a light, conversational tone and with a structure apparently determined by patterns of association—although the “formlessness” of the familiar essay is often a deceptive mask for skillful organization. The familiar essay strives to be what Virginia Woolf said of Montaigne’s work—a “talking of oneself, following one’s own vagaries, giving the whole maps, weight, colour and circumference of the soul in its confusion, its variety, its imperfection.” The character essay describes a representative person in term of a dominant trait, and it thus becomes a personal, and often witty and satiric, comment on a class or a type.


An informal essay may be a narrative, a description, an anecdote, a reflection, a dream, a piece of whimsical extrapolation, and exemplum, or any of various other things. What all these kinds of essay share is their personal, almost confessional, quality. What the author thinks about the subject matters more than the subject itself, and how he EXPRESSES that attitude is the essence of the art of the piece.


The formal essay has logical structure, dignity, and seriousness of purpose. It may be critical, examining and passing judgment on works of art or events of history. It may be scientific, presenting the results of experiment or observation. It may be philosophic, dealing with moral, religious, educational, social, or political issues. In the strictest sense, the formal essay, like the informal, needs to be shaped by an attitude and a special point of view but with less emphasis on the author than in the informal essay. For example, although Charles Lamb is no more present in his informal Essays of Elia (1823) than Matthew Arnold is in his formal Essays in Criticism (1865),Lamb in a sense is the subject of his essay, whereas Arnold is not of his. The formal essay should also have greater dignity and scope, firmer organization, and greater earnestness of purpose. The term “formal essay” is often applied, though with questionable appropriateness, to expository or descriptive pieces that are factual and objective—such as the 20th century magazine article—or that present reasoned opinions—such as editorials.


Two qualities seem to be essential to the essay, whether formal or informal: the presentation of a personal point of view and the conscious striving for grace of EXPRESSION.


Forerunners. The essay had a long prehistory if Montaigne is considered its father. In the Bible it is found in the Book of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Ecclesiasticus, as well as in the discourse of the prophets and of Jesus. The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius (121—180) are aphoristic essays, as are the Colloquies (1519) of Erasmus, the Maxims (1665) of La Rochefoucauld, and Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac (1732—1757). The philosophical treatises, dialogues, and letter of the classical world adumbrate the essay to the extent that they embody personal EXPRESION on their subjects.

先行者 如果蒙田被认为是随笔之父的话,那么随笔已具有了很长史前史。在《圣经》中它就出现在《箴言》,《传道书》和《便西拉智训》中,也出现在先知和耶稣的话语中。马可·奥里利乌斯的《沉思录》(121年至180年)都是格言的随笔,就像伊拉斯谟的《对话录》(1519年 ),拉罗什福科的《箴言集》(1665年),以及本杰明·富兰克林的《穷查理年鉴》(1732年至1757年)。哲学论述、对话以及古典世界的书信在某种程度上预示着随笔在它们的主题上达到了他们体现的个人表达。

The Greek philosopher Theophrastus (c.370—c.287 B. C.) is reputed to be the author of a group of characters, brief sketches describing representative personages who typify some definite quality. These characters have had a long and rich history. The method was used by Plutarch, Thucydides, and Tacitus as a means of portraying historical personages. In the Middle Ages the character was often used in sermons to illustrate virtues, vices, and other attributes. It was also adopted by Cotton Mather in Magnalia Christi Americana (1702), a history of New England with word portraits of its great men.


The critical essay had its prototypes in the work of the classical authors Plato, Aristotle, Horace, Quintilian, and Longinus, all of whom presented ideas about art and life in dialogues, orations, and letters. Early forms of reflective writing include those by the classical authors Cicero, Seneca, Plutarch, and Aulus Gellius. De consolation philosophiae by Boethius (c.480—524 A. D.) was an influential meditation of the search for truth.


In the early Renaissance various forms of essayistic prose appeared, particularly in the vernacular. There was extensive critical writing, notably by the 16th century Italian scholar Julius Caesar Scaliger and his son Joseph Justus. The Cambridge Humanists of 16th century England produced works that foreshadowed the essay, including Sir Thomas More’s Utopia (1516), Sir Thomas Elyot’s The Boke Named the Governour (1531), and Roger Ascham’s Toxophilus (1545) and The Scholemaster (1570). English critical works of distinction included Sir Philip Sidney’s Defence of Poesie (1595), the first major critical essay in the language.


Beginnings. The essay as a self-conscious genre began with the publication of the first two volumes of Montaigne’s Essais in 1580 (a THIRD volume appeared in 1588). Michel Eyquem de Montaigne, a lawyer, courtier, and politician, upon his retirement from active life devoted himself to study and reflection. Following a fashion of the time, he collected pithy sayings, anecdotes, and quotations from the classics, grouping them under single topics, such as Lecons morales. Then he began recording the results of his self-analysis, making brief statement of a highly personal and tentative nature, interlarded with aphorisms and quotations on a great variety of subjects—“On Liars,” “On Smells and Odors,” “On Presumption,” “On the Art of conversation,” “On Books,” “On Friendship,” and many others. Montaigne’s Essays constitute an urbane body of autobiography, “Myself am the groundwork of my book,” he said.

开端 随笔作为一种自我意识的体裁始于1580年(一套三卷本于1588年发行)蒙田《随笔集》前两卷的出版。米歇尔·德·蒙田,一位律师、朝臣和政治家,从职业生涯退休后将自己投身于研究和反思之中。追随时代的时尚,他收集了精炼谚语、奇闻轶事和经典语录,将它们分成单一的主题,诸如《论道德》。然后他开始记录他自我分析的结果,进行高度个人的和试验性质的简短陈述,将格言和语录融入各种各样的主题---“论撒谎”,“论气味”,“论傲慢”,“论交谈的艺术”,“论书籍”,“论友谊”以及许多其它的题目。蒙田的《随笔集》构成了一本文雅的自传,他说“我自己就是我书籍的基础”。

The translation of Montaigne’s Essays into English by John Florio in 1603 made Montaigne a major influence on English writing. However, before Florio’s translation, Sir Francis Bacon had published his first collection of aphoristic “meditations,” calling them, after Montaigne, Essays (1597; revised and enlarged in 1612 and 1625). Bacon was working largely from classical models. He cited Seneca’s Letters to Lucilius as an example of what he was doing. Highly aphoristic in style, impersonal in tone, compact and clear in structure, these essays had as their purpose the giving of useful advice about practical affairs. As the 19th century English essayist Thomas Babington Macaulay noted, it was not Bacon’s purpose to make men perfect, but to make imperfect men comfortable. He may aptly be called the father of the modern formal essay.


The 17th century. The 17th century produced many essayists who followed the example of these two masters. Owen Felltham’s Resolves (1620) applies Bacon’s methods to religious matters. Sir William Cornwallis’ Essays (1600) follow Montaigne’s method. James Howell’s Epistolae Ho-Elianae (1645—1655) mingles fact with fiction. Sir Thomas Browne’s Religio Medici (1643) and Hydriotaphia, or Urn Burial (1658) are formal essays in a sonorous style. Ben Johnson’s Timber, or Discoveries Made Upon Men and Matter (1641) consists of miscellaneous sketches in the informal mode, as does Sir William Temple’s Miscellanea (1680—1701). The essays of Abraham Cowley, posthumously published in 1668, are particularly happy and graceful efforts.

17世纪 17世纪产生了许多效法这两位大师的随笔作家。欧文·费尔萨姆的《决定》(1620年)将培根的方法应用于宗教事物中。威廉·康沃利斯爵士的《随笔集》(1600年)追随着蒙田的方法。詹姆斯·豪厄尔的《私人信札》 (1645年至1655年)将虚构与事实混合在一起。托马斯·布朗爵士的《医生的宗教》(1643年)和《Hydriotaphia》或称《瓮葬》(1658年)都是响亮风格的正式随笔。本·约翰逊的《木料》,或《人类与物质的发现》(1641年)包含了非正式模式多方面的素描,正如威廉·坦普尔爵士的《杂集》一样(1680年至1701年)。亚伯拉罕·考利去世后于1668年出版的随笔都是特别快乐和优雅的努力。

John Milton was a master of the formal essay as political pamphlet, notably in Areopagitica (1644), Of Education (1644), and Of the Tenure of Kings and Magistrates (1649). In France, Pierre Corneille’s Discourse on the THREE Unities (1660) was an important critical essay and Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux was a profound influence through his verse essays on the classical unities, notably L’art poetique (1674). In England, John Dryden’s Of Dramatick Poesy, an Essay (1668) was but one of his several important critical statements, usually prefaces to his translations and plays.


The most important development of the 17th century was the English adaptation of the Theophrastian character. Joseph Hall published Characters of Virtues and Vices (1606), which was followed in 1614 by the posthumous publication of Characters by Sir Thomas Overbury. In 1628, John Earle published a popular collection, Micro-cosmographie. Samuel Butler also composed a collection of characters, but they were not published until 1759. In France, La Bruyere produced Les Caracteresou les moeur de ce Siecle (1688), an influential work. By the 18th century, however, the character as a distinctive type was being blended with other essay forms.


Development of the Periodical. In the late 17th and 18th centuries the development of the periodical brought to bear on the essay a new influence that has proved second in importance only to that of Montaigne and Bacon. The development of newspapers and magazines proved to be a healthy and hungry medium for the essay, greatly increased its popularity, expanded its audience, and moved its appeal from an essentially aristocratic audience to the middle class. By their format and editorial policies periodicals exercised great control on the form and content of the essay.

期刊的发展 在17世纪末和18世纪,期刊的发展给随笔施加了新的影响,因而证明了仅次于蒙田和培根的重要性。对随笔来说,报纸和杂志的发展证明是健康和渴望的媒介,极大地增加了它的普及,扩大了它的观众,并且将它的吸引力从实质上的贵族观众转移到中产阶级。通过它们的格式和编辑政策,期刊对随笔的形式和内容形成了很好的掌控。

As early as 1620 a periodical pamphlet was published in Amsterdam. In 1638 a newsbook was licensed in England, and it was followed by a series of pamphlets devoted as much to controversy as to the news. In 1691, Dunston’s Athenian Gazette, designed to entertain and instruct, first appeared. A feature of Daniel Defoe’s Weekly Review (1704) was a department called “Advice from the Scandalous Club.”


The wedding of essay and periodical was complete with the twice-weekly publication of The Tatler (1709—1711), an essay-periodical founded by Sir Richard Steele, who was soon joined by Joseph Addison. Each issue consisted of an essay whose purpose, in Steele’s words, was “to recommend truth, innocence, honor, virtue, as the chief ornament of life.” The editor in 1711 launched the daily periodical The Spectator, of which 555 numbers appeared before it ceased publication in 1712. It was briefly revived by Addison in 1714. It published serious essays on topics such as death, marriage, and education; occasional pieces dealing with “the folly, extravagance, and caprice of the present age”; critical essays; and familiar essays of humor and graceful informality on a host of topics. A series of Spectator papers about a fictional baronet, Roger de Coverley, and his friends successfully merged the 17th century character with the familiar essay.


The great success of The Tatler and The Spectator led to the publication of many other essay-periodicals, including The Guardian in England, the Mercure and the Spectator Francais in France, and similar journals in Zurich, Hamburg, and Leipzig. Samuel Johnson produced distinguished informal essays in The Rambler (1750-1752) and in the Idler papers (1758—1760). Oliver Goldsmith contributed essays to The Bee (1759), and his Chinese Letter in the Public Ledger (1760---1761)—published in 1762 as The Citizen of the World—is a charming series of familiar essays in which a Chinese philosopher writes home about English life and manners. This device had been used by the French author and philosopher Montesquieu in his Lettres Persanes (1721) and was later adopted in America by William Wirt in The Letters of the British Spy (1803) and by James Fenimore Cooper in Notions of the Americans (1828), supposedly written by an Englishman.


Other 18th century English writers of essays included Jonathan Swift, Lord Chesterfield, Horace Walpole, and Alexander Pope. Pope’s verse Epistles and Imitations of Horace were almost as nearly informal essays—with substantial satiric bite—as his occasional pieces in The Guardian. By the end of the century the busy concern with man’s exterior world, which had been the enlivening subject of the essay-periodicals, was giving way to the revival of interest in the self which marked the romantic movement.


The 19th century. The 19th century was rich in essays. Both formal and informal. The development in England of major critical journals, especially the Edinburgh Review (1802—1929), the Quarterly Review (1809-- ), the West-minster Review (1824—1914), Fraser’s (1830—1882), Macmillan’s (1859—1907), and the Cornhill Magazine (1860—1930, encouraged the long critical essay. Most of the major British essayist included Sir Walter Scott, Francis Jeffrey, John Wilson (pseudonym Christopher North), Thomas Carlyle, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Matthew Arnold, and Thomas H. Huxley. These and other 19th century writers gave England the greatest amount of formal criticism of art, literature, history, politics, religion, and social problems that the nation has ever had. And they raised the formal essay, often called the review-essay, to a major art form. Similar journals in the United States, with equally distinguished contributors, included the North American Review (1815—1940), the Southern Quarterly Review (1842—1857), Harper’s (1850-- ), and the Atlantic Monthly (1857-- ).

19世纪 19世纪的随笔创作是丰富的。正式随笔与非正式随笔都是如此。在英格兰,重要评论期刊的发展,特别是《爱丁堡评论》(1802年至1929年),《评论季刊》(1809年至 ),《威斯-敏斯特评论》(1824年至1914年,《弗雷泽》(1830年至1882年),《麦克米伦》(1859年至1907年)以及《康希尔杂志》(1860年至1930年)都鼓励长篇的评论随笔。英国的大多数随笔作家,包括沃尔特·斯科特爵士,弗朗西斯·杰弗里,约翰·威尔逊(笔名克里斯多夫·诺斯),托马斯·卡莱尔,托马斯·巴宾顿·麦考利,马休·阿诺德以及托马斯·H. 赫胥黎。这些作家和19世纪的作家们对英格兰这个国家有史以来的艺术、文学、历史、政治、宗教以及社会问题给予了大量的正式评论。他们将正式随笔,通常称为评论随笔,提升为一种主要的艺术形式。在美国有类似的期刊,也有同样杰出的作者,包括《北美评论》(1842年至1857年),《哈珀》(1850年 )和《大西洋月刊》(1857年至 )。

At the same time, the personal essay was also developing a special relaxed quality and familiar tone in the hands of some of its greatest practitioners, such as Charles Lamb, whose Essays of Elia (1823) exhibited intimate style, auto-biographical interest, light humor and sentiment, urbanity, and grace and are among the favorite essays of all time. Others working with distinction as familiar essayists were William Hazlitt, Leigh Hunt, Thomas De Quincey, and Walter Savage Landor—whose Imaginary conversations (1824—1853) revived the character essay to present historical personages.


Alexander Smith’s “On the Writing of Essays,” which was published in Dreamthorp in 1863, was a graceful study of the genre. In addition to the review-essays, several 19th century poets wrote important critical essays—notably William Wordsworth in his preface to Lyrical Ballads (1800), Samuel Taylor Coleridge in Biographia Literaria (1817), and Shelley in his Defence of Poetry (1821). The Oxford Movement, between 1833 and 1841, produced 90 religious essays in the form of pamphlets, known as Tracts for the Times. Among the authors were John Keble, Edward Bouverie Pusey, and John Henry Newman. Some novelists also wrote essays. Charles Dickens produced Sketches by Boz (1836); William Makepeace Thackeray, The Roundabout Papers (1860—1863); and George Eliot, IMPRESSIONS of Theophrastus Such (1879).


Toward the end of the century appeared two other distinguished essayists, Walter Pater and Robert Louis Stevenson. Stevenson practiced all the essay forms, but he was, with Lamb, one of the two great 19th century English stylists in the familiar essay. In France a group of important critics used the formal essay. Hippolyte Taine, Ferdinand Brunetiere, Anatole France, and particularly Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve, whose long critical essays have had great influence in both England and America.


America. The essay was also a major form in America in the late 18th and 19th centuries. Benjamin Franklin in numerous essays—notably The Dogood Papers (1722), modeled on Cotton Mather’s Essays to Do Good (1710), his pamphlets during the Revolution; and his light, witty “bagatelles”—was the chief essayist of the 18th century America. His supremacy was challenged only by the formal essays of Jonathan Edwards. Washington Irving wrote graceful and genial essays all his life, from his contributions to Salmagundi (1807-1808) to The Sketch Book (1820), which won him international fame, and was followed by several volumes of essays, ending with Wolfert’s Roost (1855).

美国 在18世纪末和19世纪的美国,随笔也是一种主要形式。本杰明·富兰克林写过很多随笔---特别是《做好你的文章》(1722年),模仿了科顿·马瑟在革命时期的小册子《论行善》(1701年),还有他轻松、诙谐的“琐事”---他是18世纪美国重要的随笔作家。他至高无上的地位只受到过乔纳森·爱德华兹正式随笔的挑战。华盛顿·欧文一生写的随笔优雅而亲切,他的贡献从《大杂烩》(1807年至1808年)到《见闻札记》(1820年),让他赢得了国际名望,接下来是几卷随笔,最后以《沃尔夫特的栖息处》收笔。

Ralph Waldo Emerson became the best known of American essayists for his writings on transcendentalism, Henry David Thoreau, produced extended informal essay of great literary merit, the most notable being Walden (1854) and the most influential being On the Duty of Civil Disobedience (1849). Oliver Wendell Holmes produced witty familiar essays in The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table (1858) and succeeding volumes. James Russell Lowell and Edgar Allan Poe wrote important critical essays.


Two novelists who produced substantial bodies of critical work were William Dean Howells, particularly in Criticism and Fiction (1891) and My Literary Passions (1895), and Henry James, a prolific essayist on the subjects of travel, art, and literature, whose prefaces to the New York edition of his works (1907—1909) combine with great urbanity the familiar and the critical essay. S. M. Crothers and Agnes Repplier were popular and voluminous writers of familiar essays. Mark Twain raised the humorous essay to a high art.

两位创作了大量评论性作品的小说家是威廉·迪恩·豪威尔斯,特别是在《批评与小说》(1891年)和《我的文学激情》(1895年)中,而亨利·詹姆斯,是一位以旅行、艺术和文学为主题的多产随笔作家,在他的作品纽约版的前言中将熟悉的都市风格与评论随笔结合在一起。S. M. 克罗瑟斯和阿格尼丝·雷普利尔都是人们熟悉的,很受欢迎的长篇随笔作家。马克·吐温将幽默随笔提升为了一种极其高雅的艺术。

The 20th Century. Essays of all kinds continued to be written in England and America in the 20th century, although the informal essay seemed to be greatly reduced in popularity and the formal essay to have lost some of its more distinctively literary qualities. In America Paul Elmer More’s critical essays were collected in 14 volumes as The Shelburne Essays (1904—1935). The philosopher George Santayana’s Obiter Scripta (1936) are urbane essays. During the early decades of the century, H. L. Mencken wrote many slashing and amusing pieces of social and literary criticism, a role in which Bernard De Vote followed him. Christopher Morley was a skilled and witty stylist, as was E. B. White, and Edmund Wilson was a critic who worked IMPRESSIVELY in the tradition of Sainte-Beuve. James Thurber was one of the great humorous essayists, as was Robert Benchley. British-born poet W. H. Auden, who became an American citizen in 1941, was also a fine essayist.

20世纪 在20世纪,英格兰和美国的各种随笔创作一直在持续,尽管非正式随笔受欢迎的情况已大为减弱,而且正式随笔也已失去了它某些更特殊的文学品质。在美国,保罗·埃尔默·莫尔的评论随笔被汇集成14卷的《谢尔本随笔集》(1904年至1935的年)。哲学家乔治·桑塔耶拿的《附言》(1936年)都是些温文尔雅的随笔。在那个世纪的前十年,H. L. 门肯写作了许多有关社会和文学评论尖锐而有趣的文章,伯纳德·德·沃特紧随其后成为其中的一员。像E. B. 怀特一样,克里斯托夫·莫利也是一位熟练而诙谐的文体家,而埃德蒙·威尔逊则是一位在圣伯夫传统上令人印象深刻的评论家。像罗伯特·本奇利一样,詹姆斯·瑟伯也是重要的幽默随笔作家之一。英国出生的诗人W. H. 奥登,1941年成为了美国公民,也是一位出色的随笔作家。

Essayists of the second half of the 20th century include Mary McCarthy, Norman Mailer, James Baldwin, Herbert Gold, and John Updike. These authors demonstrate in their essays that the form is still vigorous and various in its tones and subject matter in America.


In England the number of essayists is IMPRESSIVE. It includes Max Beerbohm, G. K. Chesterton, Virginia Wolf, E. M. Forster, D. H. Lawrence, Aldous Huxley, Robert Graves, George Orwell, Stephen Spender, and American-born T. S. Eliot---perhaps the leading writer of critical essays in English in the 20th century. These writers supplied readers with essays of distinction, intelligence, and variety.

在英格兰,随笔作家的数量令人印象深刻。这包括麦克斯·比尔博姆,G. K.切斯特顿,弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙,E. M.福斯特,D. H.劳伦斯,奥尔德斯·赫胥黎,罗伯特·格雷夫斯,乔治·奥威尔,史蒂芬·斯彭德,还有美国出生的T. S.艾略特---也许是20世纪英语评论随笔的主要作家。

New Forms. Since the 18th century, the essay has assumed a shape and tone dictated in part by its chief modes of dissemination. The impact of magazines like The Criterion, Scrutiny, and Encounter upon the British essay in the 20th century has been incalculably great. Similarly the New Yorker magazine has revitalized the familiar essay in America, and the New York Review of Books, Commentary, Harper’s and the Atlantic Monthly have encouraged the highly literate formal essay. But as new form of communication began replacing the magazine in the mid-20th century, it was feared by some that the literate intelligence of forms of writing like the essay would be lost.

新形式 从18世纪开始,随笔在一定程度上便承担了由其主要传播方式决定的形式和基调。像《标准》、《调查》和《邂逅》这样的杂志对20世纪英国随笔的影响极其重大。同样,《纽约人》杂志让熟悉的随笔在美国焕发了生机,而《纽约书评》,《评论》,《哈珀》和《大西洋月刊》也鼓励了有高度文化素养的正式随笔。但伴随着交流的新形式开始替代20世纪中叶的杂志,一些人担心会丢失像随笔这样写作形式的文化智慧。

Such fears were probably unfounded, however, for as the mass communications media developed, appropriate substitutes for the essay were being found. For example, American newscaster Eric Sevareid in his television commentaries bring many of the qualities customarily associated with the best essay tradition into the homes of millions, and sportscaster Heyward Hale Broun’s commentaries are true descendants of The Spectator papers.


The essential characteristics of the essay—clarity, grace, good humor, wit, personal attribute of urbanity and tolerance, all badly needed in any age—still survive and will continue to find the essay, either in its traditional forms or in mutations of them, a meaningful vehicle for the sane, calm grace of the literate mind. If the history of the essay teaches us anything, it is that the essay at its best reflects a civilized mind and that the forms of its reflection have changed and will change without losing the essence of the genre.



University of North Carolina

Coauthor of “A Handbook to Literature”

C. 休·霍尔曼









The light which puts out our eyes is darkness to us. Only that day dawns to which we are awake. There is more day to dawn. The sun is but a morning star.



So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.



Tomas turned the key and switched on the ceiling light. Tereza saw two beds pushed together, one of them flanked by a bedside table and lamp. Up out of the lampshade, startled by the overhead light, flew a large nocturnal butterfly that began circling the room. The strains of the piano and violin rose up weakly from below.



You finally fall asleep. And when you wake up, it's true. You are part of a brand-new world.



If a little man appears who laughs, who has golden hair and who refuses to answer questions, you will know who he is. If this should happen, please comfort me. Send me word that he has come back.



An intimation of death came to him, and an intimation of deathless love. Something welled up within him; and the thought of the dead woman stirred in his mind, bodiless and passionate, like the sound of distant music.



Has not the count just told us that all human wisdom is summed up in two words?--- Wait and hope.



But we, when we put the thorns in our breasts, we know. We understand. And still we do it. Still we do it.



She was gone, and I lost about half memory of her. If one day I was gone, all the memory of her would gone with me. Yes, he think: if I have to choose one from sorrow and nothing, I will choose sorrow.



Only, many years ago, a hand wrote upon it in pencil these four lines, which have become gradually illegible beneath the rain and the dust, and which are, to-day, probably effaced:Il dort. Quoique le sort fut pour lui bien etrange, Il vivait. Il mourut quand il n eut plus son ange. La chose simplement d elle-meme arriva, Comme la nuit se fait lorsque le jour s en va.



It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done;

It is a far, far better rest that I go to, than I have ever known.




After all, tomorrow is another day.



Up the road, in his shack, the old man was sleeping again. He was still sleeping on his face and the boy was sitting by him watching him.


The old man was dreaming about the lions.



About all I know is, I sort of miss everybody I told about. Even old Stradlater and Ackley, for instance. I think I even miss that goddam Maurice. It s funny. Don t ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.






I ran. A grown man running with a swarm ofscreaming children. But I didn t care. I ran with the wind blowing in my face,and a smile as wide as the Valley of Panjsher on my lips.

I ran.



17.《茶花女》 (小仲马)

I am not the apostle of vice, but I wouldgladly be the echo of noble sorrow wherever I bear its voice in prayer.The story of Marguerite isan exception, I repeat; had it not been an exception, it would not have been worth the trouble of writing it.



I lingered round them, under that benign sky: watched the moths fluttering among the heath and harebells,listened to the soft wind breathing through the grass, and wondered how anyonecould ever imagine unquiet slumbers for the sleepers in that quiet earth.



Everything transitory, is only approximation; what could not be achieved, here comes to pass; what no-onecould describe, is here accomplished; the Eternal Feminine, draws us afloat.

万象皆俄顷,无非是映影;事凡不充分,至此开始发生;事凡无可名,至此始果行;永恒之女性,引导我 们飞升。


Everything written on them was unrepeatable since time immemorial and forever more, because races condemned toone hundred years of solitude did not have a second opportunity on earth.






When I wrote the following pages, or rather the bulk of them, I lived alone, in the woods, a mile from any neighbor, in a house which I had built myself, on the shore of Walden Pond, in Concord, Massachusetts, and earned my living by the labor of my hands only. I lived there two years and two months. At present I am a sojourner in civilized life again.



I should not talk so much about myself if there were anybody else whom I knew as well. Unfortunately, I am confined to this theme by the narrowness of my experience.



If he has lived sincerely, it must have been in a distant land to me.



Why should they eat their sixty acres, when man is condemned to eat only his peck of dirt?



The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.



The whole ground of human life seems to some to have been gone over by their predecessors, both the heights and the valleys, and all things to have been cared for.



In any weather, at any hour of the day or night, I have been anxious to improve the nick of time, and notch it on my stick too; to stand on the meeting of two eternities, the past and future, which is precisely the present moment; to toe that line.



I long ago lost a hound, a bay horse, and a turtle dove, and am still on their trail.



Of what use this measuring of me if she does not measure my character, but only the breadth of my shoulders, as it were a peg to bang the coat on? She spins and weaves and cuts with full authority. The head monkey at Paris puts on a traveller's cap, and all the monkeys in America do the same.



Man wanted a home, a place of warmth, or comfort, first of warmth, then the warmth of the affections.



Excerpt from Henry David Thoreau Walden, Chapter 01 Economy

Translated by Queenie Shinemo Hu

The end

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