时间:2022-04-27 23:47 | 分类: 句子大全 | 作者:汉普森英语 | 评论: 次 | 点击: 次
1. 关于樱花的英语句子、段子、短文任意,有翻译
In Japan cherry blossoms also symbolize clouds due to their nature of blooming en masse, besides being an enduring metaphor for the ephemeral nature of life, an aspect of Japanese cultural tradition that is often associated with Buddhistic influence, and which is embodied in the concept of mono no aware. The association of the cherry blossom with mono no aware dates back to 18th-century scholar Motoori Norinaga. The transience of the blossoms, the extreme beauty and quick death, has often been associated with mortality; for this reason, cherry blossoms are richly symbolic, and have been utilized often in Japanese art, manga, anime, and film, as well as at musical performances for ambient effect. There is at least one popular folk song, originally meant for the shakuhachi (bamboo flute), titled "Sakura", and several pop songs. The flower is also represented on all manner of consumer goods in Japan, including kimono, stationery, and dishware.
2. 我想要一些英文的唯美句子,英文+中文
Sometimes you need to look back, otherwise you will never know what you have lost in the way of forever searching.偶尔要回头看看,否则永远都在追寻,而不知道自己失去了什么. Miracles sometimes occur, but you have to work terribly for them.奇迹有时候是会发生的,但是你得为之拼命的努力。
3. 关于樱花的唯美句子
唯美的句子 2、樱花,是一种美丽的小花。在春夏之间开放,花朵异常美丽,那雪白的花瓣上略带丝丝粉红,金灿灿的花蕊像金丝般簇拥在一起,朵朵都是那么娇嫩,在微风中绽开可爱的小脸,显得那么活泼。
3、那美丽的精灵在小路上随着微风飞舞,像寒冬纷飞的粉红色雪花,时而急促,时而悠扬,在不经意间,地面上已似铺了一层淡粉色的绒毯,花瓣掉落,旋转,在天空中徘徊,最后仍无力摆脱宿命,成为尘埃。 4、樱花随四月悄悄走来,你却渐行渐远。
7、记忆想是倒在掌心的水,不论你摊开还是紧握,终究还是会从指缝中一滴一滴流淌干净。 8、纷飞的樱花和皎洁的雪混在一起,用手接住,过一会儿,手中就只剩下淡淡的樱花花瓣和一丝余香,那香味,仿佛有着雪的香味和樱花的香味,还有一丝淡淡的忧愁。
唯美的句子 9、他一身月白项银细花纹底锦服,大片的莲花纹在白衣上若影若现。一根白丝线束着一半以上的深蓝色头发高高的遂在脑后,柳眉下黑色眼睦像滩浓得化不开的墨。
11、走进三月的“樱花大道”,每一颗樱花树上,都沾满了大大小小的“花仙子”,有的才刚刚站稳,有的已经把自己插在树枝上了,有的虽然还鲜艳,却已经弱不经风了。 12、树上开满了粉红的樱花,那粉红的颜色,不浓不淡,还略带几分娇气。
在嫩绿的树叶衬托下,那颜色格外妩媚,格外鲜艳,让人眼前一亮:如此美丽的樱花!任何人见了,都会忍不住惊叹:神奇的大自然,竟能创造出这样的美! 13、走进三月的“樱花大道”,每一颗樱花树上,都沾满了大大小小的“花仙子”,有的才刚刚站稳,有的已经把自己插在树枝上了,有的虽然还鲜艳,却已经弱不经风了。唯美的句子 14、韵华,那片我们不期而遇的樱树林,如今,又是细雨蒙蒙。
久久的,人也僵硬地枯木一样站在那里。 15、微风一吹,花瓣落了下来,犹如一只粉色的蝴蝶一边在翩翩起舞,一边在唱着美妙又悦耳的歌声。
又宛如给大地铺上了粉白相间的地毯。 16、那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已经散落在天涯了。
18、也许,樱花长在了一处朦胧的,寂寞孤单的树林中,无人问津,却又静静的度过一个又一个的季节;也许,樱花长在了一处喧嚣的,有着小商小贩的街头,这时的她又默默的看着那些行路匆匆的人们,不失淡雅,却又体现出一种特殊的韵味。 19、摘下一朵,看上去给人一种淡雅、脱俗、圣洁、妩媚、又略带些惆怅,粉中带白的花瓣是如此轻盈,配上鹅黄色的花蕊,如此纯净,花瓣上有一道道网络般的经络,像树杈一样分散开来,有种莫名的美。
用手轻轻抚摸花瓣,像抚摸美瓷,像抚摸丝绸,那样柔软,那样光滑,仿佛触摸间就会破碎,因为它是那样娇嫩,如蝉翼般轻薄透明,让人不由得想去拥有她。 20、走在樱花树下,脚下软软的,那是香气还未消散的花絮。
抬起脚,迈出步,香气追随你身后,樱花在你脚下飞舞,重演落下枝头的回忆,而这只是回忆,对灿烂的回忆…… 21、放眼望去,许许多多染了色的棉花糖在空中飘浮,那是高大的樱花树上的樱花,让人看了忍不住地想起了学校门口缠在棍子上卖的棉花糖,真想吃几口解解馋;走近一点,樱花开得一团团,一簇簇,更象一支支快要溶化了的冰淇淋;更近一点的地方看它,在半空飞舞,还白里透着粉红,就象冬天的雪花化了妆一般美丽。 22、漫天的樱花纷纷扬扬地洒落,飘舞到地上,留下一地的粉色。
我的心在那一刻被揪起,才发现微扬的嘴角在颤抖。 23、我们急不可待地跑进樱花树之间,仰头欣赏着一朵朵艳丽的花儿,微风一吹,空中的花瓣像小姑娘一样在翩翩起舞,满天满地都是樱花的花瓣,树叶上也有,枝杈上也有,就像是下了一场樱花雨。
4. 求一篇关于樱花的英语文章
the oriental cherry(樱花)
I like fowers,so I grow many flowers at home.But of all of them,I like oriental cherry best,for its beautiful color and nice sweet.Everyday when I get up in the morning,the first thing I do is going to the balcony to watch the oriental cherries.Seeing that they are growing bigger and bigger,and is getting more and more beautiful,you can imagine how happy I am.
Oriental cherry has different kinds of colors,white,red,pink and so on.Its growth calls for(要求) special conditions,such as the enough sunlight and the water and the proper humidity(湿度)。So it is not easy to plant.You should pay much attention to it and take good care of it.
Oriental cherry is beautiful and noble(高贵) and is regarded as the national flower of Japan.But it is not only loved by the Japanese,but also loved by the other people in different countries and regions. In China,because of the environment,oriental cherry is rare and can't be seen everywhere.
5. 关于樱花的唯美短句
6. 初中生 英文诗 关于樱花的
The Cherry Blossom Blooming New life hanging flora from the tree, buds of living pink on the retina—reflecting perfectdoses of red-shifted spectrato mimic all in the skies.第二首;Mama",I look up to seea blizzard of petalsrushing the sky.It is only April.I can't stop my own lifefrom hurrying by;s curryBlackbird intrepidGull keenly screechingPigeons saving the WestAnd chicken tikka madrasCrystal Meth and Black Eyed PeasPaul McCartney wading through mudCherry blossom quiversIn the mild caress of a benign windThe blue door is painted wellBut is rotting fastOnly it rots fast for yearsAnd for two weeks under a beautiful pink parasolOld fire guard and broken potsUncle Ben's burnt riceAnd fried liceStirred with a pink petal supriseBig pebbles from the beachWith monsters in permanent inkAnd A4 lists of garage bandsWith potential from a few years backHumming a nonsensical tuneUnder the blush canopyWith a mug of putrid green vile liquidIn my electric petal wonderlandSunday morning with strong musclesAnd a crazy coloured goatI travel the flinty highwayTo the seat under the cherry blossomThere I feel in touch with the three planesThe floor,his pin-focused eyestabbing through glassinto darkness enveloping cold:a murdered heaven,sanguinarystreaking,retreating in every direction.第三首:In Your AbsenceNot yet summer,but unseasonable heatpries open the cherry tree.It stands there stupefied,in its sham, pink frills:the ruby-stained, screaming;And I hug him,dense with early blooming, the middle and the skyBlistered feet and pudgy waistWith my head in the clouds of smog;s elongated bleeding.What Hubble must have seen.Then, as afternoon coolsinto more furtive winds, in a toga".But through the hazeIn the middle distance standsA small creature, a humanMy seven year-old son, stretching away of starlight', Saint-Jeanne; he says soflty"Look at the blossom of the cherry,"It is beautiful"I sat on the flint wallUnder cherry blossomBlue sky and gentle breezeGinger cat strollingMy glasses hit the groundAnd Frank trod on themThe bin bag was torn openRevealing yesterday'。
7. 初中生 英文诗 关于樱花的
I sat on the flint wallUnder cherry blossomBlue sky and gentle breezeGinger cat strollingMy glasses hit the groundAnd Frank trod on themThe bin bag was torn openRevealing yesterday's curryBlackbird intrepidGull keenly screechingPigeons saving the WestAnd chicken tikka madrasCrystal Meth and Black Eyed PeasPaul McCartney wading through mudCherry blossom quiversIn the mild caress of a benign windThe blue door is painted wellBut is rotting fastOnly it rots fast for yearsAnd for two weeks under a beautiful pink parasolOld fire guard and broken potsUncle Ben's burnt riceAnd fried liceStirred with a pink petal supriseBig pebbles from the beachWith monsters in permanent inkAnd A4 lists of garage bandsWith potential from a few years backHumming a nonsensical tuneUnder the blush canopyWith a mug of putrid green vile liquidIn my electric petal wonderlandSunday morning with strong musclesAnd a crazy coloured goatI travel the flinty highwayTo the seat under the cherry blossomThere I feel in touch with the three planesThe floor, the middle and the skyBlistered feet and pudgy waistWith my head in the clouds of smog.But through the hazeIn the middle distance standsA small creature, a humanMy seven year-old son, Saint-Jeanne, in a toga"Mama" he says soflty"Look at the blossom of the cherry,"It is beautiful"And I hug him.第二首:The Cherry Blossom Blooming New life hanging flora from the tree, buds of living pink on the retina—reflecting perfectdoses of red-shifted spectrato mimic all in the skies:the ruby-stained, screaming, stretching away of starlight's elongated bleeding.What Hubble must have seen,his pin-focused eyestabbing through glassinto darkness enveloping cold:a murdered heaven,sanguinarystreaking,retreating in every direction.第三首:In Your AbsenceNot yet summer,but unseasonable heatpries open the cherry tree.It stands there stupefied,in its sham, pink frills,dense with early blooming.Then, as afternoon coolsinto more furtive winds,I look up to seea blizzard of petalsrushing the sky.It is only April.I can'tstop my own lifefrom hurrying by.The moon, already pacing.。
8. 关于cherry(樱花)的英语短文
cherry是樱桃吧! Prunus serrulata 才是樱花吧~~~~到底是介绍哪个呢???
When we say about Cherry Blossom ,the first expression appears in our head is the national flower of Japan.Cherry Blossom is emblem of purity and
it represents the pure love and hope.
The legend of the Cherry Blossom was romantic. A fairy called sakurasamei had sowed the seed of cherry blossom into the land of Japan to propagate the hope and love to the people who had fell into penury . In order to remember the kindness
fairy, Japanese call the flower sakura.
Cherry blossom's florescence is just 7 days ,like a meteoric Catharine.However, It is the true meaning and spirit of sakura that is fascinated japan people.
No matter how short the life is, we have responsibility to make it glitter and glamorous!
“樱花”是"cherry flower"? 老外都要笑哭了
可以用cherry blossom来表示
cherryblossom season 樱花季
The park will host its annual Cherry Blossom Festival.
Wow!The cherry blossoms are stunning in the park.
Oh yes. It is the cherry blossom season now.
Could you take a picture of me?
最好不用cherry flower哦~
— E·N·D —
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