时间:2022-05-09 15:41 | 分类: 句子大全 | 作者:真爱总受伤 | 评论: 次 | 点击: 次
Seek not proud riches, but such as thou mayest get justly, use soberly, distribute cheerfully, and leave contentedly.
It is impossible to love and be wise. 要恋爱而又要理智是不可能的。
This passion hath his floods, in very times of weakness; which are great prosperity, and great adversity; though this latter hath been less observed: both which times kindle love, and make it more fervent, and therefore show it to be the child of folly 当人心最软弱的时候,爱情最容易入侵,那就是当人得意春风,忘乎所以和处境窘困孤独凄零的时候,虽然后者未必能得到爱情。人在这样的时候最急于跳入爱情的火焰中由此可见,“爱情”实在是“愚蠢”的儿子。
In beauty, that of favor, is more than that of color; and that of decent and gracious motion, more than that of favor 形体之美要胜于颜色之美,而优雅行为之美又胜于形体之美
There is no man that imparteth his joys to his friends, but that he joyeth the more; and no man that imparteth is griefs to his friends, but he grieveth the less. 与友分享欢乐者,无不欢乐倍增;与友分担哀伤者,无不哀伤减半
Beauty is as summer fruits, which are easy to corrupt, and cannot last; and for the most part it makes a dissolute youth, and an age a little out of countenance 美犹如盛夏的水果,是容易腐烂而难保持的,世上有许多美人,她们有过放荡的青春,却迎受着愧悔的晚年。
Natural abilities are like natural plants, that need pruning by study; and studies themselves do give forth directions too much at large, except they be bounded in by experience. 天生的能力好像天然生成的植物,必须通过学习加以修整;然而学习本身如若不由实践去约束,必然方向纷杂而漫无目的。
Virtue is like a rich stone, best plain set 美德好比宝石,在朴素背景的衬托下反而更华丽。
Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man. 阅读使人充实,交谈使人机智,写作使人精确。
Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtitle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend 读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理学使人庄重,逻辑修辞之学使人善辩:凡有所学,皆成性格
Young men are fitter to invent than to judge, fitter for execution than for counsel, fitter for new projects than for settled business年轻人适合发明甚于评价,适合执行而甚于决策;适合从事新项目甚于固定职业
如果真是famous quote的话,还是能找到的的,网上的名言是点击喜欢量来排序的。
哪怕知道原文的英文单词都还好找。history, truth, gold, fallacy 一般名言就难找了,几百条名言中,没有进一步的搜索功能 Francis Bacon quotes on science Sir Francis Bacon Quotes - 127 Science Quotes 就这一句最接近了。
for the truth is, that time seemeth to be of the nature of a river or stream, which carrieth down to us that which is light and blown up, and sinketh and drowneth that which is weighty and solid. 这个句法实在是复杂的很。大意是:时间像河流,漂浮给我们是轻物,沉淀下来的是重物。
for the truth is, that time seemeth to be of the nature of a river or stream, which =(时间长河)carrieth down to us that which is light and blown up, and (时间长河)sinketh and drowneth that which is weighty and solid. as if the multitude, or the wisest for the multitude's sake, were not ready to give passage rather to that which is popular and superficial, than to that which is substantial and profound: for the truth is, that time seemeth to be of the nature of a river or stream, which carrieth down to us that which is light and blown up, and sinketh and drowneth that which is weighty and solid. — Sir Francis Bacon Another error is a conceit that . . . the best has still prevailed and suppressed the rest: so as, if a man should begin the labor of a new search, he were but like to light upon somewhat formerly rejected, and by rejection brought into oblivion; as if the multitude, or the wisest for the multitude's sake, were not ready to give passage rather to that which is popular and superficial, than to that which is substantial and profound: for the truth is, that time seemeth to be of the nature of a river or stream, which carrieth down to us that which is light and blown up, and sinketh and drowneth that which is weighty and solid. — Sir Francis Bacon Advancement of Learning, Book 1. Collected in The Works of Francis Bacon (1826), Vol 1, 36. Science quotes on: | Error (152) | Rejection (16) | Time (170) | Truth (450)。
One mysterious effect of friendship lies in that if you tell your joy to your friend, your joy will double, and that if you pour your sorrow to your friend, your sorrow will be reduced by half.
4.培根 英文 名言
Shi Wenming: a country by not dream, it always eventually resort to blood and iron.
Phillips: The disadvantage is that fear of the fate of dreamers.
Yueaolaili: dreamer long service life, short life man of action.
阿安普罗克 Special: Dream Once put into action, will become sacred.
Tennyson: the dream as long as durable, can become a reality. We do not live in a dream is it?
Fu Lude: you can not form their own personality with a dream, you must be thoroughly tempered for their own personal form.
United Kingdom: the dream of youth, is the true projection of the future.
Zhanhanike: All activists are dreamers.
感谢您为 Google 翻译提供翻译建议。
Shi Wenming: a country by not dream, it always eventually resort to blood and iron. <br>Phillips: The disadvantage is that fear of the fate of dreamers. <br>Yueaolaili: dreamer long service life, short life man of action. <br>;阿安普罗克 Special: Dream Once put into action, will become sacred. <br>Tennyson: the dream as long as durable, can become a reality. We do not live in a dream is it? <br>Fu Lude: you can not form their own personality with a dream, you must be thoroughly tempered for their own personal form. <br>United Kingdom: the dream of youth, is the true projection of the future. <br>Zhanhanike: All activists are dreamers.
5.如果民众讲的比上层人物讲的更真实可信,这不必奇怪,因为民众讲话不用担风险 。
14.惯于作假其实只是一种因软弱和不动脑筋而促成的狡猾,并不是高超的策略 。