
时间:2022-05-10 06:54 | 分类: 句子大全 | 作者:刺猬读书 | 评论: 次 | 点击:



1、Undertake not what you cannot perform, but be careful to keep your promise. ——George Washington 不要承担你完成不了的事,但一定要信守诺言。

——乔治·华盛顿 2、There is no situation in life but has its advantages and pleasures provided we will but take it as a joke when we find it. ——Washington Irving 人世间的任何境遇都有其优点和乐趣,只要我们愿意接受现实。 ——华盛顿·欧文 3、It was the policy of the good old gentlemen to make his chileren feel that home was the happiest place in the world; and I value this delicious home---feeling as one of the choicest gifts a parent can bestow. (Irvng Washington, Father of literature of the United States.)让孩子感到家庭是世界上最幸福的地方,这是以往有涵养的大人明智的做法。

这种美妙的家庭情感,在我看来,和大人赠给孩子们的那些最精致的礼物一样珍贵。(美国文学之父 华盛顿. I.)/s?tn=baidu&ct=0&ie=gb2312&bs=%BB%AA%CA%A2%B6%D9%D3%A2%D3%EF%C3%FB%D1%D4&sr=&z=&cl=3&f=8&wd=%BB%AA%CA%A2%B6%D9%B5%C4%D3%A2%D3%EF%C3%FB%D1%D4自己去这里查吧,很多。


1、Undertake not what you cannot perform, but be careful to keep your promise.

——George Washington



2、There is no situation in life but has its advantages and pleasures provided we will but take it as a joke when we find it.

——Washington Irving



3、It was the policy of the good old gentlemen to make his chileren feel that home was the happiest place in the world; and I value this delicious home---feeling as one of the choicest gifts a parent can bestow. (Irvng Washington, Father of literature of the United States.)

让孩子感到家庭是世界上最幸福的地方,这是以往有涵养的大人明智的做法。这种美妙的家庭情感,在我看来,和大人赠给孩子们的那些最精致的礼物一样珍贵。(美国文学之父 华盛顿. I.)



国会纪念堂里的华盛顿雕像byname Father of His Country American general and commander in chief of the colonial armies in the American Revolution (1775–83) and subsequently first president of the United States (1789–97). (For a discussion of the history and nature of the presidency, see presidency of the United States of America. See also Cabinet of President George Washington.) Washington's father, Augustine Washington, had gone to school in England, had tasted seafaring life, and then settled down to manage his growing Virginia estates. His mother was Mary Ball, whom Augustine, a widower, had married early the previous year. Washington's paternal lineage had some distinction; an early forebear was described as a “gentleman,” Henry VIII later gave the family lands, and its members held various offices. But family fortunes fell with the Puritan revolution in England, and John Washington, grandfather of Augustine, migrated in 1657 to Virginia. The ancestral home at Sulgrave, Northamptonshire, is maintained as a Washington memorial. Little definite information exists on any of the line until Augustine. He was an energetic, ambitious man who acquired much land, built mills, took an interest in opening iron mines, and sent his two oldest sons to England for schooling. By his first wife, Jane Butler, he had four children; by his second wife, Mary Ball, he had six. Augustine died April 12, 1743.。


国会纪念堂里的华盛顿雕像byname Father of His Country American general and commander in chief of the colonial armies in the American Revolution (1775–83) and subsequently first president of the United States (1789–97). (For a discussion of the history and nature of the presidency, see presidency of the United States of America. See also Cabinet of President George Washington.)

Washington's father, Augustine Washington, had gone to school in England, had tasted seafaring life, and then settled down to manage his growing Virginia estates. His mother was Mary Ball, whom Augustine, a widower, had married early the previous year. Washington's paternal lineage had some distinction; an early forebear was described as a “gentleman,” Henry VIII later gave the family lands, and its members held various offices. But family fortunes fell with the Puritan revolution in England, and John Washington, grandfather of Augustine, migrated in 1657 to Virginia. The ancestral home at Sulgrave, Northamptonshire, is maintained as a Washington memorial. Little definite information exists on any of the line until Augustine. He was an energetic, ambitious man who acquired much land, built mills, took an interest in opening iron mines, and sent his two oldest sons to England for schooling. By his first wife, Jane Butler, he had four children; by his second wife, Mary Ball, he had six. Augustine died April 12, 1743.


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WASHINGTON, George (1732-1799), first president of the U.S., commander in chief of the Continental army during the American Revolution. He symbolized qualities of discipline, aristocratic duty, military orthodoxy, and persistence in adversity that his contemporaries particularly valued as marks of mature political leadership. Washington was born on Feb. 22, 1732, in Westmoreland Co., Va., the eldest son of Augustine Washington (1694??743), a Virginia planter, and Mary Ball Washington (1708?9). Although Washington had little or no formal schooling, his early notebooks indicate that he read in geography, military history, agriculture, deportment, and composition and that he showed some aptitude in surveying and simple mathematics. In later life he developed a style of speech and writing that, although not always polished, was marked by clarity and force. Tall, strong, and fond of action, he was a superb horseman and enjoyed the robust sports and social occasions of the Virginia planter society. At the age of 16 he was invited to join a party to survey lands owned by the Fairfax family (to which he was related by marriage) west of the Blue Ridge Mountains. His journey led him to take a lifelong interest in the development of western lands. In the summer of 1749 he was appointed official surveyor for Culpeper Co., and during the next two years he made many surveys for landowners on the Virginia frontier. In 1753 he was appointed adjutant of one of the districts into which Virginia was divided, with the rank of major.


罗斯福经典语录一I want to see you game, boys, I want to see you brave and manly, and I also want to see you gentle and tender. (Address at Friends School, Washington, DC, May 24, 1907)孩子们,我想看你们竞赛,我想见到你们勇敢男子汉的一面,还有和气细心的一刻。

罗斯福经典语录二Be practical as well are generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars, but remember to keep your feet on the ground. (Speech at Prize Day Exercises at Groton School, Groton, MA, May 24 1904)你的志向必须要实事求是并且要有意义,把眼光放远至天上的星星,但要紧记把你的双脚踏实在地上。罗斯福经典语录三Courage, hard work, self-mastery, and intelligent effort are all essential to successful life. (America and the World War, 1915)勇气胆量,勤奋向上,自我控制,和聪敏机灵的努力,都是成功必不可少的要素。

Alike for the nation and the individual, the one indispensable requisite is character. (American Ideals, 1897)个性——不论对国家还是个人,都是不可缺少的。罗斯福经典语录四A man's usefulness depends upon his living up to his ideals in so far as he can. (A Letter to Dr. Sturgis Bigelow, March 29, 1898)一个人的效用功德,取决于他有否在能力范围内尽全力实践自己的理想志向。

罗斯福经典语录五It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed. (The Strenuous Life, 1900)失败苦,更苦的是从没尝试争取便成功。 (注:因为没经历,很快会跌下来。

Hard一词亦可解作困难,但在这句中不是指很难才失败。)罗斯福经典语录六All daring and courage, all iron endurance of misfortune make for a finer and nobler type of manhood. (Address to Naval War College, June 2, 1897)在厄运中磨练出来的大胆气魄、勇气胆量和坚韧耐力,全可把人锻炼得更为优秀、更高尚。

罗斯福经典语录七Only those are fit to live who do not fear to die; and none are fit to die who have shrunk from the joy of life and the duty of life. (The Great Adventure, 1918)留下来的都不惧怕死亡;死去的亦没有为生命的喜悦和责任而退缩。 (注:此话是罗斯福为在第一次世界大战中丧生的儿子Quentin Roosevelt的颂词。

自问未能翻释出他的神绪,请高人指教。)罗斯福经典语录八Ours is a government of liberty by, through, and under the law. (Speech at Spokane, WA, May 26, 1903)我们这个自由的政府是依据并通过法律所定义的。

罗斯福经典语录九A great democracy has got to be progressive or it will soon cease to be great or a democracy. (The New Nationalism, 1910)一个伟大的民主制度,必须不断进步,否则会渐变得不再伟大,甚至不再是民主。罗斯福经典语录十Order without liberty and liberty without order are equally destructive. (Miscellaneous Writings, c. 18。


1. You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.


2.I am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards.


3.I don't know who my grandfather was:I am much more concerned to know what his grandson will be.


4. With malice toward none, with charity for all;let us strive on to finish the work we are in.


5. Bad promises are better broken than kept.


6. A capacity and taste for reading gives access to whatever has been discovered by others. It is the key, orone of the keys, to the already solved problems. And not only so;it gives a relish and facility for successfully pursuing the unsolved ones.


7. Only when one plunges into the powerful current of the times will one's life shine brilliantly.


8. Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing.


9. Good boys who to their books apply,will all be great men by and by.


10. Remember when life's path is steep to keep your mind even.












但很多人不知道的是,在60年代最初的五个年头,马尔克斯 没有萌生任何创作一部小说的念头,他经常对朋友们说:我再也不写作了!《百年孤独》构思了长达18年之久,他在1967年完成这部惊世之作。这部小说近乎全面的体现了魔幻现实主义的艺术写作风格和基调,是魔幻现实主义文学高峰上的一颗明珠,离奇的想象力、荒诞魔幻的故事、光怪陆离的额画面,将人们带入拉丁美洲神奇世界,一个家族100年的历史,几代人的塑造,梦幻、神奇、幻想























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