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曾经有一份真诚的爱情放在我面前,我没有珍惜,等我失去的时候我才后悔莫及,人世间最痛苦的事莫过于此.你的剑在我的咽喉割下去吧.不用再犹豫了,如果上天能够给我一个再来一次的机会,我会对那个女孩子说三个字,我爱你.如果非要在这份爱上加一个期限,我希望是..一万年.. There has been a true love in front of my eyes, but i have not cherished it. And i get so regreted losing it, which is the most sorrowful thing on earth. if the God can give me another chance, i will say to that girl, i love you. And if this true love should have a deadline, i hope it's 10000 year.


Journey to the West大话西游经典台词英文版2006-12-08 22:27 Once there was a trust love to be put before my eyes,but I didn`t cherish it.Only after losing it I found myself to regret.No pain in the world comes near this.If God could give me another chance,I would say to the girl "I love you".If there had to be a limit of time before the love,I hope it would be ten thousand years. 至尊宝:长夜漫漫无心睡眠,我以为只有我睡不着觉,原来晶晶姑娘你也睡不着啊!It's long night,no mood to sleep,I thought I'm the only one ,But Jingjing,you're sleepless ,too!白晶晶:你把胡子剃光干什么?你知不知道你少了胡子一点性格都没有了?Why you shave off your beard?You're just another guy without beard!白晶晶:唉,文也不行武也不行,你不做山贼,你想做状元啊?省省吧你!改变什么形象,好好地做你山贼这份很有前途的职业去吧!You can't do anything.Do you want to be a scholar instead of a robber?Please stop changing,being a robber is a good job!至尊宝:我知道了,我一定会继续努力的!真失败!原来晶晶姑娘喜欢粗犷一面的我!I know,I'll try my best.So pathetic!Jingjing loves my violent side.少女:神仙?妖怪?谢谢!哎!我现在郑重宣布,这座山所有的东西都是属于我的,包括你在内!Immortals?Devil?Thank you!Listen to me, all things here belong to me.Include you!唐僧: 悟空你也太调皮了,我跟你说过叫你不要乱扔东西,你怎么又…你看我还没说完你又把棍子给扔掉了!月光宝盒是宝物,你把他扔掉会污染环境,要是砸到小朋友怎么办?就算砸不到小朋友砸到那些花花草草也是不对的! Monkey King,you are so naughty!I've told you,you don't listen to me again,YOU threw away your stick.The Pandora's Box is a treasure.You threw that away.It will pollute the enviroment!You will hurt kids! If there are not kids ,you'll hurt plants~.唐僧:你想要啊?悟空,你要是想要的话你就说话嘛,你不说我怎么知道你想要呢,虽然你很有诚意地看着我,可是你还是要跟我说你想要的。

你真的想要吗?那你就拿去吧!你不是真的想要吧?难道你真的想要吗?…… Do you like it ?Tell me if you do .I'll give you if you like it ,I won't give you if you don't tell me.I'm pretty sure that I will give you if you like it ,I'm pretty sure that I won't give you if you don't like it.We're reasonble men~.I'll count to 3.Tell me you like it or not。

悟空:大家看到啦?这个家伙没事就长篇大论婆婆妈妈叽叽歪歪,就好象整天有一只苍蝇,嗡……对不起,不是一只,是一堆苍蝇围着你,嗡…嗡…嗡…嗡…飞到你的耳朵里面,救命啊! 所以呢我就抓住苍蝇挤破它的肚皮把它的肠子扯出来再用它的肠子勒住他的脖子用力一拉,呵--!整条舌头都伸出来啦!我再手起刀落哗--!整个世界清净了。现在大家明白,为什么我要杀他!You know the guy keep nagging all the time.very annoying.Just like a fly !No,not a fly, It's a swarm of flies!Fly into your brain.Help !Help !I'll catch it and tear it's belly open,tear it's intestine out,then put it around it's neck,then pull it .It's tongue comes out,and then I use my blade to cut.Wow~!The world becomes silent.Now you know why i want to eat it up!唐僧:唉,那个金刚圈尺寸太差,前重后轻左宽右窄,他带上之后很不舒服,整晚失眠,会连累我嘛!他虽然是个猴子,可是你也不能这样对他,官府知道了会说我虐待动物的!说起那个金刚圈,去年我在陈家村认识了一位铁匠,他手工精美、价钱又公道、童叟无欺,干脆我介绍你再定做一个吧!The size of the Gold Ring didn't suit him.It made him very uneasy.After waering it he couldn't sleep well at night.It's bad to me too.Althought he is a monkey.You still cann't abuse it,I'll be indicated animal abuse if the government knows it.The Gold Ring,I met a ironth at Chan's village last year,let me intruduce you to him and make a new one!画外音:当时那把剑离我的喉咙只有0.01公分,但是四分之一炷香之后,那把剑的女主人将会彻底地爱上我,因为我决定说一个谎话。

虽然本人生平说过无数的谎话,但是这一个我认为是最完美的…… At this time the blade is really close to me 0.01cmI think.But after a short period of time 0.01secind,I think the owner of the sword will fall for me wholeheartedlly.Because I've decided to tell lies .I've told many lies in my life.But I think it is the wonderful lie!紫霞:你再往前半步我就把你给杀了!I'll kill you if you come close!至尊宝:你应该这么做,我也应该死。曾经有一份真诚的爱情放在我面前,我没有珍惜,等我失去的时候我才后悔莫及,人世间最痛苦的事莫过于此。

你的剑在我的咽喉上割下去吧!不用再犹豫了!如果上天能够给我一个再来一次的机会,我会对那个女孩子说三个字:我爱你。如果非要在这份爱上加上一个期限,我希望是……一万年! You should kill me !Kill me!I'd found my best love .But i didn't treasure her.I felt regretful after that,It's the ultimate pain in the world!Just cut my throat ,Pl。


(这时在水帘洞中) 至尊宝:观音大士,我开始明白你说的话了,以前我看事物是用肉眼去看。

但是在我死去的那一刹那,我开始用心眼去看这个世界,所有的事物真的可以看得前所未有的那么清楚……原来那个女孩子在我的心里面流下了一滴眼泪,我完全可以感受到当时她是多么地伤心…… 观音:尘世间的事你不再留恋了吗? 至尊宝:没关系啦,生亦何哀,死亦何苦…… (突然三个强盗的魂出现了。) 三强盗:说得好说得好!恭喜恭喜! 至尊宝:怎么样老兄?来,坐坐坐! 三强盗:你坐! 至尊宝:最倒霉的是连累我这三位新朋友,跟他们完全没有关系嘛! 三强盗:算啦,别提了! 至尊宝:不过我真的不明白,恨一个人可以十年、五十年甚至五百年这样恨下去,为什么仇恨可以大到这种地步呢? 观音:所以唐三藏去取西经他就是想指望这本经书去化解人世间的仇恨。

至尊宝:明白! (朝三位强盗) 我要留下来因为还有事情等着我去做,你们自己跑快一 点去投胎吧。这辈子我害你们被人砍了一刀,希望下辈子有机会可以还! 菩提:要还就还三刀! 至尊宝:怎么说都行,亲爱的葡萄! 三强盗:我们走了,再见! 至尊宝:再见,不送了! 观音:我要再提醒你一次,金箍戴上之后你再也不是个凡人,人世间的情欲不能再沾半点。

如果动心这个金箍就会在你头上越收越紧,苦不堪言! 至尊宝:听到! 观音:在戴上这个金箍之前,你还有什么话想说? (至尊宝双手拿起金刚圈,停在半空,想了片刻) 至尊宝:曾经有一份真诚的爱情摆在我的面前,但是我没有珍惜。等到了失去的时候才后悔莫及,尘世间最痛苦的事莫过于此。

如果上天可以给我一个机会再来一次的话,我会跟那个女孩子说“我爱她”。如果非要 把这份爱加上一个期限,我希望是一万年! (一阵寒风吹过,至尊宝合上双眼,缓缓戴上金箍……) (悟空追到城下面,用金箍棒将城顶住。)

牛魔王:臭猴子把城顶住?我扇! 悟空:我把你顶回去! (紫霞追上来,一把抱住孙悟空。) 紫霞:混球! 悟空:你又想怎么样?贱人! 紫霞:混蛋! 悟空:你才混蛋! 紫霞:你不是人! 悟空:你才不是人呢!你不要再发疯了,我刚才跟你说的话你明不明白? 紫霞:你又明不明白我已经不再是神仙了!我只明白一件事:爱一个人是那么痛苦! 悟空:不要跟我说这种废话,我说过了你认错人啦! 紫霞:那这串金铃是在哪里买的? (孙悟空望着金铃,无言以对。

突然牛魔王从身后一叉刺来。) 紫霞:小心! (用身体在悟空前面一挡,钢叉正中紫霞。)

牛魔王:啊?紫霞! 悟空:我Cao! (一棒将牛魔王打得穿土而过,飞到城上面去了) (紫霞向远处飘去,悟空脚下几个起落飞过去抱住她。) 悟空:紫霞! 紫霞:我的意中人是个盖世英雄,有一天他会踩着七色的云彩来娶我,我猜中了前头,可是我猜不着这结局…… (头一歪) (悟空悲痛万分,头上的金箍果然越收越紧。

悟空苦不堪言,双手一松,眼睁睁看着紫霞美丽的身躯向远方飘去……) 悟空:我要你的命--! (悟空一腔痛苦化为了仇恨,他跳上城头,抽出金箍棒,运起神威将牛魔王击毙。) 英文:1、 Once there was a true love at my hand ,but I didn't cherish it .I didn't realize it until it was gone.There is nothing more miserable than it .If God can give me a chance to restart ,I'll tell the girl I Love You.If I have to add a deadline to the love I hope it will be ten thousand years. 紫霞:我的意中人是个盖世英雄,有一天他会踩着七色的云彩来娶我,我猜中了前头,可是我猜不着这结局…… Lin Zixia: my lover is a super hero, he will ride a colorful cloud to marry me, i succeed guessing the former part, but fail to know the ending。


Journey to the West大话西游经典台词英文版2006-12-08 22:27 Once there was a trust love to be put before my eyes,but I didn`t cherish it.Only after losing it I found myself to regret.No pain in the world comes near this.If God could give me another chance,I would say to the girl "I love you".If there had to be a limit of time before the love,I hope it would be ten thousand years. 至尊宝:长夜漫漫无心睡眠,我以为只有我睡不着觉,原来晶晶姑娘你也睡不着啊!It's long night,no mood to sleep,I thought I'm the only one ,But Jingjing,you're sleepless ,too!白晶晶:你把胡子剃光干什么?你知不知道你少了胡子一点性格都没有了?Why you shave off your beard?You're just another guy without beard!白晶晶:唉,文也不行武也不行,你不做山贼,你想做状元啊?省省吧你!改变什么形象,好好地做你山贼这份很有前途的职业去吧!You can't do anything.Do you want to be a scholar instead of a robber?Please stop changing,being a robber is a good job!至尊宝:我知道了,我一定会继续努力的!真失败!原来晶晶姑娘喜欢粗犷一面的我!I know,I'll try my best.So pathetic!Jingjing loves my violent side.少女:神仙?妖怪?谢谢!哎!我现在郑重宣布,这座山所有的东西都是属于我的,包括你在内!Immortals?Devil?Thank you!Listen to me, all things here belong to me.Include you!唐僧: 悟空你也太调皮了,我跟你说过叫你不要乱扔东西,你怎么又…你看我还没说完你又把棍子给扔掉了!月光宝盒是宝物,你把他扔掉会污染环境,要是砸到小朋友怎么办?就算砸不到小朋友砸到那些花花草草也是不对的! Monkey King,you are so naughty!I've told you,you don't listen to me again,YOU threw away your stick.The Pandora's Box is a treasure.You threw that away.It will pollute the enviroment!You will hurt kids! If there are not kids ,you'll hurt plants~.唐僧:你想要啊?悟空,你要是想要的话你就说话嘛,你不说我怎么知道你想要呢,虽然你很有诚意地看着我,可是你还是要跟我说你想要的。

你真的想要吗?那你就拿去吧!你不是真的想要吧?难道你真的想要吗?…… Do you like it ?Tell me if you do .I'll give you if you like it ,I won't give you if you don't tell me.I'm pretty sure that I will give you if you like it ,I'm pretty sure that I won't give you if you don't like it.We're reasonble men~.I'll count to 3.Tell me you like it or not。

悟空:大家看到啦?这个家伙没事就长篇大论婆婆妈妈叽叽歪歪,就好象整天有一只苍蝇,嗡……对不起,不是一只,是一堆苍蝇围着你,嗡…嗡…嗡…嗡…飞到你的耳朵里面,救命啊! 所以呢我就抓住苍蝇挤破它的肚皮把它的肠子扯出来再用它的肠子勒住他的脖子用力一拉,呵--!整条舌头都伸出来啦!我再手起刀落哗--!整个世界清净了。现在大家明白,为什么我要杀他!You know the guy keep nagging all the time.very annoying.Just like a fly !No,not a fly, It's a swarm of flies!Fly into your brain.Help !Help !I'll catch it and tear it's belly open,tear it's intestine out,then put it around it's neck,then pull it .It's tongue comes out,and then I use my blade to cut.Wow~!The world becomes silent.Now you know why i want to eat it up!唐僧:唉,那个金刚圈尺寸太差,前重后轻左宽右窄,他带上之后很不舒服,整晚失眠,会连累我嘛!他虽然是个猴子,可是你也不能这样对他,官府知道了会说我虐待动物的!说起那个金刚圈,去年我在陈家村认识了一位铁匠,他手工精美、价钱又公道、童叟无欺,干脆我介绍你再定做一个吧!The size of the Gold Ring didn't suit him.It made him very uneasy.After waering it he couldn't sleep well at night.It's bad to me too.Althought he is a monkey.You still cann't abuse it,I'll be indicated animal abuse if the government knows it.The Gold Ring,I met a ironth at Chan's village last year,let me intruduce you to him and make a new one!画外音:当时那把剑离我的喉咙只有0.01公分,但是四分之一炷香之后,那把剑的女主人将会彻底地爱上我,因为我决定说一个谎话。

虽然本人生平说过无数的谎话,但是这一个我认为是最完美的…… At this time the blade is really close to me 0.01cmI think.But after a short period of time 0.01secind,I think the owner of the sword will fall for me wholeheartedlly.Because I've decided to tell lies .I've told many lies in my life.But I think it is the wonderful lie!紫霞:你再往前半步我就把你给杀了!I'll kill you if you come close!至尊宝:你应该这么做,我也应该死。曾经有一份真诚的爱情放在我面前,我没有珍惜,等我失去的时候我才后悔莫及,人世间最痛苦的事莫过于此。

你的剑在我的咽喉上割下去吧!不用再犹豫了!如果上天能够给我一个再来一次的机会,我会对那个女孩子说三个字:我爱你。如果非要在这份爱上加上一个期限,我希望是……一万年! You should kill me !Kill me!I'd found my best love .But i didn't treasure her.I felt regretful after that,It's the ultimate pain in the world!Just cut my throat ,。


I onceletthe trnest love slip away form before myeyesonlytofind myselfRegretting whenitwastolate nopogn in the word comes never to thisIf only god would give another chance i would say to the girlIloveyouIf the had to be a limit of timeIpray itis10000years。



















1. 当爱情走到迷茫的时候,要验证两个人是否相爱的唯一方法就是分开。分开以后,如果难受,如果思念,那就是真爱。而真爱一定会让两个人再次相遇。

When the journey of love comes to its hazy crossroads, the only way to verify whether two people are still in love is to split up. If pain and nostalgia creep up on them, that's true love. And true love will breed a second encounter.

2. 两个人散了是因为一个以为不会走,一个以为会挽留。

Two lovers split up, because one assumed the other would stay whereas one assumed the other would persuade.

3. 你们都在等,等什么?等对方先放手。

What are you waiting for? You're both awaiting the other's letting go.

4. 紫霞离开至尊宝后,至尊宝才能真正成长为孙悟空。

Only after Zi Xia Fairy left Zhi Zunbao, can Zhi Zunbao grow up into the real Monkey King.

5.There is no love in her eyes anymore, just like I never had at the start.



6. 再深的感情也抵挡不住缘分的交错。

No matter how deeply we are in love, we can't ward off the mainipulation of destiny.

7. 借吵架的壳,撒思念的娇。

You are missing each other in the name of a quarrel.

8. 我们都想要新的开始,新的生活,却忘记了他/她身边也会有新的人出现。

We are both craving for a brand-new start, a brand-new life, forgetting that new ones are coming around.

9. 人生每个不同的阶段,会有不同的人停留。总有一些人来,总会有一些人离开。

At different stages, our life is visited by different people, inevitably with someone coming, and someone leaving.

10. 不是每个人都能叫前任,而前任并非只是某个人,它是每一个走过的人在你心里留下的痕迹。

Not everyone can be called "Ex". "Ex" is not a particular person, but the trace one left.





break up/parting/leave-taking/split up

▶ My girlfriend had broken up with me. 我的女朋友已跟我分手了。

▶ They parted with reluctance. 他们依依不舍地分手了。

▶ Her parting words left him feeling empty and alone. 她分手时说的话让他感觉空虚孤独。

▶ To be leave-taking, but I need more patience. 即将告别,但还需要忍耐。

▶ I split up with my boyfriend last year. 我去年和男友分手了。

▶ To this end I have a quarrel with him several times, and he wants to split up. 为此我已经和他吵架几次了,都想和他分手了。



▶ Don’t call me any more. 以后别再打给我了。

▶ I don’t think we should see each other anymore. 我想我们以后不要再见面了。

▶ If we don't talk for a while. 我们这段时间不要联系了。

▶ I'll get in touch after they release me. 请不要与我联系和发短信。



▶ He is having an affair. 他在搞外遇。

▶ He is seeing her behind your back. 他背着你偷偷跟她约会。

▶ He is not finished with his ex. 他对他前女友余情未了。

▶ Finally you can cheat on me, huh? 你终于有机会劈腿了,哈?



▶ I believe in the saying of drinking down sorrow. 我相信借酒消愁的说法。

▶ He got disappointed by my repeated wrongdoings and began to drown his worries in drink. 我一次次的折腾简直令他失望了,终日泡在酒中,借酒消愁。

▶ He sought escape in the bottle from hard realities. 他常常借酒消愁来逃避残酷的现实。

▶ Henry was inclined to seek solace in drink. 亨利往往借酒消愁。



▶ I need some time alone. 我需要一个人过一阵子。

▶ You know, I've been thinking, and I don't think it's working out between us. 是这样,我一直在想,我觉得我们是不合适的。

▶ You're too good for me. 我配不上你。

▶ Just go away and leave me be. 你走吧,让我一个人静静。

▶ You deserve a better man/woman. 你应该找个更好的对象。



Just a hug, pretending that you're not with me


Right or wrong, it's too late to apology


Forgive me now, it doesn't matter what I give


I'm begging you, please keep me out of your memory


All those lies, horrified


I used to be so confused


Now I realize, I am so fooled


Love is like sacrifice, you cannot lie


We don't understand, and we cannot plan


Not it's time to say goodbye


My heart is beating for you for the one last time


I don't understand


How can I fall in love with you?



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