
时间:2022-04-18 12:37 | 分类: 句子大全 | 作者:风云变幻数学和英 | 评论: 次 | 点击:



1.A bad thing never dies. 好人不长寿,祸害遗千年。

2.A bad workman always blames his tools. 笨工匠总是怪工具差。 3.A baited cat may grow as fierce as a lion. 人急悬梁,狗急跳墙。

4.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 两鸟在林不如一鸟在手。 5.A bully is always a coward. 欺负弱小者永远是懦夫。

6.A burnt child dreads the fire. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。 7.A cat has nine lives.猫有九条命;吉人自有天相。

8.A cat may look at a king. 小人物也有些权利。 9.A clear conscience can bear any trouble. 平时不做亏心事,夜半敲门心不惊。

10.A cook is bold on his own dunghill. 狗仗人势。 11.A constant guest is never welcome. 常客难受欢迎。

12.A contented mind is a perpetual feast. 知足常乐。 13.A cracked bell can never sound well. 狗嘴里长不出象牙来。

14.A crooked stick will have a crooked shadow. 上梁不正下梁歪。 15.A deceitful peace is more hurtful than an open war. 明枪易躲,暗箭难防。

16.A door must be either shut or open. 门非关即开;二者择其一。 17.A drowning man will clutch at a straw. 溺水之人不放过一根稻草;病急乱投医。

18.A dwarf on a giant's shoulders sees the farther of the two. 巨人肩上的侏儒看得远;借重他人的经验好处多。 19.A fault confessed is half redressed. 知错能改,善莫大焉。

20.A fool and his money are soon parted. 笨人难聚财。 21.A fool's mouth is his destruction. 祸从口出。

22.A forced kindness deserves no thanks. 勉强的善行不值得感谢。 23.A fox may grow grey but never good. 江山易改,本性难移。

24.A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 25.A full purse never lacks friend. 有钱有酒,必有朋友。

26.A golden key opens every door. 钱能通神。 27.A good husband makes a good wife. 夫善则妻贤。

28.A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。 29.A good name is sooner lost than won. 美誉易失难得。

30.A good tale is none the worse for being told twice. 动人的故事令人百听不厌 满意请点下采纳 谢谢。



1. You look great today.(你今天看上去很棒。)【每天都可以用!】

2. You did a good job. (你干得非常好。)【国际最通用的表扬!】

3. We're so proud of you.(我们十分为你骄傲。)【最高级的表扬!】

4. I'm very pleased with your work.(我对你的工作非常满意。)【真诚的赞扬!】

5. This is really a nice place.(这真是个好地方!)【效果很好的表扬!】

6. You're looking sharp!(你看上去真精神/真棒/真漂亮。)【与众不同的表扬!】

7. You always know the right thing to say.

8. You're very eloquent.(你总是说话得体。)【高层次的表扬!】

9. Nice going! = you did a good job.(干得好!)【极其地道的表扬!】

10. The food is delicious.(好吃!)【最普通、但非常重要的表扬!】

11. Everything tastes great.(每样东西都很美味!)

12. Your son/daughter is so cute.(你的孩子很可爱。)

13. What an adorable baby!(多么可爱的孩子。)【只管大胆用!】

14. I admire your work.

15. I respect your work.(我对你的工作表示敬意。)【世界通用!】

16. You've got a great personality.(你的个性很好。)【一个非常安全的表扬!】

17. You have a good sense of humor.(你真幽默。)【美国人极其喜欢的表扬!】

18. Your chinese is really surprising.(你的中文令人惊讶。)

19. Your english is incredible.(我真不敢相信你的英语。)【用了六星级形容词!】

20. You have a very successful business.(你的事业很成功。

21. You're very professional.(你非常专业。)【专业化的表扬!】

22. Your company is very impressive.(你的公司给我留下深刻印象。)

23. You're so smart.(你非常聪明。)

24. I envy you very much.(我非常羡慕你。)

25. Your wife is very charming.(你的妻子很有魅力!)

26. You two make a lovely couple.(你们真是天生的一对!)

27. You're really talented.(你很有天赋。)

28. You look nice in that color.(你穿那种颜色很好看。)


一、富有诗意的经典赞美 The night is young and you're so beautiful. 夜幕初降,而你又是如此的美丽。

Your presence is a present to the world. 你的存在是献给世界的一份礼物。 You are unique and one of a kind. 你是唯一的,无可取代。

二、赞美穿着打扮 What a nice dress/skirt/jacket/sweater/shirt /coat!That's a nice dress/skirt/jacket/sweater/shirt /coat!这件连衣裙/裙子/上衣/毛衣/衬衫/大衣真好看!I adore your jacket.我喜欢你的上衣。I love your hat.我喜欢你的帽子。

The dress suits you very well. 这条连衣裙很合你身。You look good on it. 你穿着很好看。

It matches your style. 很符合你的风格。You look great/beautiful/wonderful in the skirt. 你穿这条裙子真好看/真漂亮。

You look great in your new dress. 你穿这条裙子真漂亮。You look fantastic with the skirt. 这条连衣裙你穿着棒极了。

You look cool in this suit. 你穿着这身衣服帅呆了。Your dress is smashing!你的连衣裙棒极了!The dress is absolutely made for you.这条连衣裙完全是为你定做的!I like the design of your coat.我喜欢你上衣的图案。

、I love the earrings you are wearing. 我喜欢你戴的耳环。Your necklace goes really well with your dress.你的项链和衣服很相配。

I really like your necklace. It's very attractive. 我喜欢你的项链,很好看。三、赞美发型 I like the way you make your hair. 我喜欢你的发型。

I like your new hair style. 我喜欢你的新发型。Your new hairstyle is really wonderful! 你的新发型棒极了。

I love your hair. It looks great. 我喜欢你的发型,棒极了。四、赞美某人的物品 I love your bag.我喜欢你的包。

I was just admiring your bag. It's really nice. 你的皮包真的令人喜欢。What a beautiful car you have!你的汽车真漂亮。

五、赞美形象、容貌、身材、长相 You look great! 你看起来真棒。You look awesome!你看起来真棒。

You really look sharp! 你看起来真棒。You look very smart. 你看起来真棒。

You have a beautiful figure. 你的身材真好。He's very charming./ She's very charming.他/她很迷人。

He's handsome, smart and has a lot of money.他英俊、聪明又有钱。He's good-looking and has brains and a lot of money.他英俊、聪明又有钱。

He's my Prince Charming. 他是我的白马王子。He's terrific. He has a sense of humor,and is considerate.他好棒,富有幽默感又体贴人。

He's really nicely built. He has a good build.他的体格真好。She's got a nice body. 她的身材真好。

She's got a nice shape. 她的身材真好。She's got a great figure. 她的身材真好。

She's got great curves. 她的身材线条真好。She's got a body to die for. 她的身材真让人羡慕。

She has a face to die for. 她长得特别漂亮。She has looks that kills. 她长得特别漂亮。

What a dish she is! / What a beauty she is!她长得真美! I've never seen such a pretty girl.我从没见过这么漂亮的女孩。She's a knock-out. He has a crush on her. 她漂亮极了。

他迷上她了。None but the brave deserves the fair.只有英雄才能配美人。

Some girls are so attractive. They deserve a second look. 有些女孩长得真漂亮迷人(回头率特高)。I wish I could keep looking as young as you. 我真希望能保持得像你一样年轻。

You look so healthy. Is there any secret of keeping fit?你看上去很健康。请问有什么秘诀吗?六、赞美能力、才气、水平、表现、品性 You did a good job. 你干得非常出色。

You did a great job. 你干得非常出色。What a pro! 很专业!You are very professional. 你很有专业水准。

You are so talented. 你真有才气。I do admire you. 我很钦佩你 I admire your courage. 我真佩服你的勇气。

That's awesome. 棒极了!You have good taste.你很有鉴赏力。I really like you taste in music. 我确实敬佩你的音乐鉴赏能力。

You really have an eye for beauty.你真有审美眼光。Your performance was just wonderful.你的表演真棒。

Your speech is wonderful. I'm really impressed.你的演讲真棒,我印象很深刻。You are a wonderful teacher! I really enjoy the lessons you teach.你是个了不起的老师!我很喜欢上你的课。

We are deeply impressed by what you've done here.你(们)在这儿所做的一切给我们留下了深刻的印象。You always know the right thing to do.你办事总是很得体。

I admire your self-confidence greatly. I wouldn't dare do that.我真敬佩你的自信心。换了我是不敢这么做的。

Your painting shows a great deal of talent. 你的画显示你极大天赋。You deserve this success.你的成功当之无愧。

Winning the 1st-prize for three times at a row----you really should be proud of yourself.你一连三次获头等奖,真该自豪!Only you could have got the prize. You should be proud of your school.只有你才能拿到这样的奖。你应当为你的学校感到自豪。

You are really a promising young artist.你是一个非常有前途的青年艺术家。You have set us a good example to follow.你为我们树立了学习的好榜样。

He is a writer of 。



---培根(英国) 5.真理的大海,让未发现的一切事物躺卧在我的眼前,任我去探寻。---牛顿(英国) 6.谬误的好处是一时的,真理的好处是永久的;真理有弊病时,这些弊病是很快就会消灭的,而谬误的弊病则与谬误始终相随。

---狄德罗(法国) 7.凡在小事上对真理持轻率态度的人,在大事上也是不足信的。---爱因斯坦(美国) 8.人的天职在勇于探索真理。

---哥白尼(波兰) 9.我不知道世上的人对我怎样评价。我却这样认为:我好像是在海上玩耍,时而发现了一个光滑的石子儿,时而发现一个美丽的贝壳而为之高兴的孩子。

尽管如此,那真理的海洋还神秘地展现在我们面前。---牛顿(英国) 10.科学的灵感,决不是坐等可以等来的。

如果说,科学上的发现有什么偶然的机遇的话,那么这种“偶然的机遇”只能给那些学有素养的人,给那些善于独立思考的人,给那些具有锲而不舍的精神的人,而不会给懒汉。---华罗庚(中国) 11.一个科学家应该考虑到后世的评论,不必考虑当时的辱骂或称赞。

---巴斯德 (法国) 12.我们在享受着他人的发明给我们带来的巨大益处,我们也必须乐于用自己的发明去为他人服务。---富兰克林(美国) 13.我的人生哲学是工作,我要揭示大自然的奥妙,为人类造福。

---爱迪生(美国) 14.我平生从来没有做出过一次偶然的发明。我的一切发明都是经过深思熟虑和严格试验的结果。

---爱迪生(美国) only obey nature, to manage natural. - Bacon ( UK)5 truth of the sea, let not found all things lying down in front of me, let me to explore. --- Newtonian ( UK)6 the benefits of error is temporary, the truth of the benefit is permanent; truth has its disadvantages, these shortcomings are soon destroyed, and the error is always accompanied with the malady of fallacy. - Diderot ( France)7 any truth in the matter of attitude, in the event the letter is also insufficient. - Einstein ( USA )8 man's duty to be courageous enough to seek for truth. - Copernicus ( Poland)9 I don't know the people of the world to me how evaluation. But I think so: I like playing in the sea, and a smooth Shi Zier, and found a beautiful shell for a happy child. Nevertheless, the ocean of truth also mysteriously in front of us. --- Newtonian ( UK)10 the inspiration of science, will never be sit to. If say, scientific discoveries have any accidental chance, then this" chance" only to those who were literate, to those who are good at independent thinking of the people to keep on carving, who has the spirit of man, and not to the lazy. - Hua Luogeng ( China )11 a scientist should consider to later comment, do not have to consider the abusive or praise. - Pasteur ( France)12 we are enjoying their invention brought us enormous benefits, we must also be willing to use his invention to serve others. - Franklin ( USA )13 my philosophy of life is work, I want to reveal the secret of nature, for the benefit of mankind. - Edison ( USA )14 I have never made a. All of my invention is passed over in one's mind and strict test results. - Edison ( USA )。


For all the great things you say and do…

The best teacher's award goes to you.

As another school term approaches…

wish your days turn our to be as great as you make ours.

You are the best.

Your guidance makes me go far and do things differently.

Sending flowers to my teacher.

Your lessons are still the one that helps me.

Your words are still fresh and warm.

You've swayed my life so deeply.

You're still my best teacher.

A sweet and lovely gift to my favorite teacher.

You are a special person in our life.

We all love you, Sir!

To Sir, With Love !

Thanks for being an inspiring teacher.

You taught me to aim for success and to accept failure with courage.

Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers.

I want to be like you, when I grow up.

Your guidance makes us to achieve what we have dreamt for.

Thank you for being my teacher.

Sending great love to the greatest teacher of the world


A bad conscience is a snake in one's heart. 做贼心虚。

A bad workman quarrels with his tools. 拙匠常怨工具差。 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。

A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk. 闻其歌知其鸟,听其言知其人。 A blind man who leans against a wall imagines that it's the boundary of the world. 坐井观天。

Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it. 相聚爱益切,离别情更深。 A burnt child dreads the fire. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。

Accidents will happen. 天有不测风云。 A clean hand wants no washing. 身正不怕影子斜。

A clear conscience is a soft pillow. 问心无愧,高枕无忧。 A clear conscience is a sure card. 光明磊落,胜券在握。

A clear conscience laughs at false accusations. 白日不做亏心事,夜半敲门心不惊。 A clear fast is better than a dirty breakfast. 宁为清贫,不为浊富。

A close mouth catches no flies. 病从口入,祸从口出。 A cock is valiant on his own dunghill. 夜郎自大。

A common danger causes common action. 同仇敌忾。 A contented mind is perpetual feast. 知足常乐。

Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜於雄辩。 Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public. 在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友。

A fair face may hide a foul heart. 人不可貌相。 A faithful friend is hard to find. 益友难得。

A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。 After a storm comes a calm. 否极泰来。

After black clouds, clear weather. 否极泰来。 After death, the doctor. 放马后炮。

A good appetite is a good sauce. 饥不择食。 A good example is the best sermon. 身教胜似言教。

A good face is a letter of recommendation. 好的相貌就是一封推荐的介绍信。 A good fame is better than a good face. 好的名望胜於好的相貌。

A good friend is my nearest relation. 良友如近亲。 A good marksman may miss. 智者千虑,必有一失。

A good maxim is never out of season. 至理名言不会过时。 A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口,忠言逆耳。

A good winter brings a good summer. 瑞雪兆丰年。 A happy heart makes a blooming visage. 心花怒放,笑逐颜开。

A hero is known in the time of misfortune. 时势造英雄。 A lazy youth, a lousy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

Ale will make a cat speak. 酒后吐真言。 A little is better than none. 聊胜於无。

A little leak will sink a great ship. 千丈之堤溃於蚁穴。 A little neglect may breed great mischief. 小不忍则乱大谋。

A little spark kindles a great fire. 星星之火,可以燎原。 A little wind kindles, much puts out the fire. 适可而止,过犹不及。

All covet, all lose. 贪多必失。 All is fair in war. 兵不厌诈。

All is not gold that glitters. 闪光的东西并不都是黄金。 All roads lead to Rome. 条条道路通罗马。

All shall be well, Jack shall have Jill. 有情人终成眷属。 All the treasures of the earth would not bring back one lost moment. 机会失去不再来,千贯万贯难赎回。

All things are easy that are done willingly. 做事乐意,诸事容易。 All things are obedient to money. 有钱能使鬼推磨。

A maiden with many wooers often chooses the worst. 少女有了许多求婚者往往选中了最差的一个。 A man apt to promise is apt to forget. 轻诺者易忘。

A man can not spin and reel at the same time. 一心不能二用。 A man cannot whistle and drink at he same time. 一心不能二用。

A man has two ears and one mouth that he may hear much and speak little. 人有两只耳朵一张嘴,就是为了多听少说话。 A man knows his companion in a long journey and a little inn. 路遥知马力,日久见人心。

A man may dig his grave with his teeth. 祸从口出。 A man may lead a horse to the water, but he cannot make him drink. 牵马到河易,强马饮水难。

A man may love his house well without riding on the ridge. 有宝何必人前夸。 A match will set fire to a large building. 星星之火,可以燎原。

Ambition never dies until there is no way out. 不到黄河心不死 A miss is as good as a mile. 失之毫厘,差之千里。 Among the blind the one-eyed man is king. 山中无老虎,猴子称霸王。

A near friend is better than a far-dwelling kinsman. 远亲不如近邻。 An enemy's mouth seldom speaks well. 狗嘴里吐不出象牙。

An evil chance seldom comes alone. 祸不单行。 A new broom sweeps clean. 新官上任三把火。

An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 一日之计在於晨。 An old physician, and a young lawyer. 医生年老的好,律师年轻的俏。

An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity. 乐观的人在灾难中看到希望;悲观的人在希望中看到灾难。 An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 预防胜於治疗。

Answer a fool according to his folly. 以其人之道,还治其人之身。 A penny saved is a penny earned. 省钱就是赚钱。


1.you look great today.(你今天看上去很棒。)「每天都可以用!」

2. you did a good job. (你干得非常好。)「国际最通用的表扬!」

3. we're so proud of you.(我们十分为你骄傲。)「最高级的表扬!」

4. i'm very pleased with your work.(我对你的工作非常满意。)「正式、真诚的赞扬!」

5. this is really a nice place.(这真是个好地方!)「随口就说、但效果很好的表扬!」

6. you're looking sharp!(你看上去真精神/真棒/真漂亮。)「与众不同的表扬!」

7. you always know the right thing to say.

8. you are very eloquent.(你总是说话得体。)「高层次的表扬!」

9. nice going! = you did a good job.(干得好!)「极其地道的表扬!」

10. the food is delicious.(好吃!)「最普通、但非常重要的表扬!」

11. everything tastes great.(每样东西都很美味!)

12. your son/daughter is so cute.(你的孩子很可爱。)「外国人绝对喜欢听的表扬!」

13. what an adorable baby!(多么可爱的孩子。)「只管大胆用!」

14. i admire your work. = 15. i respect your work.(我对你的工作表示敬意。)「世界通用!」

15. you've got a great personality.(你的个性很好。)「一个非常安全的表扬!」

16. you have a good sense of humor.(你真幽默。)「美国人极其喜欢的表扬!」

17. you catch a bird. (你抓了一个小鸟球。) 「成功了!」

18. your chinese is really surprising.(你的中文令人惊讶。)「绝对和其他人不一样的表扬!」

19. your english is incredible.(我真不敢相信你的英语。)「用了六星级形容词!」

20. you have a very successful business.(你的事业很成功。)「现代人非常喜欢听!」

21. you're very professional.(你非常专业。)「专业化的表扬!」

22. your company is very impressive.(你的公司给我留下深刻印象。)

23. you're so smart.(你非常聪明。)

24. i envy you very much.(我非常羡慕你。)

25. your wife is very charming.(你的妻子很有魅力!)

26. you two make a lovely couple.(你们真是天生的一对!)

27. you're really talented.(你很有天赋。)

28. you look nice in that color.(你穿那种颜色很好看。)

29. you have a good taste.(你很有品位。)

30. you look like a million dollars. = you look outstanding.=you look like a movie star.(你看上去帅呆了。)



1.you look great today.(你今天看上去很棒。)【每天都可以用!】

2. you did a good job. (你干得非常好。)【国际最通用的表扬!】

3. we're so proud of you.(我们十分为你骄傲。)【最高级的表扬!】

4. i'm very pleased with your work.(我对你的工作非常满意。)【正式、真诚的赞扬!】

5. this is really a nice place.(这真是个好地方!)【随口就说、但效果很好的表扬!】

6. you're looking sharp!(你看上去真精神/真棒/真漂亮。)【与众不同的表扬!】

7. you always know the right thing to say.

= 8. you're very eloquent.(你总是说话得体。)【高层次的表扬!】

9. nice going! = you did a good job.(干得好!)【极其地道的表扬!】

10. the food is delicious.(好吃!)【最普通、但非常重要的表扬!】

11. everything tastes great.(每样东西都很美味!)

12. your son/daughter is so cute.(你的孩子很可爱。)【外国人绝对喜欢听的表扬!】

13. what an adorable baby!(多么可爱的孩子。)【只管大胆用!】

14. i admire your work. = 15. i respect your work.(我对你的工作表示敬意。)【世界通用!】

16. you've got a great personality.(你的个性很好。)【一个非常安全的表扬!】

17. you have a good sense of humor.(你真幽默。)【美国人极其喜欢的表扬!】

18. your chinese is really surprising.(你的中文令人惊讶。)【绝对和其他人不一样的表扬!】

19. your english is incredible.(我真不敢相信你的英语。)【用了六星级形容词!】

20. you have a very successful business.(你的事业很成功。)【现代人非常喜欢听!】

21. you're very professional.(你非常专业。)【专业化的表扬!】

22. your company is very impressive.(你的公司给我留下深刻印象。)

23. you're so smart.(你非常聪明。)

24. i envy you very much.(我非常羡慕你。)

25. your wife is very charming.(你的妻子很有魅力!)

26. you two make a lovely couple.(你们真是天生的一对!)

27. you're really talented.(你很有天赋。)

28. you look nice in that color.(你穿那种颜色很好看。)

29. you have a good taste.(你很有品位。)

30. you look like a million dollars. = you look outstanding.=you look like a movie star.(你看上去帅呆了。)


1、片言之赐,皆我师也。Slice speech, I division also。

2、一日为师,终身为父。A day for the teacher, lifelong for father。

3、爱就是教育,没有爱便没有教育。Love is education, no love, no education。

4、一位好老师,胜过万卷书。A good teacher, and more than thousands of books。

5、是宽容而不是纵容,是诱导而不是命令。Tolerance is not indulgence, induction, rather than command。

6、但愿每次回忆,对生活都不感到负疚。I wish every time memories, don't feel guilty for life。

7、鹤发银丝映日月,丹心热血沃新花。A crane silver mirror the sun steps blood new flowers。

8、教师不仅是知识的传播者,而且是模范。Teacher is the disseminator of knowledge not only, and is a model。

9、一个好的教师,是一个懂得心理学和教育学的人。A good teacher, is a man who understand the psychology and pedagogy。

10、太阳底下最光辉的职业,人类灵魂的工程师。The most glorious career under the sun, the engineer of the human soul。

11、学贵得师,亦贵得友。为学莫重于尊师。Learn expensive division, also your friend。 To learn is better than a teacher。

12、教师的工作是激发孩子对人生无限的好奇心。The teacher's job is to inspire children infinite curiosity about life。

13、教师是孩子的镜子,孩子是老师的影子。Teacher is the mirror of the child, the child is the shadow of the teacher。

14、对于您教诲的苦心,我无比感激,并将铭记于心!Hard for your teachings, I am very grateful, and will be remembered!

15、你若要喜爱你自己的价值,你就得给世界创造价值。If you want to love your own value, you have to create value to the world。



In the eyes of the students, you are "the seed of the true , the messenger of the good , the banner of the beautiful".

教师是人类灵魂的工程师 ——斯大林

The teacher is the engineer of the human soul -- Stalin

春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干 ——李商隐

To death to make silk, wax torch ashes tears -- Li Shangyin

太阳底下最光辉的职业 ;人类灵魂的工程师;

Under the sun the most glory occupation; the engineer of human soul;


Teachers are like candles, burning themselves, illuminates the others.


Three feet platform, three inch tongue, three inch, three thousand peach


It takes ten years for ten years, wind, rain, one hundred thousand pillars


As the world fan, be a model for others


The teacher is our birth parents! The parents have our teacher taught us




有很多恭维话可以让别人自我感觉良好,但有些恭维话可能比其他的更合适。 根据不同的情况,你的赞美可以体现出你对某人的钦佩。


为了确保你的赞美达到你的目的,要有针对性,这样接收者就会感到特别。 毕竟,赞美他人会释放大脑中的激素,让你感觉良好。 另外,如果你想要安全的话,赞美的重点要放在被赞扬人的个性或成就上,而不是他们的外表。


1 Your positivity is infectious.

2 You should be so proud of yourself.

3 You’re amazing!

4 You’re a true gift to the people in your life.

5 You’re an incredible friend.

6 I really appreciate everything that you do.

7 You inspire me to be a better person.

8 Your passion always motivates me.

9 Your smile makes me smile.

10 Thank you for being such a great person.

11 The way you carry yourself is truly admirable.

12 You are such a good listener.

13 You have a remarkable sense of humor.

14 Thanks for being you!

15 You set a great example for everyone around you.

16 I love your perspective on life.

17 Being around you makes everything better.

18 You always know the right thing to say.

19 The world would be a better place if more people were like you!

20 You are one of a kind.

21 You make me want to be the best version of myself.

22 You always have the best ideas.

23 I’m so lucky to have you in my life.

24 Your capacity for generosity knows no bounds.

25 I wish I were more like you.

26 You are so strong.

27 I’ve never met someone as kind as you are.

28 You have such a great heart.

29 Simply knowing you has made me a better person.

30 You are beautiful inside and out.

31 You are so special to everyone you know.

32 Your mere presence is reassuring to me.

33 Your heart must be 10 times the average size.

34 You are my favorite person to talk to.

35 You’ve accomplished so many incredible things.

36 I appreciate your friendship more than you can know.

37 I love how you never compromise on being yourself.

38 I tell other friends how wonderful you are.

39 You helped me realize my own worth.

40 Your point of view is so refreshing.

41 You always make me feel welcome.

42 You deserve everything you’ve achieved.

43 I am so proud of your progress.

44 I’m lucky just to know you.

45 You are so down to earth.

46 You know just how to make my day!

47 You spark so much joy in my life.

48 Your potential is limitless.

49 You have a good head on your shoulders.

50 You are making a real difference in the world.

51 You’re so unique.

52 You are wise beyond your years.

53 You’re worthy of all the good things that come to you.

54 Your parents must be so proud.

55 How did you learn to be so great?

56 Never stop being you!

57 No one makes me laugh harder than you do.

58 You inspire me in so many different ways.

59 You continue to impress me.

60 You make the small things count.

61 You’re a constant reminder that people can be good.

62 I admire the way that you challenge me.

63 You make me see things in an entirely new way.

64 Thanks for always being there for me.

65 You are a ray of sunshine.

66 You have the courage of your convictions.

67 On a scale of one to ten, you’re an eleven.

68 You’re incredibly thoughtful.

69 You have the best ideas.

70 You’re the most perfect ‘you’ there is.

71 You are the epitome of a good person.

72 You always know how to find the silver lining.

73 You’re the person that everyone wants on their team.

74 I always learn so much when I’m around you.

75 Is there anything you can’t do!?


不要羞于赞美别人。 找一些美好的事情对别人说也会让你感到更快乐。 善良是有感染力的,所以今天就把这些赞美传播出去,然后看着积极的情绪开花结果吧。

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