时间:2022-03-21 21:52 | 分类: 正能量句子 | 作者:今晚早点睡吖 | 评论: 次 | 点击: 次
一,班里很乱 你在嘈杂下看着窗外想着未来 桌子上的书放得很高 以至于你看不到黑板 也看不到未来。
The class is in a mess. You look out the window and think about the future. The books on the desk are so high that you can't see the blackboard or the future.
All the inspirational copies you brush are your future, asking for help.
三,你准备好打逆风局了吗? 我将会一身干净 成绩优异 前程似锦 未来可期。
Are you ready to play against the wind? I will be clean, excellent in grades, and have a bright future.
四,凌晨两点的夜晚很安静 早上五点的空气很迷人。
The night at 2 am is quiet and the air at 5 am is charming.
五,课上话少点 背书积极点 做题认真点 态度端正点 我就不信成绩它不给你面子。
Talk less in class, endorse more actively, do more seriously and have a correct attitude. I don't believe in grades. It doesn't give you face.
六,睡不着就刷题 刷累了就睡觉 没有什么比努力更有意义。
If you can't sleep, brush your questions. If you are tired, sleep. Nothing is more meaningful than hard work
七,课上话少点 背书积极点 做题认真点 态度端正点。
Talk less in class, endorse more actively, work more seriously and have a correct attitude.
八,生命只有一次 你要活得畅快淋漓。
There is only one time in life. You have to live freely
九,把生活调成自己喜欢的颜色 美好是需要自己去发现的。
It is necessary to discover the beauty of life by yourself by turning it into your favorite color
As long as you take that step, you have already won
Luck is the fruit, preparation is the cause, and everything has cause and effect
What growth is, that is, to mute the sound of crying, that is, to survive those days when nobody cares.
十三,放弃很容易 可坚持一定很酷 我现在没空 忙着优秀 风水轮流转 我就不信我站不起来 现实会告诉你 不努力会被生活踩死。
It's easy to give up, but it must be cool to stick to it. I don't have time to be busy with good luck now. I don't believe that I can't stand up. Reality will tell you that if you don't work hard, you will be trampled to death by life
十四,不要因为有太多的明天 就不努力。
Don't stop working hard just because there are too many tomorrows
You can't give in to life without working hard. Remember that you are excellent and don't fall down again.
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