时间:2022-04-28 07:17 | 分类: 句子大全 | 作者:英语有意思01 | 评论: 次 | 点击: 次
1. 关于星星的英文句子
1. 夜空中的星星数不清。
The stars in the night sky are innumerable.
2. 星星在晴朗的夜空闪亮。
Stars are brilliant in the clear night sky.
3. 天上有无数的星星。
The stars are coming out.
Clouds hid the stars.
Stars are beginning to peep.
A vivid star.
The stars shine to north.
The sun blinds the stars.
The sky was bespangled with stars.
The sky was spangled with stars.
The sky was twinkling with stars.
The stars faded from the sky.
2. 有没有描写星星月亮的优美的英文句子
Good word stars, stars, star, lone star, the morning star, stars, stars, constellations, nebulae,star, silver star, glittering and translucent, the blink of an eye, flow star, galaxy, ten thousand stars, brilliant stars, bits and pieces, Zhongxingpengyue, stars, sparse stars Dan Yue, star bright, thin sparsely, dotted, Hyosung sinking and residual star points, Hyosung flicker,extragalactic nebula, Kochi Hoshiwoon, stars twinkling, the galaxy now, Beidou shrinkage, five-star rendezvous, zhongxinggongyue, starry, starry, stars, sparkling stars, sparsely scatteredstars good sentences, little stars like pearl, mosaic in the sky, shining with light hair. Naughty little stars to draw a golden arc in the deep blue sky, like Weaver Kam line thrown together.Winter night, a few bare stars piteously, next to the cold, shivering almost hear their teeth coldcatch a couple struck voice. The little stars in the cold air swing, as if the cold trembling. The stars are full of feelings, like naughty children, in the childish, dedicated to watching the world,as if with that bright eye about a beautiful myth. Venus like someone carefully holding candlesaway, quietly shining in the sky above. The dark blue sky shines with a dazzling white light as diamond stars -- star. A starry night, the sky without a cloud, the deep blue sky, the stars are covered with diamonds. The sparkling stars, like a jewel like, densely strewn with the boundless sky. The Milky Milky way, from the northwest sky, across the meridian, slantingtoward the southeast earth diarrhea. The stars in the summer is like the naughty child cute. A few big and bright stars in the sky at night, as if the sky people carrying lanterns in the patrolof the vast space. The stars are reflected in the rough sea, with wave dance up and down,when the current arc. Venus appears most early, in the deep blue sky flashing up. It is so large, so bright, the vast day only a scene where it emits impressiveness light, like a light hanging in the sky. Early in the morning, the storm stopped, but also have a long time before the dawn. A few residual Xing secretly opened his eyes and looked into the white silver whiteworld. Gradually, the remnant star close be sleepy straws. eyes, disappeared in the morningair retreat. A meteor to draw bright lines in the night sky, like searching in the world the most beautiful future. The stars more than ever, big, bright, they are neither the blink of an eye, do not blink, is quiet, serene. This is how the cool clear autumn night! The stars more than everto the bright。
Like silver gray sky studded with many brilliant jewel, SA crystal soft brightness, everything on the earth have become so refined, so quiet. The numerous smallstars all over the sky, falls on the mirror like the river, like a pearl agate, shining. Deep blue sky starry, like countless pairs of eyes, flashing. Ink blue sky hanging many stars, as if theyhad just from the Milky Way bathed in like, bright. The stars like a cup of small lights, flashingin the sky. Black blue blue sky, like a sprinkle sesame like sa a stars in the sky. The East hasfloating fish maw and color of clouds, a few pieces of evacuation of the stars, flashing wink and make signs to one another is still in the sky. Above, a few bright stars look like from the water just like in the flashing out. Fade black clouds, some stars blinked abuse to shy. Sparse stars close tired sleepy eyes, retired disappeared. Venus is so big, so bright, the vast sky onlyone where it emits impressiveness light, like a light hanging in the sky. A bright meteor, like the river spilled a drop of water from the Milky Way like flowers, which, flew out, over the deep blue of the night sky, quietly falling to the north. The meteor has become a flash, pierced the night sky. A meteor dragged long tail like blue phosphorescent, draw a long curve in the sky, a long time before gradually disappearing. The deep blue sky as charming, air flashing a little stars,they are getting more and more, as if dancing in the blue carpet, like in the eyes blinked and talk to me.。
3. 描写星空的英文句子
the twinkling of a starry sky 星空的闪耀
Here, the dusk is sudden, the night silent, the panoply of stars immense and brilliant.
The cloudless sky was jewelled with myriads of glittering stars.
On a clear night, the sky appears to be filled with stars.
4. 求一篇英语描写星星的美文
一首歌好了 歌词:Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Twikle twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are; Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky; Twikle twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are。
When the blazing sun is gone, When he nothing shines upon; Then you show your little light, Twinkle twinkle all the night; Twikle twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are。 Then the traveller in the dark, Thanks you for your tiny spark; He could not see where to go, If you did not twinkle so; Twikle twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are。
In the dark blue sky you keep, Often through my curtain peep; For you never shut your eye, Till the sun is in the sky; Twikle twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are。
5. 描写星空的英文句子有哪些
描写星空的英文句子有:The cloudless sky was jewelled with myriads of glittering stars,意思是无云的晴空镶嵌着无数颗闪烁的星星。
1 On a clear night,the sky appears to be filled with stars.
2 the twinkling of a starry sky。
3 Here,the dusk is sudden,the night silent,the panoply of stars immense and brilliant.
4 Stars are brilliant in the clear night sky.
5 Clouds hid the stars.
6. 你是我最美的星星 英语怎么说》
你是我最美的星星You are my most beautiful starsHopeless even couldn't stop love
Xmas' stars will see that
year after year all things passed through
when I am still there
awaiting for you to wake up
not only to see me but also to feel me
7. 求一句关于“星星”的英文情话,写给女朋友,急
为了接我走 为我停留
每一个傍晚 做同一个梦
陪我一起慢慢变老 到白头
You are the sharts from the sky
In order to pick me up, for me to stay
The same dream comes to me every evening
That is you can accompany me to grow old to white together.
8. 关于星星的唯美短句
好词 繁星、天星、寒星、孤星、晨星、星星、星斗、星座、星云、星球、银星、晶莹、眨眼、流星、星河、万点繁星、群星灿烂、星星点点、众星捧月、繁星点点、疏星淡月、星光灿烂、稀稀疏疏、星罗棋布、晓星下沉、残星几点、晓星闪烁、河外星云、河内星云、明星荧荧、银河渐现、北斗高悬、五星交会、众星拱月、满天星斗、繁星闪烁、闪光的星星、亮晶晶的星星、疏疏落落的星星 好句 点点的繁星好似颗颗明珠,镶嵌在天幕下,闪闪地发着光。
李煜 【句】 迢迢牵牛星,杳在河之阳。粲粲黄姑女,耿耿遥相望。
李商隐 【杂歌谣辞·李夫人歌】 一带不结心,两股方安髻。惭愧白茅人,月没教星替。
李白 【秋浦歌十七首】 炉火照天地,红星乱紫烟。赧郎明月夜,歌曲动寒川。
李贺 【马诗二十三首】 此马非凡马,房星本是星。向前敲瘦骨,犹自带铜声。
孟郊 【古意】 河边织女星,河畔牵牛郎。未得渡清浅,相对遥相望。
白居易 【岁晚旅望】 朝来暮去星霜换,阴惨阳舒气序牵。万物秋霜能坏色,四时冬日最凋年。
白居易 【江楼夕望招客】 海天东望夕茫茫,山势川形阔复长。灯火万家城四畔,星河一道水中央。
骆宾王 【送费六还蜀】 星楼望蜀道,月峡指吴门。万行流别泪,九折切惊魂。
刘禹锡 【杂歌谣辞·步虚词】 华表千年鹤一归,凝丹为顶雪为衣。星星仙语人听尽,却向五云翻翅飞。
王维 【赠裴旻将军】 腰间宝剑七星文,臂上雕弓百战勋。见说云中擒黠虏,始知天上有将军。
王昌龄 【从军行七首】 胡瓶落膊紫薄汗,碎叶城西秋月团。明敕星驰封宝剑,辞君一夜取楼兰。
王昌龄 【萧驸马宅花烛】 青鸾飞入合欢宫,紫凤衔花出禁中。可怜今夜千门里,银汉星回一道通。
李白 【酬崔侍御(一本此下有成甫二字)】 严陵不从万乘游,归卧空山钓碧流。自是客星辞帝座,元非太白醉扬州。
杜甫 【承闻河北诸道节度入朝欢喜口号绝句十二首】 东逾辽水北滹沱,星象风云喜共和。紫气关临天地阔,黄金台贮俊贤多。
刘禹锡 【扬州春。
我们都知道,宇航员的英语是astronaut,这个词是怎么来的呢?它由astro和naut两部分组成,前者来自希腊语的 astron,意思是“ star(星星)”;后者来自希腊语的nauts,意思是“sailor(航行者)”,所以astronaut意思其实是“星际航行者”,是不是还挺有诗意的?
细究起来,astronaut更多地是指美国宇航员,俄国宇航员有自己专门的词,叫cosmonaut,其中cosmo来自希腊语kosmos,意思是“universe(宇宙)”,所以cosmonaut 的字面意思是“宇宙航行者”。
首先是astronomy(天文学)。这个词由astro和nomy构成,前者我们已经知道表示星星,后者其实也来自希腊语,意思是“law,order(规则,准则)” ,研究星星等天体的规则的学科可不就是天文学么。相应地,astronomer 就是“天文学家”的意思了。
其次来说说astrology(占星术、星象学)。它由astro 和logy构成,我们都知道-logy有“逻辑,……学科”的意思,所以astrology就是钻研和星体有关的逻辑的学科,演绎一下就是“占星术”了。相应地,astrologer 就是“占星师”。
还有disaster(灾难)这个词,也和希腊语的astron有关系。古时候,人们认为星星主宰着人的气运。若一人气运不好,遇上什么灾难的话,那都是因为有某颗星星对他不利。我们都知道dis-有“against”的意思 所以dis (不利) + aster (星星)就是“灾难”的意思了。
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