时间:2022-03-30 23:20 | 分类: 句子大全 | 作者:闹167 | 评论: 次 | 点击: 次
君子不以利害义,则耻辱安从生哉! ——
忠诚是通向荣誉之路。 ——左拉
众人以亏形为辱,君子以亏义为辱。 ——尸子
为人民利益而死,就比泰山还重。 ——毛泽东
好胜者必争,贪勇者必辱。 ——林逋
依靠别人的名声生活是可悲的。 ——尤维纳利斯
不朽之名誉,独存于德。 ——彼德拉克
坚持你的主义,主义重于生命;宁愿生命消失,只要声誉能够留存。 ——裴多菲
1.宁肯少些,但要好些 . ——列宁
2.美好的东西在质不在量 . ——伊索
3.星星虽多,但不能高攀太阳 . ——匈牙利谚语
4.质量是维护顾客忠诚的最好保证. ——杰克?韦尔奇
5.20世纪是生产率的世纪,21世纪是质量的世纪. ——约瑟夫?朱兰
8.质量等于利润 . ——汤姆?彼得斯
9.将良品率预定为85%,那么便表示容许15%的错误存在. ——菲利普?克劳斯
10.产品质量是生产出来的,不是检验出来的. ——威廉?戴明
P320 quality 品质
There is an adage that quality sells, and many companies believe that the best way to attract buyers is to produce a superior product. Businesses that put quality first believe that the other factors affecting demand, such as promotion, distribution, and the price, are much less important than the product itself.
At first this approach may seem irrational. In some markets, after all, low prices are critical. For example, Ryanair’s competitive advantage over its rivals is based on its low-cost business model, which enables the airline to charge lower fares than its rivals. Yet some low-cost goods or services can represent a false economy for customers, especially if the goods are of poor quality, necessitating extra costs for the customer to repair or replace them.
Another possible way to boost revenue is to increase the volume of goods sold. Some companies attempt to achieve this goal by using advertising campaigns to steal market share from their rivals. However, the problem with trying to grow revenue through promotion is that it is usually expensive. In the UK, for example, in 2013 a 30-second television commercial cost up to $80,000 (£50,000).
Offering a quality product is an alternative to these low-cost or high-volume approaches. This strategy can achieve the same goal of boosting a company’s revenues, improving customer retention by offering clients a product of a high standard that they will want to keep or to buy again and again.
What is quality? 什么是品质
To appreciate the role played by quality, it is first necessary to understand what is meant by this term. In a manufacturing context, quality is achieved when a company is able to supply reliable, durable goods that meet or surpass consumer expectations and are free of defects.
High-quality products inspire trust. Take, for example, high-quality car tires. They often have deeper treads than poor-quality tires, making cars that have them less likely to skid in emergencies or bad conditions. In this case the quality of a car tire could be the difference between life and death. Superior-quality tires, made from harder-wearing rubber compounds, also last longer than tires of lesser quality, which means that the driver will not have to face the cost and inconvenience of replacing them as frequently.
Great quality is not just about using the best components. Design is also crucial to achieving a superior-quality product, because design can offer the consumer new benefits for which they are willing to pay a price premium. In 2011 the Japanese tire manufacturer Bridgestone launched its new range of flat-run tires, based on an innovative design that enabled motorists to run a car with a flat tire for 50 miles (80 km) at a speed of 50 mph (80 kph). This feature enabled drivers to reach the closest garage to change a flat tire, rather than having to change it on the side of the road.
Businesses that have managed to incorporate differentiating features into their products can exploit the added value that these features provide by charging higher prices. If in other aspects (such as function) the products are equal to their competitors, adding price premiums to products that are especially valued by consumers should lead to greater revenues and profits.
Quality wins out 质量胜出
Estée Lauder adopted the “quality sells” philosophy when she set up her cosmetics business in New York in 1946. When she was a child, her mother had lectured her relentlessly on how exposure to the sun led to premature aging of the skin. The young Lauder took note and began making her own skin creams with her uncle, a chemist. Like many other successful entrepreneurs, Lauder genuinely believed that there was a need for her product, and in 1935 she began selling her first preparations: superrich, all-purpose crème; crème pack; cleansing oil; and skin lotion.
1946年,雅诗兰黛在纽约成立了自己的化妆品公司,她采用了 "以质取胜 "的理念。当她还是个孩子的时候,她的母亲不厌其烦地对她说,暴露在阳光下会导致皮肤过早老化。年轻的兰黛注意到了这一点,并开始与她的叔叔--一位化学家一起制作自己的护肤霜。像许多其他成功的企业家一样,兰黛真诚地相信她的产品是有需求的。1935年,她开始销售她的第一批产品:超丰富的全能奶油;奶油包;洁面油;和护肤液。
In the beginning Estée Lauder did not use any advertising; she thought her products were so good they would sell themselves. She relied on her customers to promote the products. Customers would try her preparations, like them, and continue buying them. Furthermore, they would then recommend Estée Lauder’s products to their friends. She gave this form of promotion a name: tell-a-woman marketing.
开始时,雅诗兰黛没有使用任何广告;她认为她的产品非常好,会自己卖出去。她依靠她的客户来推广这些产品。顾客会尝试她的制剂,喜欢它们,并继续购买它们。此外,他们还会向他们的朋友推荐雅诗兰黛的产品。她给这种推广方式起了一个名字:"告诉女人 "营销。
In more recent times, Samsung has also used the quality-led approach to great effect. The South Korean electronics manufacturer does not rely on glitzy advertising campaigns to create its competitive advantage. Instead, it appeals to a market segment who favors product quality over brand image.
In April 2013 the Samsung Galaxy 4 was launched. Very quickly it gained market share over the market leader—Apple’s iPhone—because it was seen as a more technologically advanced product than Apple’s latest model, the iPhone 5. The display offered around 100 more pixels per inch than the iPhone 5, and its built-in camera also surpassed the iPhone 5 in terms of functionality and pixels. In addition, according to research by the UK consumer magazine Which?, the Samsung processor was nearly twice as fast as that in the iPhone.
2013年4月,三星Galaxy 4上市了。很快,它就获得了超过市场领导者--苹果iPhone的市场份额,因为它被视为比苹果的最新机型iPhone 5技术更先进的产品。它的显示屏每英寸比iPhone 5多出约100个像素,其内置摄像头在功能和像素方面也超过了iPhone 5。此外,根据英国消费者杂志《Which? 的研究,三星处理器的速度几乎是iPhone的两倍。
Samsung’s prices were slightly lower than Apple’s, but there were other producers of Android mobile phones that substantially undercut Samsung’s prices without taking any of its market share. The key to Samsung’s Galaxy 4 success was its superior quality.
三星的价格略低于苹果,但也有其他安卓手机生产商大幅压低三星的价格,却没有抢走任何市场份额。三星Galaxy 4成功的关键是其卓越的质量。
Brand loyalty 品牌忠诚度
Quality can be an important selling point even for low-cost products, since it helps build brand loyalty and thus ensures repeat customers. In markets for fast-moving consumer goods (FMCGs), manufacturers use superior product quality to preserve and extend their customer base. FMCGs are nondurable products, such as beer, toothpaste, chocolate, and breakfast cereal, that are bought frequently by households and consumed immediately. Since FMCGs are purchased regularly throughout the year, the sales volumes achieved by a successful product can be immense.
A good example of an FMCG market is the one for toilet paper. According to research by US toilet paper manufacturer Charmin, 126 billion rolls of toilet paper are bought every year in the US.
In a market this large, even a small share will translate into multimillion-dollar revenues. If consumers habitually purchase the same brand of a particular product over and over, rather than switching between rival brands, their brand loyalty will be invaluable.
High-quality brands are more likely to win brand loyalty than brands of an inferior quality. For example, households are more likely to buy Charmin toilet paper again and again if the product is softer and stronger than the brands sold by its rivals, generating higher volumes of sales and greater revenues. This means the business has increased its revenues without having to pay any of the marketing costs usually associated with acquiring customers.
Service and quality 服务和质量
Another indicator of good quality is providing a service in a manner that exceeds customer expectations. This might manifest as efficiency, or rapid response to customer concerns. The Zurich Insurance Group operates in over 170 countries and each month handles over 600,000 customer interactions via phone, mail, and the Internet. Its ambition is to be the best global insurer as measured by customers, employees, and shareholders, and it actively pursues quality assurance. Its iQuality program sets out how employees can pay more attention to customers, and find out more about their changing needs and expectations. It performs regular checks on the quality of employees’ work and uses extensive market research to gain feedback on customer experience
Zurich also has protocols for reacting to unhappy customers; when several customers complained that payment was too slow when their policies matured, Zurich used the “five whys” to discover that the problem lay in a delay in sending out claim forms. The company put in an automatic system to send out the forms 10 days before policies matured, resulting in a 78 percent drop in complaints. Zurich has won many service awards, including two “Five-star Service Awards” based on 25,000 completed questionnaires.
苏黎世也有对不满意的客户做出反应的协议;当一些客户抱怨他们的保单到期后付款太慢时,苏黎世利用"五个为什么 "发现问题出在发送索赔表的延迟上。该公司建立了一个自动系统,在保单到期前10天发送表格,结果投诉下降了78%。苏黎世赢得了许多服务奖项,包括基于25000份完整问卷的两项 "五星级服务奖"。
Added value 附加价值
Businesses can also create highquality products by adding value. Value added is the difference between a product’s price and the raw material cost of making the product. Companies can add value to their products with new features, innovative functions, or add-ons designed to benefit, and appeal to, actual and potential buyers.
In the hotel business, Ibis adds value by promising customers that their specially designed beds, mattresses, comforter, and pillows will give them a better night’s sleep. The cost of these items is balanced against improvement in retention of customers, or by higher prices that create extra revenue.
Other hotels have been even bolder in pursuing value added. In the premium segment of the market, hotels create additional value by redefining their core function. These hotels do not just sell a comfortable place to sleep; they sell an “experience,” in which guests are offered a range of “delighters” aspects of the hotel’s service that delight the guest, but which are not usually expected. Examples include HD televisions; branded, high-end shower gel and shampoo; free champagne; and free slippers that guests can take home with them.
其他酒店在追求增值方面更加大胆。在高端市场中,酒店通过重塑其核心功能来创造额外价值。这些酒店不只是出售一个舒适的睡眠场所;他们出售的是一种 "体验",即向客人提供一系列 "愉悦 "的酒店服务,使客人感到愉悦,但这些服务通常不是预期的。例如,高清电视;品牌的高端沐浴露和洗发水;免费香槟;以及客人可以带回家的免费拖鞋。
Adding value is a constant battle because a “delighter” can soon become an expectation. If a hotel fails to meet the constantly rising requirements of its guests, it will lose customers to its rivals. Successful hotels are constantly on the lookout for new “delighters” that will surprise their guests without becoming too expensive. Low-cost delighters are the ideal way to create value added, generate repeat purchases, and ultimately produce healthy profits.
增加价值是一场持久战,因为 "愉悦者 "很快就会成为一种期望。如果一家酒店不能满足客人不断提高的要求,它就会把顾客流失到对手那里。成功的酒店都在不断地寻找新的 "乐趣",使他们的客人感到惊喜而又不至于太昂贵。低成本的惊喜是创造附加值、产生重复购买并最终产生健康利润的理想方式。