时间:2022-04-13 10:06 | 分类: 句子大全 | 作者:MagicalMessi | 评论: 次 | 点击: 次
Bill Shankly : "Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that." 2 "If Everton were playing at the bottom of the garden, I'd pull the curtains." Bill Shankly 3 "The trouble with referees is that they know the rules, but they don't know the game." Bill Shankly 4 "A lot of football success is in the mind. You must believe that you are the best and then make sure that you are. In my time at Liverpool we always said we had the best two teams in Merseyside, Liverpool and Liverpool reserves." Bill Shankly 5 "If you're in the penalty area and don't know what to do with the ball, put it in the net and we'll discuss the options later." Bob Paisley 6 "Liverpool was made for me and I was made for Liverpool." Bill Shankly Roy Evans 7 "Liverpool without European football is like a banquet without wine." Roy Evans 8 "Mind you, I've been here during the bad times too - one year we came second." Bob Paisley 9 "I hate talking about football. I just do it, you know?" Robbie Fowler 10 "Sometimes I feel I'm hardly wanted in this Liverpool team. If I get two or three saves to make, I've had a busy day." Ray Clemence 11 "Anyone who doesn't learn from Ian Rush needs shooting." Robbie Fowler 12 "Liverpool are magic, Everton are tragic." Emlyn Hughes 13 "I'd kick my own brother if necessary。
it's what being a professional footballer is all about." Steve McMahon Ian Rush 14 "It was like playing in a foreign country." Ian Rush on his time with Juventus in Italy 15 "I said to Kevin (Keegan), 'I'll go near post' and he replied, 'No, just go for the ball.'" Tommy Smith 16 "Anybody who plays for me should be a bad loser." Graeme Souness. 17 "It's best being a striker. If you miss five then score the winner, you're a hero. The goalkeeper can play a blinder, then let one in… and he's a villain." Ian Rush 18 "Of course I didn't take my wife to see Rochdale as an anniversary present, it was her birthday. Would I have got married in the football season? Anyway, it was Rochdale reserves." Bill Shankly Kevin Keegan 19 "They compare Steve McManaman to Steve Heighway and he's nothing like him, but I can see why - it's because he's a bit different." Kevin Keegan 20 "Bruce Grobbelaar will play on until he is 40 - and at the top level." Bruce Grobbelaar 21 "He's better than Brian Lara because he's 600 not out. What a guy." Roy Evans on Ian Rush's 600th appearance for Liverpool 22 "Should the aggregate score be level after 90 minutes, extra time will be played." Fulham's matchday programme for the second leg of the Littlewoods Cup tie in 1986-87. Liverpool were 10-0 up from the first leg 23 "There are those who say maybe I should forget about football. Maybe I should forget about breathing." Gerard Houllier 24 "Nobody likes being criticised, particularly by players who will be in Disneyland this summer on their holidays rather than the World Cup in Japan." Phil Thompson responding to criticism from Frank de Boer of Barcelona who said Liverpool were boring 25 "Son, you'll do well here as long as you remember two things. Don't over-eat and don't lose your accent." Bill Shankly to Ian St John 26 "If you are first you are first. If you are second you are nothing." Bill Shankly 27 "Don't worry Alan. At least you'll be able to play close to a great team!" Bill Shankly to Alan Ball after he signed for Everton 28 "Shanks was the father figure but Roger Hunt was something special. It might sound daft but just picking up his sweaty kit gave me satisfaction.” Phil Thompson 29 "As Arnold Schwarzenegger said, 'I'll be back." Gerard Houllier 30 "There is no way the second half can be as entertaining as the first." Alan Hansen during the UEFA Cup Final v Alaves with Liverpool leading 3-1 at half time。
3.NBA球星名言(英文版)急 在线=~~~
我只爱科比只有科比的 Sometimes I do wonder what college would have been like. But I made my decision.""I dont want to be the next Michael Jordan, I only want to be Kobe Bryant.""I'll do whatever it takes to win games, whether it's sitting on a bench waving a towel, handing a cup of water to a teammate, or hitting the game-winning shot.""I'm playing against great players, playing against the best in the world. The competition - that's what I've always wanted.""Everyting negative - pressure, challenges - is all an opportunity for me to rise.""What I'm doing right now, I'm chasing perfection.""As far as carrying the torch for the years to come, I don't know. I just want to be the best basketball player I can be.""My parents are my backbone. Still are. They're the only group that will support you if you score zero or you score 40." 以下不是科比的 阿伦。
艾佛森——only the strong survive。强者生存 姚明:见过不怕死的,没见过这么不怕死的。
正是由于他的存在,才阻止了我们缔造真正的伟业。——洛杉矶湖人队前锋“热棒”亨德利 I walk alone. Kevin Garnett 加内特 评选过的20大名言1、不要让我犯错——我爱贾森-基德,他是一名优秀的组织后卫……但是当我觉得我才是最好的组织后卫时,我该怎样拿自己和他相比较呢?那不重要,我的意思是,如果我总是认为我才是最好的,那我怎么坐在这里拿自己和别人对比呢?……我要告诉你的是:我很清楚我是NBA最棒的组织后卫,我不需要其他任何人来告诉我这一点。
——贾伦-罗 当(贾伦)过来时,我打算给他一个吻,但是不是在他的嘴唇上。——阿尔斯通16、你认为瓦雷德是个易变不稳定的家伙?这个家伙如今正在把这个品质向一个全新的境界发展,空调一打开他就蔫了。
乔丹:1、我可以接受失败,但我绝不放弃! 2、如果他不选我,我会成为最让他头痛的敌人! 科比:1、一天有24小时,每次进攻时间有24秒,我要充分利用每个24! 2、I LOVE THIS GAME(只要心够决) 海耶斯:不是在沉默中爆发,就是在沉默中死去。
詹姆斯:不做下一个谁,只做第一个我! 韦德:只有我才能使自己停下来! 阿尔斯通:哼!有种街球场上单挑! 防守专家鲍文:在我面前投篮,还想不想打球啊? 阿泰斯特:人也想跟野兽斗? 加内特:小子,你的手太短了! 弗朗西斯:我的地盘听我的。
面对热火连败不止,「闪电侠」Dwyane Wade表示:「这种感觉就像永无止境的梦魇,赛复一赛,日复一日,难以置信自己竟置身这样的惨境,但这就是现况,这就像人生有高、低潮,你只能持续力争上游。(It's like having a nightmare and never waking up from it,'' Wade said. ``It's game after game, day after day, you can't believe it's happening to you. But it is. You understand there are highs in life and there are lows. You have to keep pushing.)」
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. (Michael Jordan )
1 当我九岁时,我就开始为米兰做球童,还记得在圣西罗,在一场米兰的比赛中,当米兰射进制胜一球时,球门后一个九岁的小男孩,他的心在剧烈地跳动,那激动的情景和欣喜若狂的感受令他终身难忘,这个小男孩就是我。
------保罗马尔蒂尼 2 我会一直战斗到我会成为球队累赘的那一天。----科斯塔库塔 3 米兰是一个充满了爱和尊敬的集体,让我心甘情愿的留在这里。
----赛尔吉尼奥 4 我的皮肤是黑色的,但我的血是红色的,我永远是米兰的人!-----维阿 5 我是米兰的人,即使是在板凳上呆上一辈子,我也不会离开米兰,离开我的家。---马萨罗 6 米兰养育了我,她就是我的母亲,无论我有多困难,我都会坚持下去。
---安布罗西尼 7 我永远不会忘记,一位俱乐部工作人员的孩子在我离开米兰时曾哭着对我说,马尔科,你别走,我会想你的!-----巴斯腾 8 我是AC米兰的队员,我决心留下来。---巴雷西(1981年米兰降级时) 9 从成为米兰人的那一天起,我就知道自己再也不可能忘记她了,她已成为我生命中不可抹去的一部分。
------里维拉 10 能够穿上红黑剑条衫本身就是我的一种荣幸,就算是坐在场边,我也能和队友,球迷一样感到骄傲和自豪。-----雷东多 11 我已做出决定,我将就此退役,尽管我不再为米兰效力,但我的心始终牵挂着她,直到永远---巴斯腾 12 我很希望自己一生都披着红黑战袍为米兰效力。
----卡拉泽 13 在我每个进球背后是所有人的工作努力,从仓库管理员到任何一名球迷,胜利来自我们这个伟大的团体。-----舍辅琴科 14 永远不和米兰为敌,所以我们选择离开意大利。
---阿尔贝蒂尼 科斯塔库塔 15 现在米兰处于鼎盛时期,球队应该不再需要我,所以我选择离开。但只要米兰需要我,无论发生什么事情,我都会赶回来。
----多纳多尼 16 我不会离开米兰,因为这里就是我的家,除非是老板和球迷用脚踢着我的屁股叫我滚蛋。--加图索 17 我的未来已经被涂上红黑色。
---迪达 18 穿上米兰的球衣就不想再脱下来。---内斯塔 19 我进球了,但我高兴不起来。
如果我的进球是以米兰的失败做代价的话,我将不会做出任何庆祝动作。--比尔霍夫 20 我说过,无论什么时候,只要米兰需要我,我就会回来。
----莱昂纳多 21 我相信我的未来还会是红黑色的,不过我不会当教练,或许会去当管理者,但我真正想要看到的未来也许和我的儿子克里斯蒂安有关:40年后,米兰还会有一个马尔蒂尼。-----保罗马尔蒂尼 22 我们的球迷非常伟大,他们有一颗火热的心,米兰夺冠也有他们一份功劳。
---贝鲁斯科尼 23 事实上我同样舍不得离开米兰,在这的四年中我受到了特别的关爱,因此即使我不再在这里效力,米兰也将永远是我心里一份特别的记忆。----雷东多 24 从我当初效力米兰队开始,我就把自己当成是米兰人,对米兰我有一种说不出来的感情,从来没有想过有一天要离开这里。
------博班 25 无论我穿过哪支球队的队衣,我的内心一直忠于米兰。----马拉特拉西 26 我把我的心留在米兰。
米兰给了我很多,我在这里度过了非常美妙的7年时光,我深深的爱着这座城市,爱着伟大的红黑色。---阿比亚蒂 27 我会为米兰奉献一生,并让我儿子,我儿子的儿子。
..我们家族的世世代代都象我们一样为米兰奋斗下去。-----保罗马尔蒂尼 28 AC米兰,她已成为我生命中的一部分,她将伴随我走过我的一生,对于这支球队的忠诚,我不会有任何的怀疑,也永远不会改变。
----卡卡 29看到那么多人带着巨大的热情关注我,这是一件美妙的事情,米兰的队友给了我很多快乐和满足感,我很高兴能重新为她出场。我现在最大的心愿,就是在我职业生涯的最后,我穿的依然是这一件球衣。
-------------因扎吉 30 我12岁时就去了米兰,从少年队,青年队一直到成年队,一共11个赛季,米兰从来都是我心中最重要的球队。------科科 31 离开米兰是心里永远挥之不去的痛。
----阿尔贝蒂尼 32 米兰俱乐部是我所效力过的最好的俱乐部。---维埃里 33 “我永远不会离开米兰,即使我们降到了乙级”----吉拉迪诺 34 不管我是怎么离开米兰的,我相信没有一个球员会在离开米兰后说米兰的坏话----多拉苏 35 当我登上前往欧洲飞机的一刹那,我只有一个念头,此生尽自己的一切回报米兰 ----卡卡 36 我始终相信俱乐部,坚信AC米兰是世界上最伟大的俱乐部之一,遇到困难时,我会义无返顾,与球队共荣辱 ----卡卡。
1 当我九岁时,我就开始为米兰做球童,还记得在圣西罗,在一场米兰的比赛中,当米兰射进制胜一球时,球门后一个九岁的小男孩,他的心在剧烈地跳动,那激动的情景和欣喜若狂的感受令他终身难忘,这个小男孩就是我。
------保罗马尔蒂尼 2 我会一直战斗到我会成为球队累赘的那一天。----科斯塔库塔 3 米兰是一个充满了爱和尊敬的集体,让我心甘情愿的留在这里。
----赛尔吉尼奥 4 我的皮肤是黑色的,但我的血是红色的,我永远是米兰的人!-----维阿 5 我是米兰的人,即使是在板凳上呆上一辈子,我也不会离开米兰,离开我的家。---马萨罗 6 米兰养育了我,她就是我的母亲,无论我有多困难,我都会坚持下去。
---安布罗西尼 7 我永远不会忘记,一位俱乐部工作人员的孩子在我离开米兰时曾哭着对我说,马尔科,你别走,我会想你的!-----巴斯腾 8 我是AC米兰的队员,我决心留下来。---巴雷西(1981年米兰降级时) 9 从成为米兰人的那一天起,我就知道自己再也不可能忘记她了,她已成为我生命中不可抹去的一部分。
------里维拉 10 能够穿上红黑剑条衫本身就是我的一种荣幸,就算是坐在场边,我也能和队友,球迷一样感到骄傲和自豪。-----雷东多 11 我已做出决定,我将就此退役,尽管我不再为米兰效力,但我的心始终牵挂着她,直到永远---巴斯腾 12 我很希望自己一生都披着红黑战袍为米兰效力。
----卡拉泽 13 在我每个进球背后是所有人的工作努力,从仓库管理员到任何一名球迷,胜利来自我们这个伟大的团体。-----舍辅琴科 14 永远不和米兰为敌,所以我们选择离开意大利。
---阿尔贝蒂尼 科斯塔库塔 15 现在米兰处于鼎盛时期,球队应该不再需要我,所以我选择离开。但只要米兰需要我,无论发生什么事情,我都会赶回来。
----多纳多尼 16 我不会离开米兰,因为这里就是我的家,除非是老板和球迷用脚踢着我的屁股叫我滚蛋。--加图索 17 我的未来已经被涂上红黑色。
---迪达 18 穿上米兰的球衣就不想再脱下来。---内斯塔 19 我进球了,但我高兴不起来。
如果我的进球是以米兰的失败做代价的话,我将不会做出任何庆祝动作。--比尔霍夫 20 我说过,无论什么时候,只要米兰需要我,我就会回来。
----莱昂纳多 21 我相信我的未来还会是红黑色的,不过我不会当教练,或许会去当管理者,但我真正想要看到的未来也许和我的儿子克里斯蒂安有关:40年后,米兰还会有一个马尔蒂尼。-----保罗马尔蒂尼 22 我们的球迷非常伟大,他们有一颗火热的心,米兰夺冠也有他们一份功劳。
---贝鲁斯科尼 23 事实上我同样舍不得离开米兰,在这的四年中我受到了特别的关爱,因此即使我不再在这里效力,米兰也将永远是我心里一份特别的记忆。----雷东多 24 从我当初效力米兰队开始,我就把自己当成是米兰人,对米兰我有一种说不出来的感情,从来没有想过有一天要离开这里。
------博班 25 无论我穿过哪支球队的队衣,我的内心一直忠于米兰。----马拉特拉西 26 我把我的心留在米兰。
米兰给了我很多,我在这里度过了非常美妙的7年时光,我深深的爱着这座城市,爱着伟大的红黑色。---阿比亚蒂 27 我会为米兰奉献一生,并让我儿子,我儿子的儿子。
..我们家族的世世代代都象我们一样为米兰奋斗下去。-----保罗马尔蒂尼 28 AC米兰,她已成为我生命中的一部分,她将伴随我走过我的一生,对于这支球队的忠诚,我不会有任何的怀疑,也永远不会改变。
----卡卡 29看到那么多人带着巨大的热情关注我,这是一件美妙的事情,米兰的队友给了我很多快乐和满足感,我很高兴能重新为她出场。我现在最大的心愿,就是在我职业生涯的最后,我穿的依然是这一件球衣。
-------------因扎吉 30 我12岁时就去了米兰,从少年队,青年队一直到成年队,一共11个赛季,米兰从来都是我心中最重要的球队。------科科 31 离开米兰是心里永远挥之不去的痛。
----阿尔贝蒂尼 32 米兰俱乐部是我所效力过的最好的俱乐部。---维埃里 33 “我永远不会离开米兰,即使我们降到了乙级”----吉拉迪诺 34 不管我是怎么离开米兰的,我相信没有一个球员会在离开米兰后说米兰的坏话----多拉苏 35 当我登上前往欧洲飞机的一刹那,我只有一个念头,此生尽自己的一切回报米兰 ----卡卡 36 我始终相信俱乐部,坚信AC米兰是世界上最伟大的俱乐部之一,遇到困难时,我会义无返顾,与球队共荣辱 ----卡卡。
Success belongs to the persevering.坚持就是胜利。
Still water run deep.静水常深。
Strike the iron while it is hot.趁热打铁。
Wealth is nothing without health.失去健康,钱再多也没用。
There is no medicine against death.没有长生不老药。
Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body.读书健脑,运动强身
Soon learn, soon forgotten.学得快,忘得快。
Soon ripe, soon rotten.熟得快,烂得快。
Speech is silver, silence is gold.能言是银,沉默是金。
water dropping day by day wears the hardest rock away.滴水穿石。
The greatest ever quotes on the living FC Barcelona legend, Lionel Andrés Messi. Don’t miss anything that is said about the Argentine international.
有史以来最伟大的个人评价语录,活的巴塞罗那传奇,莱昂内尔 安德烈斯 梅西。不要错过任何关于这个阿根廷国脚的消息。
• Pep Guardiola: “He is the best player I have ever seen. The best thing about him is not what he does but how simple he makes everything look. He is not just the best player because he can dribble past three or four players, it is because he does it better than anyone in the world.”
• Diego Simeone: “Messi is undoubtedly the best player in the world. He’s the determining factor. He’s key, he controls the pace, he directs above all the team’s attack.”
• Jürgen Klopp: “I have coached a few really good players. My dad liked Pele, but Messi is the best ever.”
• José Mourinho: “Messi is the god of football. When Messi has the ball, one on one, you’re dead.”
• Thiago Alcantara: “We give him the ball and stand back and watch. People often say to me they saw Pele and Maradona play. In the future, I will be able to say I saw Messi play.”
• Tata Martino : “He sees passes that most people can only see whilst watching the game on TV, not ones that you can normally see on the pitch.”
• Johan Cruyff: “For the world of football, Messi is a treasure because he is a role model for children around the world… Messi will be the player to win the most Ballons d’Or in history. He will win five, six, seven. He is incomparable. He’s in a different league.”
•约翰·克鲁伊夫(Johan Cruyff):“对于足球世界而言,梅西是宝藏,因为他是世界各地儿童的榜样……梅西将成为赢得历史上金球奖最多的球员。 他将赢得五,六,七。 他无与伦比。 他在另一个联盟中。”
• Neymar: “I played with Messi, who is, for me, one of the greatest footballers of all time, and he is my idol in football.”
• Arsene Wenger: “Who is the Best Player in the World? Leo Messi. Who is the Best Player Ever? Leo Messi.”
•阿尔塞纳 温格:“谁是世界上最好的球员? 梅西(Leo Messi)。 谁是有史以来最好的球员?里奥·梅西。”
• Javier Mascherano: “Although he may not be human, it’s good that Messi still thinks he is.”
• Samuel Eto’o: “Messi is God, as a person and even more as a player. I knew him when he was a boy and I’ve watched him grow. He deserves it all.”
•塞缪尔·埃托奥:“作为一个人或者作为一个足球运动员,梅西是上帝。 我从他是个小男孩就认识他,并且看着他长大。他理应得到所有荣誉和赞扬。”
• Romario: “Newton and Einstein had a certain level of autism – I hope that, like them, Messi surpasses himself every day and continues to give us his beautiful brand of football.”
• Diego Maradona: “I have seen the player who will inherit my place in Argentine football and his name is Messi. Messi is a genius.”
•迭戈·马拉多纳(Diego Maradona):“我见过一位将继承我在阿根廷足球中的位置的球员,他的名字叫梅西。 梅西是个天才。”
梅西于2012年1月9日在国际足联Ballon d'Or活动中从巴西传奇人物贝利(Bele)获得FIFA / FIFPro World XI奖
• Pele: “I like Messi a lot, he’s a great player. Technically, we’re practically at the same level.”
•贝利:“我非常喜欢梅西,他是一位出色的球员。 从技术上讲,我们实际上处于同一水平。”
• Albert Ferrer (Former Barcelona and Chelsea star): “I played with Romario, Rivaldo, Ronaldo, Laudrup, and Stoichkov but Messi is the best I’ve seen.”
• Gerard Pique: “It feels good to be in the same generation as him. I believe he’s the best player in the history of the
•杰拉德·皮克:“与他同代,感觉很好。 我相信他是历史上最好的球员
• John Terry: “Lionel Messi is quite clearly the best player ever. It’s a pleasure to pit myself against him and when I finish my career it’s something I can look back on and know I’ve tested myself against the very best.”
•约翰·特里:“莱昂内尔·梅西显然是有史以来最好的球员。 我很高兴能与他抗衡,当我完成职业生涯时,我可以回顾并知道我已经与最好的球员对垒并完成了对自己最好的考验。”
• Fabio Capello: “In my entire life I have never seen a player of such quality and personality at such a young age, particularly wearing the ‘heavy’ shirt of one of the world’s great clubs… Before a game, you can plan for everything. But Messi can produce a move that no-one expects and change the game in an instant.”
•法比奥·卡佩罗:“在我的一生中,我从未见过这么年轻就拥有如此品质和个性的球员,尤其是穿着世界一流俱乐部之一的'沉重'球衣……在比赛之前,您可以为所有事情做计划 。 但是,梅西可以做出任何人都无法期望的举动,并立即改变游戏规则。”
• Mario Gomez: “I am not crazy enough to compare myself with Messi because he is the best there ever was and the best there will ever be.”
• Adriano Galliani (AC Milano Chief): “Messi is the best player ever. And this is said by someone who has seen Maradona and Pele play.”
• Felipe Scolari: “The only bad thing about Ronaldo’s life is Messi. If it was not for him, Ronaldo would be the best player in the world for five years in a row.”
•费利佩·斯科拉里(Felipe Scolari):“罗纳尔多一生唯一的倒霉事就是遇到梅西。 如果不是他,罗纳尔多将连续五年成为世界上最好的球员。”
• Michael Owen: “I can’t believe anyone can have played the game of football as well as Messi.”
• Allegri: “For me, Messi is the best player in the world.”
• 马西米利亚诺·阿莱格里:“对于我来说,梅西是世界上最好的球员。”
• Pochettino: “Messi doesn’t surprise me. He is the best in the world. With a lot of space it is unbelievable how he runs and dribbles.”
• 毛里西奥·波切蒂诺:“梅西并不让我感到惊讶。他是世界上最好的。在很大的空间下,他如何奔跑和运球令人难以置信。”
• Luis Enrique: “Messi is Matrix. He’s able to stop the time and do whatever he wants. Apart from him, I have never seen anyone doing that. He is the best I’ve ever seen.”
• Zinedine Zidane: “He is always going forwards. He never passes the ball backwards or sideways. He has only one idea, to run towards the goal. So as a football fan, just enjoy the show.”
• 齐内丁·齐达内:“他一直在前进。他从不向后或向侧面传球。他只有一个想法,奔向进球。因此,作为足球迷,只需欣赏他的表演即可。”
• Zlatan Ibrahimovic: “Messi does not need his right foot. He only uses the left and he’s still the best in the world. Imagine if he also used his right foot, Then we would have serious problems.”
• 兹拉坦·伊布拉西莫维奇:“梅西不需要用右脚。他只使用左脚,仍然是世界上最好的。想象一下,如果他也用右脚,那我们将会遇到严重的问题。”
• Gary Lineker: “Messi is a genius. Best ever by a distance in my lifetime. Never really saw Pele… Souness, Gullit, Venables, and now Rooney agree Messi is the best they have seen. He plays a game with which we are not familiar.”
• 加里·莱因克尔:“梅西是个天才。他是我有生以来见过的最好的球员。从未真正见过贝利……苏尼斯,古利特,维纳布尔斯,现在鲁尼都同意梅西是他们见过的最好的。他正在踢我们并不熟悉的足球。”
• Carlos Bilardo (Argentina WC 1986 winner Coach): “Messi defies the laws of anatomy, he must have an extra bone in his ankle.”
• 卡洛斯·比拉尔多:“梅西违反解剖规律,他的脚踝肯定有多余的骨头。”
• Klaas-Jan Huntelaar: “Who’s better, Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo? Messi. Ronaldo is good, but Messi is 10 times better.”
• 克拉斯-扬·亨特拉尔:“梅西或克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多,谁更好?梅西。罗纳尔多很好,但梅西好10倍。”
• Dani Alves: “Messi has a divine gift.”
• 丹尼尔·阿尔维斯:“梅西有一个神圣的礼物。”
• Tostão: “Messi is better than Maradona; he is more complete, more consistent, more spectacular. He is reinventing the game – a mix of the real and the virtual.”
• Bacary Sagna: “He is the best in the world. Football seems easy when he plays it.”
• Kobe Bryant: “I wear the number 10 Jersey for the US National Team in honor of the greatest athlete I have ever seen: Messi.”
• 科比·布莱恩特:“我在美国国家队身穿10号球衣,以纪念我见过的最伟大的运动员:梅西。”
• Radamel Falcao: “Is Messi a real player or a PlayStation character?”
• Franz Beckenbauer: “Messi is a genius. He has everything. When I watch him, I see a player who is very, very, skillful, very clever and his left foot is like Diego Maradona’s.”
• Gheorghe Hagi: “Messi or Cristiano? Cristiano Ronaldo is very good, but I prefer Messi. He’s incredible.”
• 格奥尔基·哈吉:“梅西还是克里斯蒂亚诺?克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多(Cristiano Ronaldo)很好,但我更喜欢梅西。他太不可思议了。”
• Miguel Angel Lotina: “Comparing CR7 to Messi is an exercise of ignorance in football. Messi is Messi and others, footballers.”
• 米格尔·安赫尔·洛蒂纳:“将CR7与梅西进行比较是对足球的无知。梅西是梅西和其他足球运动员。”
• Pep Guardiola: “Don’t write about him, don’t try to describe him. Just watch him.
• 何塞普·瓜迪奥拉:“不要写关于他的东西,不要试图形容他。就看他表演即可。”
• Arda Turan: “I have never seen anyone like Leo Messi. He is a miracle from God! I like it when he does his things on the field. It’s not jealousy – I feel good, for instance, when he nutmegs someone.”
• 阿尔达·图兰:“我从未见过像Leo Messi这样的人。他是上帝的奇迹!当他在场上踢球时,我喜欢它。这不是嫉妒–例如当他戏耍某人,我感觉很好。”
• Xavi: “It is clear that Messi is on a level above all others. Those who do not see that are blind.”
• 哈维:“很明显,梅西的水平高于其他所有球员的水平。那些看不见的人都是瞎子。”
• Luis Figo: “For me, to watch Messi play is a pleasure – it’s like having an orgasm – it’s an incredible pleasure.”
• 路易斯·菲戈:“对我来说,看梅西的比赛是一种乐趣,就像是性高潮一样,这是一种令人难以置信的乐趣。
• Ray Hudson: “They tell me that all men are equal in God’s eyes, this player makes you seriously think about those words.”
• 雷伊·霍德森:”他们告诉我,在上帝眼中所有人都是平等的,这个球员让你重新考虑这句话的真实性。”
2015 | Photo by PATRIK STOLLARZ/AFP via Getty Images
• Josep Maria Bartomeu: “Life with Leo is prettier, of another colour. He is the best ever.”
• 巴托梅乌:“与梅西一起的日子更加美妙,是另一种颜色。他是史上最佳球员。”
• Victoria Azarenka: “Seeing Messi play is like watching a video game… What Messi does on a football field is simply unthinkable… The way he walks from side to side, and once he sees an opportunity, he simply creates magic.”
• 维多利亚·阿扎伦卡:“看到梅西的比赛就像在看电子游戏……梅西在足球场上所做的事情简直是不可想象的……他从一边走到另一边的方式,一旦发现机会,他就创造了魔力。”
• Edgar Davids: “He is an anomaly. The rest will have to wait until he falls off a little bit.”
• 埃德加·戴维斯:“他是反常的。其余的球员要等到他状态下滑一点。”
• Paolo Maldini: “I think he reached and surpassed the level of Maradona. He does incredible things, at a speed that is insane.”
• 保罗·马尔蒂尼:“我认为他达到并超过了马拉多纳的水平。他以疯狂的速度做着不可思议的事情。”
• Gary Neville: “The only time when I have ever watched a performance where I have been genuinely mesmerized by a player was Messi for the 20 minutes before half-time in the Nou Camp against Manchester City.”
• 加里·亚历山大·内维尔:“我唯一一次看过一场真正让我着迷的表演是梅西(Mess)在诺坎普对阵曼城的半场比赛前的20分钟。”
• Thiago Alcântara: “If he played in goal he’d score 25. There’s no comparison; he’s the best, a competitive animal.”
• Terry Venables: “Messi best player I ever saw? Yes, he is! He’s even better than myself (laughs). One word summarizes him: genius.”
• 特里·维纳布尔斯:“我见过的梅西最好的球员吗?恩,他是!他甚至比我更好(笑)。一个词概括了他:天才”
• Gianluigi Buffon (after touching Messi’s head): “I just wanted to make sure that he’s a human being like us.”
• 布冯(摸了一下梅西的头):“我只是想确定他像我们一样是人类。”
• Antonio Cassano: “Messi is the greatest in the history of football.”
• 安东尼奥·卡萨诺:“梅西是足球运动历史上最伟大的球员。”
• Luis Enrique: “We are used to Messi showing us that he is a player from another dimension.”
• 路易斯·恩里克:“我们已经习惯了梅西向我们展示了他是另一个空间维度的球员。”
• Raul (Real Madrid legend): “The other day I saw one of his games. He was running with the ball at a hundred percent full speed, I don’t know how many touches he took, maybe five or six, but the ball was glued to his foot. It’s practically impossible.”
• 劳尔:“前几天,我看了他的一场比赛。他正以全速100%的速度奔跑,我不知道他进行了多少次触碰,也许是五六次,但是球粘在了脚上。这几乎是不可能的。”
• Sid Lowe (football writer): “If he is so good, how can you express that? The superlatives ran out ages ago. On these pages, swearing has been tried. Or perhaps a symbol, something to signify that we have gone beyond words now.”
• 西德洛:“他如此美妙,你又能怎样描述呢?那些最高级的词汇已经被用过很多次,也许我们只能用符号或者其他东西去标记那些言语无法表达的东西。”
• Hristo Stoichkov: “Once they said they can only stop me with a pistol. Today you need a machine gun to stop Messi.”
• 赫里斯托·斯托伊奇科夫:“他们曾说只能用手枪阻止我。今天你需要一把机关枪来阻止梅西。”
• Radomir Antic: “Messi is the Mozart of football.”
• 安蒂奇:“梅西是足球的莫扎特。”
• Carles Puyol: “This Barca will be remembered as Messi’s Barca. He’s well above anything else I’ve ever seen. He’s an alien.”
• 卡尔斯·普约尔:“这个巴萨会被人记住是梅西的巴萨。他比我见过的其他任何球员都强大。他是外星人。”
• Luis Enrique: “Messi is the best in the world without any doubt and for me the history of football.”
• Antonio Lobo Antunes: “There are three or four important things in life: books, friends, women… and Messi.”
• Sandro Rosell (former Barcelona president): “Barca will never have a player like Messi again. Messi’s greatness is present on and off the field of play.”
• Franck Ribery: “Messi is class. There is him, and then there is the rest. What he does is extraordinary.”法兰克·里贝里:“梅西是独一档的。他和其他球员有明显差别。他所做的一切都是超凡的。”
• Ángel Di María: “My friendship with Leo is very good and it makes me very happy to wear the same shirt as the best player in the world, to be able to play alongside him and be his friend. It is something I will never forget.”
• Sergio Busquets: “Having Messi in the team guarantees everything. He doesn’t just score, he gives assists, he works and wins the ball. He’s the best player in the world.”
• Neymar: “It’s impossible to beat him. He is the best and I am always at his side to learn from him.”
• 内马尔:“想打败他是不可能的。他是最好的,我会一直在他身边向他学习。”
• Josep Maria Minguella (Messi’s former agent): “I believe Leo comes from a marvelous planet, the one where exceptional people like violinists, architects, and doctors are created. The chosen people.”
• 明格利亚:“我相信梅西来自一个奇妙的星球,被选中的人在这个星球上创造了小提琴家,建筑师和医生等杰出人士。”
• Jürgen Klopp: “Messi is the best. There must be life out there somewhere, on some other planet. Because he is too good and we are just too bad for him.”
• 克洛普:“梅西是最好的。在另一个星球上的某个地方,一定有生命存在。因为对我们来说他太好了,我们对他来说太差了。”
• Antonín Panenka (on Messi’s ‘Panenka’ penalty): “The execution was the best I’ve ever seen – not too powerful, central, good elevation… Technically the goal was impressive. It is a further demonstration of (Messi’s) quality.”
• 安东·潘尼卡(在梅西勺子点球后):“这个勺子点球是我见过的最好的,力度,高度.....技术上来讲让人印象深刻。这是梅西式勺子点球。”
• Gerardo Grighini: “Once he performed five flick-overs against one player. The player threw himself to the ground and grabbed his feet! Five flick-overs, one after the other. On top of that, he was 1.40 meters, while the other boy was 1.70.”
• 格里吉尼:“有一次他连续过了一名球员五次。那名球员摔倒在地,脚腕受伤了!五次过人,一个接一个。最重要的是,他身高1.40米,而另一个男孩是1.70米。”
2011. | Photo by LLUIS GENE/AFP via Getty Images
• Diego Rovira: “The conversations between the opposing defenders were wonderful: – We can’t stop this kid. – No. – So what are we going to do? – How should I know? Didn’t you just say that he can’t be stopped?”
• 迭戈·罗维拉:“对手后卫之间的对话非常精彩:–我们阻止不了这个孩子。 –是的–那么我们该怎么办? –我怎么知道?你不是说他不能被阻止。”
• Gabriel Digerolamo: “Technically he was gifted like no boy I have ever seen. He was so good that a lot of times I changed his position so he could adapt to all aspects of playing on the pitch. On one occasion I played him as a sweeper, and, yes, it looked like he had been playing there all his life.”
• 加布里埃尔·迪杰罗拉莫:“从技术上讲,他天生就像我从未见过的男孩。他是如此出色,以至于很多次我改变了他的位置,以便他可以适应球场上比赛的各个方面。有一次我让他担任清道夫角色,是的,看起来他一生都在那个位置踢。”
• Quique Domínguez: “His opponents tried to hide the effect he had on them, but would eye him up and down with a bit of fear. He generated something inexplicable for a kid of 10 or 11 years old.”
• 多明戈斯:“他的对手试图掩饰他对他们的影响,但会带着恐惧上下打量他。他对10或11岁的孩子产生了不可思议的影响。”
• Eduardo Galeano: “I like Messi because he doesn’t think he’s Messi.”
• Mario Götze: “Messi is at another level. He has set the bar very high, it’s almost impossible for anyone to get there.”
• 马里奥·格策:“梅西处于另一个层次。他为这一层级设定了很高的门槛,几乎没有人能到达。”
• César Luis Menotti: “We should take care of Messi, not criticize him. Take care of him otherwise, we won’t make it to the next World Cup.”
• 塞萨尔·路易斯·梅诺蒂:“我们应该照顾梅西,而不要批评他。请照顾好他,否则我们将无法参加下一届世界杯。”
• Jamie Carragher: “I haven’t kept many shirts but this is taking pride of place. I’m still in shock he remembers me.”
• 杰米·卡拉格:“我并没有保留很多对手球衣但是他的球衣值得一个神圣的位置。我至今还因为他记得我而震惊。”
• Andrea Sosa: “He was the smallest boy in class — but when it was time to play football, he was a giant.”• 安德里亚·索萨:“他是班里最矮小的孩子---但是当他踢球的时候他是一个巨人。”
• Gennaro Gattuso: “He seems to toy with his opponents. He is faster, has more class and scores when he wants to.”
• 加图索:“他看起来像是在戏耍他的对手。他更快,更全面,并且只要他想就可以得分。”
• Josep Bartomeu: “He’s not interested in stats or personal records, he plays for the team.”
• 巴托梅乌:“他对统计数据或个人记录不感兴趣,他全心全意为球队效力。”
• Javier Mascherano: “It’s not easy, considering he’s the best at what he does, to stay as humble as he is and be such a down-to-earth, approachable person.”
• 哈维尔·马斯切拉诺:“考虑到他是最棒的和他在球场上的一切,还要保持谦逊,平易近人真的不容易。”
• Javier Mascherano: “He is just a player who is impossible to describe. You have to watch him.”
• 哈维尔·马斯切拉诺:“他是一个无法描述的球员,你必须欣赏他的表演。”
• Mia Hamm: “He makes you hold your breath every time he touches the ball. It never seems to leave his feet. He certainly has the potential to be remembered as the best player of all time.”
• 米娅·哈姆:“每次他触球,他都会让您屏住呼吸。似乎从来没有离开过他的脚。他完全有潜力被人们铭记为有史以来最好的球员。”
• Jamie Carragher: “He’s one of the best players in history alongside Maradona and Pelé. Messi hasn’t won the World Cup and some people use that to criticize him which I think is very unfair. I think Messi would be the best player if you made a team comprising all of the best players of all-time. He’s definitely the best player I’ve ever played against. What he did against Tottenham at Wembley sums up what Messi is all about. He was Man of the Match that day. He gets compared to Cristiano Ronaldo, but Messi’s something else – more relaxed, more complete – he passes, sets up and scores goals and all of that is what puts him on another level.”
• 杰米·卡拉格:“他是马拉多纳和贝利历史上最好的球员之一。梅西没有赢得世界杯,有人用这理由来批评他,我认为这很不公平。我认为如果您组成一支由所有历史上最好的球员组成的团队,梅西将是里面最好的球员。他绝对是我有史以来最出色的球员。他在温布利对阵托特纳姆热刺时所做的一切证明了梅西的天赋。那天他是比赛的风云人物。他经常被人们与克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多(Cristiano Ronaldo)相提并论,但梅西是另外一个层次的球员-更轻松,更完整-他传球,控制节奏并得分,这一切使他处于另一个层次。”
• Jordi Alba: “We’re talking about the best player in the world. For us, he doesn’t have a price. He is No.1 — no player can stand up to him.”
• 阿尔巴:“我们在讨论世界上最好的球员。对我们球员来说,他是无价的,他是第一。-----没有球员可以与他相提并论。”
• Javier Espinosa: “Messi never stopped being the best player in the world. He’s above the rest.”
• 哈维尔·埃斯皮诺萨:“梅西从未停止成为世界上最好的球员。他胜过其他人。”
• José Mari Bakero: “Messi is unpredictable. When he sees an opponent’s move, he can decide in a millisecond to do something else.”
• 何塞·马里·贝克罗:“梅西是不可预测的。当他看到对手的动作时,他可以在一毫秒内决定做其他事情。”
• Mario Balotelli: “There is only one player who is a little stronger than me – Messi. All the others are behind me.”
• 马里奥·巴洛特利:“只有一个比我强一点的球员-梅西。其他所有人都在我身后。”
• Ronaldo (O Fenômeno): “Does Messi deserve to be called the greatest player in the world? Yes, for sure.”
• 大罗:“梅西是世界上最好的球员么?是的,当然。”
• Ronaldo (O Fenômeno): “Messi seems more complete than Cristiano to me — at least more decisive. In the important moments, he appears and scores.”
• 大罗:“对我来说梅西比克里斯蒂亚诺看起来更加全面,至少更加有决定性。在很多重要时刻,他 出会现并且得分。”
• Steven Gerrard (Liverpool Legend): “He’s an incredible footballer. I think the best ever, the best there will ever be. He’s just an absolute pleasure to watch.”
• 杰拉德:“他是一个无与伦比的球员。我觉得是他是历史最佳,并且未来也不会有比他更出色的球员。看他比赛就是极致的享受。”
2014 | Photo by FABRICE COFFRINI/AFP via Getty Images
• Henk ten Cate: “Ronaldo is a top player, it’s a shame that he’s in Messi’s era — he’ll always be 2nd best regardless of the Ballon d’Or.”
• 亨克·滕卡特:“罗纳尔多是顶级球员,有些惭愧的是他在梅西的时代只能是金球奖第二名。”
• John Carlin: “Messi is much more than being clever. He is a genius who reserves all his expressiveness for football.”
• 约翰·卡林:“形容梅西不能用聪明一词。他是一个把所有奉献给足球的天才球员。”
• Zlatan Ibrahimovic: “Who’s better, Messi or Zlatan? — After what Leo has done in recent years, there’s no debate.”
• 伊布拉希莫维奇:“梅西和泽拉坦谁更出色?---看到梅西在近些年所做的一切,我感觉没有疑问。”
• Andrea Pirlo: “He has achieved so much, but I’m sure he’ll achieve so much more. Everybody knows he’s one of the greatest ever already.”
• 皮尔洛:“他达成了太多的成就,但是我可以肯定的是他还可以获得更多。所有人都知道他已经是历史最佳。”
• Francesc Fàbregas: “His individual efforts are so big that they contribute to the whole team and the club in general.”
• 法布雷加斯:“他的个人贡献如此之大,影响了整个球队和俱乐部。”
• Alan Shearer: “He creates his goals from absolutely nothing — more so than anyone that I’ve ever seen.”
• 阿兰·希勒:”他可以从无到有创造一粒进球---比我见过的所有球员都要出色。“
• Mark Lawrenson (Liverpool Legend): “Messi is the best footballer I have ever seen and I have been fortunate enough to see the best from Pele through to Diego Maradona and now Messi. I was a nine-year-old kid in the stands and I remember seeing Pele being kicked into oblivion at Goodison Park, but he still showed flashes of brilliance and I never thought I’d see a player as good as Maradona. Messi is that player and better. He’s the best I’ve ever seen. The guy does things that take the breath away and he does it week after week, year after year.”
• 马克·劳伦森:“梅西是我见过的最好的球员,我很幸运地看到了从贝利到马拉多纳,再到现在的梅西。我还是一个9岁的孩子,站在看台上,我记得看到贝利在古迪逊公园被踢得无影无踪,但他仍然表现出光芒四射,我从来没有想过我会看到一个球员像马拉多纳那样优秀。然后梅西就是那个更好的球员,他是我见过的最好的。这家伙做的事情让人屏息以待,他重复着无与伦比的表演一周又一周,年复一年。”
• Fran Escribá: “Messi is so good that he can even get around the 3 players you send after him & still notice the 2 teammates he has in space.”
• 弗朗西斯科:“梅西是如此的出色,他每次都可以跟你派去的三个防守球员周旋,并且意识到另外两名队友有空挡。”
• Ray Hudson: “Messi invents passing lanes, he doesn’t look for them.”
• 哈德森:“梅西创造传球路线都不需要用眼睛看。”
• Ray Hudson: “He abides in the magnetic spectrum of genius with the ball. Pure footballing magic.”
• 哈德森:“他有与足球合二为一的天赋。真正的足球魔术。”
• José Mourinho: “I am saying that a team with that boy is a different team, is a different story.”
• 若泽·穆里尼奥:“我总是说一个球队拥有梅西就是另一个球队,另外一段故事。”
• Graeme Souness (Liverpool Legend): “I am more than 60 years old now, and I don’t believe that I’ve seen, or that I’m likely to see, anyone better in my lifetime. The world’s best when I was growing up was Pele and he would have been a great player now, too, but Messi surpasses him. He’s also way out ahead of Diego Maradona – it’s not even close anymore.”
• 格雷姆·索内斯:“我已经60多岁了,我不相信在我有生之年还见到过另一个跟他一样出色的球员。在我的成长阶段贝利是最佳球员,就像梅西现在是最伟大的球员一样。梅西甚至超越了贝利,他也远远超越了马拉多纳--他俩甚至都没有可比性。”
• José Mourinho: “The only way to stop Messi is to double mark him. One player to stay on him and the other to help out.”
• 若泽·穆里尼奥:“防守梅西的唯一方式是两个人紧盯住他。一个人黏在他身上另一个还要帮忙。”
• Deco: “A football genius and a personal friend of mine. Simply the best I ever had the pleasure of playing with at club level.”
• 迭戈:“他是一个足球天才和我的好朋友。简单地说他就是我在俱乐部最喜欢一起踢球的最佳球员。”
• Barack Obama: “Me and Messi, we’re right up there.”
• 奥巴马:“我和梅西,我们都在最高点。”
• Ken Earlys: “Messi is an impassive minimalist whose face barely changes even when he’s bouncing on the ground after getting kicked.”
• 肯·厄里斯:“梅西是一个冷漠主义者,即使被踢到地上弹跳,他的脸色也几乎没有变化。”
• Sor Lucía Caram: “He is so perfect when he plays football — it seems divine.”
• 卡拉姆:“他踢球的样子真的很完美。看起来很神圣。”
• Gerard Piqué: “Messi is the best player in history. He’s very important in my career. Thanks to him, I’ve won everything. And as a person, he’s a 10”
• 皮克:“梅西是历史最佳球员。他对我的职业生涯来说很重要。感谢他,我赢得了所有。作为人类来说他是10分满分。”
• Gary Lineker: “A guide to how good Messi is, is that by comparison, Luis Suárez looks average.”
• 加里·莱因克尔:“教你如何判断梅西有多好,那就是相比而言苏亚雷斯看起来就是一个普通球员。”
• Gary Lineker: “Messi always makes the right decision, whether it’s a pass or a finish — he’s a little genius.”
• 加里·莱因克尔:“梅西总是做出正确的决定,无论是传球还是进球---他是一个小天才。”
• Raúl González: “I was lucky that I play[ed] with Zidane, with Cristiano Ronaldo, with Ronaldo, with Figo… but against, I think Messi…is very different; he makes everything look so easy, so effortless – even the impossible.”
• 劳尔·冈萨雷斯:“我非常幸运的与齐达内,c罗,大罗,菲戈一起踢球....但是我还是认为梅西非常不同,他让所有事情变得简单,不需要努力即使是不可能发生的事情。”
• Phil Thompson (Liverpool Legend): “The more I see of Messi the more I’m convinced he’s the greatest of all time. He is a genius, what he does is like Leonardo Di Vinci. He’s everything you want to see in a player, the way he plays it with a smile on his face. I saw quite a bit of Pele and Maradona and it was difficult to split them but I’d go, Messi, Pele, Maradona, and then Ronaldo.”
• 菲尔·汤普森:“当我看了越来越多梅西的比赛,我就对他是史上最佳更有信心。他是一个天才,他所做的一切就像达芬奇。你想看到一个球员所做的一切事情,他都能面带微笑的做到最好。我看了不少贝利和马拉多纳,但是依然很难把他们进行排名。我可能会选梅西,贝利,马拉多纳然后才是罗纳尔多。”
• Gary Lineker: “[Messi is the] best passer, best dribbler, best finisher I’ve ever seen.”
• 加里·莱因克尔:“梅西是我见过的最好的传球手,最好的控球手,最好的终结者。”
• Gary Lineker: “Anyone still arguing? He’s the Messiah. I should know, I’ve followed a few.”
• 加里·莱因克尔:“还有人有意见么?他是救世主。我这么认为,我是他的信徒。”
2005 | Photo by CESAR RANGEL/AFP via Getty Images
• Ronaldinho: “He’s the best in history, no doubt. Nobody has done what Messi’s done. I hope he plays 20 more years. Those who love football would love to have him here for much longer. I think, when he leaves, nobody will be able to take the No. 10 of Leo.”
• 罗纳尔迪尼奥:“他是历史最佳,没有疑问。没有人能完成梅西完成的一切。我希望他能多踢20年。让所有热爱足球的人都可以爱他久一点。我认为,当他离开,没有人可以接替梅西的十号球衣。”
• Kenny Dalglish (Liverpool Legend): “In Lionel Messi, Barca also has one of the finest footballers the world has ever seen.”
• 肯尼·达格利什爵士:“里奥梅西,巴萨始终有一个世界上最好的球员在队中。”
• Sacha Kljestan: “Messi is the king of team sports. You know how much I love basketball, but Messi is on another level.”
• 克尔杰斯坦:“梅西是团队运动的王。你知道我有多喜欢篮球,但是梅西在另一个等级。”
• Frank Lampard: “Not only is he a genius on the ball that toys with defenders that dribbles and twists and turns, but the critical stuff, the really efficient stuff where he either scores goals or assists goals, he does brilliantly as well. As an attacking player, the most complete player in history. For sure, at least that I’ve seen live. Without a doubt.”
• 兰帕德:“梅西可以运球,戏耍防守球员,但他不仅是控球上的天才,而且更关键的是,是他得分或助攻效率很高,表现也非常出色。作为进攻球员,梅西是历史上最好的球员。可以肯定的是,至少我看过直播。毫无疑问!”
• Roy Keane: “I was a big fan of Maradona growing up and of the current crop Ronaldo is good but Messi is the best I’ve ever seen. I don’t dish out praise lightly but Messi deserves it. I look for weaknesses in his game and I can’t find them.”
• 罗伊·基恩:“我是马拉多纳成长的忠实粉丝,罗纳尔多目前也不错,但梅西是我见过的最好的。我不会轻易赞美,但梅西值得。我在他的比赛中寻找弱点,但找不到。”
• Ryan Giggs: “But Messi is a genius, he’s a once in a lifetime player. It’s as simple as that.”
• 吉格斯:“但是梅西是个天才,他是我一生中见过的最好的球员。就这么简单。”
• Paul Scholes: “I think about the great players with whom I have shared a pitch: Eric Cantona, Zinedine Zidane, Pirlo, Xavi, Ronaldo, and the greatest of them all, is Messi.”
• 斯科尔斯:“我想想与我分享过经验的伟大球员:埃西·坎通纳,齐尼丁·齐达内,皮尔洛,哈维,罗纳尔多,其中最伟大的是梅西。”
• Paul Scholes: “I am not ashamed to admit that in the games against Barcelona I spent a lot of the time just hoping he would take up positions as far away from me as possible.”
• 斯科尔斯:“我并不感到羞耻,我在与巴塞罗那的比赛中花了很多时间,只是希望他能担任离我越远的位置。”
• David Luiz: “Messi is fantastic, the best player ever.”
• 大卫·路易斯:“梅西是历史最佳球员,他无与伦比。”
• Zlatan Ibrahimovic: “If they had given me the Ballon d’Or, I would personally hand it over to Messi the next day.”
• 伊布拉希莫维奇:“如果他们给我金球奖,我第二天会亲手转交给梅西。”
• Alan Shearer (Premier League all-time top scorer): “Messi the best ever. Goals. Skill. Work rate. Attitude. An artist.”
• 阿兰·希勒:“梅西是有史以来最强的。得分,技巧,效率,态度,他是一个艺术家。”
• Fabio Capello: “There are three geniuses in football, Pele, Diego Maradona, and Messi.”
• 法比奥·卡佩罗:“足球领域有三个天才,贝利,马拉多纳,和梅西。”