时间:2022-04-22 15:56 | 分类: 句子大全 | 作者:界面新闻 | 评论: 次 | 点击: 次
由于父亲死亡而迫使法拉利辍学,开始赚钱养活自己,法拉利的第一份工作是车床技师,生活困苦,几年后第一次世界大战爆发,法拉利入伍,1918年大战结束,刚退伍的他找到试车手的工作,而后转往米兰的CMN (Costruzioni Meccaniche Nazionali) 从事赛车手兼试车手的工作。 他的赛车生涯始于1919年的Parma-Berceto 大赛,同年进入Targa Florio车队,1920年转入Alfa Romeo而且往后20年与Alfa Romeo建立良好关系,从试车手到赛车手再到销售助理,最后1939年担任Alfa赛车部门的董事。
1919年,法拉利驾驶一辆CMN的汽车,在一项名为柏塞托帕马雷久(Parma-Reggio de Berceto)的爬坡赛中,赢得受人敬重的第四名。那一年,他也首次晋级Targa Florio越野大赛。
次年,恩佐·法拉利加入爱快·罗密欧(Alfa Romeo)公司,成为工厂赛车手,并且在当年为爱快·罗蜜欧在Targa Florio大赛中赢得第二名。爱快·罗蜜欧很快就明白恩佐。
法拉利不仅是一个优秀的驾驶,更是一位深具潜力的行政管理人,所以在二○年代后几年的时光中,恩佐。法拉利为爱快·罗密欧经营车队,然后在1929年离开该公司,成立自己的史卡得利亚法拉利(Scuderia Ferrari)公司。
也就是在这段时间,法拉利首次将「跃马」这个标志固定在自己的赛车上。非常明显的,这是因为他有个兄弟曾经是斯夸德里格利亚(Squadriglia)9la飞行中队(第一次世界大战期间,驾驶斯佩德Spad Sl3s战斗机的飞行中队)的一员,跃马图案曾经出现在他们的飞机上。
当恩佐·法拉利担任爱快·罗蜜欧车队经理时,他正享有早年的成功荣耀,特别是爱快·罗蜜欧P3.他有一段时间,利用英制的鲁吉(Rudge)和诺顿(Norton)机车经营机车竞速赛,并曾使用鲁吉机车一连两年赢得意大利的25Occ、35Occ、5OOcc级的机车竞赛。 在1923年法拉利赢得一项赛事之后,巴拉卡(Baracca)女伯爵交给他一片取自于法兰西斯科·巴拉卡(Francesco Bauacca,意大利英雄,在大战中被击落并壮烈牺牲)的飞机、带有跃马图案的布块.显然的,这让法拉利先生想起:将跃马图案摆在自己的赛车上,可以同样纪念他的兄弟和法兰西斯科·巴拉卡。
经过数年,恩佐·法拉利将原本图案的外观改变成目前的样子:骏马以单一后脚昂立,而且马尾巴耸立起来。 1929年法拉利在故乡Modena创立Scuderia Ferrari ,其最初的目的是组织赛车成员.然而他投入大笔资金而成立一只正式的赛车队,且1933年转入了Alfa赛车技术部门而克服出赛的困难.1940年法拉利完全脱离Alfa Romeo且将 Scuderia Ferrari 带出Alfa而成立"Auto Avio Costruzioni Ferrari",致力于航空事业. 1943年,第二次世界大战期间, 法拉利工厂由Modena 迁到Maranello,开始制造机械,1944年法拉利工厂被炸毁。
两年后,工厂重建且企图建立完全第一法拉利,1960年投入股市,1969年 FIAT加入法拉利,成为法拉利最重要的股东.1963年法拉利在Maranello创办训练学校,1972年在Fiorano盖了一条试车赛道。 在战争即将结束之前,法拉利旗下有200多位工人,而且他也拥有二十年担任赛车手、车队经理和制车厂长等职的工作经验。
在意大利,赢得家乡主场的胜利是非常重要的,而向以「车队指挥」闻名的恩佐·法拉利,很早就现身赛车界,而且法拉利的车手经常名列前茅:他们在1948、1951、1958、1961、1962、1965和1972等年,赢得向以竞争激烈闻名于世的Targa Florio大赛:而从1948-53这段期间,以及1956和1957这两年,他们也每年赢得Mille Miglia(千公里赛车)的胜利。而且欧洲的每一项主要汽车赛,法拉利车手也几乎都曾夺冠。
最后,恩佐-法拉利1988年8月14日于莫德纳(Modena)去世,享年90岁。 因为恩佐·法拉利的坚持,所以缔造出今日法拉利辉煌的事,名声响遍全球! Enzo Ferrari is the son of a blacksmith. Small's father was the establishment of a Ferrari engine maintenance facility, which is steeped Enzo Ferrari basic automotive technology sites. They are father and son who took part in an early automobile race held in。
由于父亲死亡而迫使法拉利辍学,开始赚钱养活自己,法拉利的第一份工作是车床技师,生活困苦,几年后第一次世界大战爆发,法拉利入伍,1918年大战结束,刚退伍的他找到试车手的工作,而后转往米兰的CMN (Costruzioni Meccaniche Nazionali) 从事赛车手兼试车手的工作。 他的赛车生涯始于1919年的Parma-Berceto 大赛,同年进入Targa Florio车队,1920年转入Alfa Romeo而且往后20年与Alfa Romeo建立良好关系,从试车手到赛车手再到销售助理,最后1939年担任Alfa赛车部门的董事。
1919年,法拉利驾驶一辆CMN的汽车,在一项名为柏塞托帕马雷久(Parma-Reggio de Berceto)的爬坡赛中,赢得受人敬重的第四名。那一年,他也首次晋级Targa Florio越野大赛。
次年,恩佐·法拉利加入爱快·罗密欧(Alfa Romeo)公司,成为工厂赛车手,并且在当年为爱快·罗蜜欧在Targa Florio大赛中赢得第二名。爱快·罗蜜欧很快就明白恩佐。
法拉利不仅是一个优秀的驾驶,更是一位深具潜力的行政管理人,所以在二○年代后几年的时光中,恩佐。法拉利为爱快·罗密欧经营车队,然后在1929年离开该公司,成立自己的史卡得利亚法拉利(Scuderia Ferrari)公司。
也就是在这段时间,法拉利首次将「跃马」这个标志固定在自己的赛车上。非常明显的,这是因为他有个兄弟曾经是斯夸德里格利亚(Squadriglia)9la飞行中队(第一次世界大战期间,驾驶斯佩德Spad Sl3s战斗机的飞行中队)的一员,跃马图案曾经出现在他们的飞机上。
当恩佐·法拉利担任爱快·罗蜜欧车队经理时,他正享有早年的成功荣耀,特别是爱快·罗蜜欧P3.他有一段时间,利用英制的鲁吉(Rudge)和诺顿(Norton)机车经营机车竞速赛,并曾使用鲁吉机车一连两年赢得意大利的25Occ、35Occ、5OOcc级的机车竞赛。 在1923年法拉利赢得一项赛事之后,巴拉卡(Baracca)女伯爵交给他一片取自于法兰西斯科·巴拉卡(Francesco Bauacca,意大利英雄,在大战中被击落并壮烈牺牲)的飞机、带有跃马图案的布块.显然的,这让法拉利先生想起:将跃马图案摆在自己的赛车上,可以同样纪念他的兄弟和法兰西斯科·巴拉卡。
经过数年,恩佐·法拉利将原本图案的外观改变成目前的样子:骏马以单一后脚昂立,而且马尾巴耸立起来。 1929年法拉利在故乡Modena创立Scuderia Ferrari ,其最初的目的是组织赛车成员.然而他投入大笔资金而成立一只正式的赛车队,且1933年转入了Alfa赛车技术部门而克服出赛的困难.1940年法拉利完全脱离Alfa Romeo且将 Scuderia Ferrari 带出Alfa而成立"Auto Avio Costruzioni Ferrari",致力于航空事业. 1943年,第二次世界大战期间, 法拉利工厂由Modena 迁到Maranello,开始制造机械,1944年法拉利工厂被炸毁。
两年后,工厂重建且企图建立完全第一法拉利,1960年投入股市,1969年 FIAT加入法拉利,成为法拉利最重要的股东.1963年法拉利在Maranello创办训练学校,1972年在Fiorano盖了一条试车赛道。 在战争即将结束之前,法拉利旗下有200多位工人,而且他也拥有二十年担任赛车手、车队经理和制车厂长等职的工作经验。
在意大利,赢得家乡主场的胜利是非常重要的,而向以「车队指挥」闻名的恩佐·法拉利,很早就现身赛车界,而且法拉利的车手经常名列前茅:他们在1948、1951、1958、1961、1962、1965和1972等年,赢得向以竞争激烈闻名于世的Targa Florio大赛:而从1948-53这段期间,以及1956和1957这两年,他们也每年赢得Mille Miglia(千公里赛车)的胜利。而且欧洲的每一项主要汽车赛,法拉利车手也几乎都曾夺冠。
最后,恩佐-法拉利1988年8月14日于莫德纳(Modena)去世,享年90岁。 因为恩佐·法拉利的坚持,所以缔造出今日法拉利辉煌的事,名声响遍全球! Enzo Ferrari is the son of a blacksmith. Small's father was the establishment of a Ferrari engine maintenance facility, which is steeped Enzo Ferrari basic automotive technology sites. They are father and son who took part in an early automobile race held in Italy; he wanted to become a racing driver's des。
Enzo Ferrari engine in the rear of the driver in the engine compartment, the most high performance super car used the mid-engine design.The engine itself is designed for the Enzo vehicle design, the exhaust volume of 6 liters, the aluminum V-12 cylinder, each cylinder of four valve. Maximum power of 660 horsepower ( 7800 RPM), and in 6.6 seconds to accelerate from 0 to 161 km / h.. The maximum speed is estimated to reach 347 km / h, but there are few owners can really achieve this speed. As a result of Enzo cars a compression ratio of 11.2: 1, necessitating the use of high octane fuel to ensure its normal operation, it is also the F1 racing pedigree another performance. In addition to the car also uses dry lubrication system to ensure the smooth operation of all.Although abandoned the luxury car has many comfort equipment ( Enzo is not equipped with a car radio ), but Enzo is not the world's light in a car. Enzo full weight is 1365 kg, the power to weight ratio of 2.05 kg / HP ( or 0.487 HP / kg )Six speed transmission can be regarded as pure manual, because it has no automatic transmission. However, many fancier that only equipped with foot clutch can be manually. Since the car has no foot clutch, so we tend to Enzo transmission called" sequential gearbox" or" sequential manual transmission ( SM )". Sometimes use" semi-automatic transmission," the term.F1 racing style steering wheel almost lets you control everything, including variable speed system. The steering wheel on a series of LED ( light emitting diode ) can let the driver know the engine reaches what speed should be shifting, and without the hands off the steering wheel can be completed which operations. Other buttons can be used to select gear mode ( movement or racing mode ) and can disable the traction control system.Despite Enzo's strong power makes the vehicle is difficult to control, but the vehicle on the bend on the stability performance is beyond doubt. Equipped with rack and pinion type steering system of the vehicle, allowing the driver to a slightly more comfortable. Spring damping device composed of a push rod is enabled, and can in the cockpit through electronic means, the damper is adjusted to two different positions. Through the front and rear anti-roll bar can make four wheel independent suspension stability.Enzo car four wheel used specifically for the vehicle design and debugging of Scuderia Bridgestone tires. The front tyre specifications for the 245 / 35ZR-19s, the rear tire specifications for the 345 / 35ZR-19s, mounted on a single nut fixed cast aluminum wheels.Enzo even used the climax of the braking system, manufactured by Brembo 38 cm of the brake disc can rapidly make the vehicle deceleration. Almost all of Enzo's people to drive the brake speed is too sensitive to the vehicle speed after sudden deceleration can not adapt to the. Thus the brake force required to put the light. Anti-lock braking system ( ABS ) will help to control high speed sudden deceleration.Now, we will have a look Ferrari engineers is how pure F1 racing car driving force is applied to the street cars to.From the engine to the car, Enzo's designs are aimed at creating a very close to F1 car street car. This design philosophy that Enzo and the early Ferrari supercar distinguish.Enzo Ferrari chassis consists entirely of aluminum honeycomb sandwich with lightweight carbon fiber, helps to meet safety regulations. Interior layout is simple, even the instrument panel is made of carbon fiber material, each pedal and the car together.The car in the luxury only made some concessions, such as the installation of air conditioning, carbon fiber seat was covered with leather upholstery. If you somehow feel design theme, that is because the designer in the pursuit of a pure" man-machine interface". Therefore, all of Enzo using the carbon fiber material. Enzo for the driver and passenger are equipped with at any time may need airbag. According to the report, there are a few car Enzo car has been back to the manufacturer to there, which makes the global scale with the car had been reduced to about 395 people. It is because the airbag so that the driver survived.Enzo's body by Ferrari 's long-term partner Pininfarina F1 racing car design and imitation. The tapered front face and a front air inlet are reminiscent of F1 racing car design. People complain that Enzo car without some Ferrari car" beautiful", but there are some people maintain that Enzo cars have an unusual pure beauty. A fan wrote," it's like a jet fighter."Enzo cars in many aspects of the design are similar to jet fighter. Imagine the shape of airplane 。
Ferrari S.p.A. is an Italian luxury sports car manufacturer based in Maranello. Founded by Enzo Ferrari in 1929, as Scuderia Ferrari, the company sponsored drivers and manufactured race cars before moving into production of street-legal vehicles as Ferrari S.p.A. in 1947. Fiat acquired 50% of Ferrari in 1969 and expanded its stake to 85% in 2008.in 2014 Fiat announced its intentions to sell its share in Ferrari, as of the announcement Fiat owned 90% of Ferrari.Throughout its history, the company has been noted for its continued participation in racing, especially in Formula One, where it has had great success.
法拉利汽车公司的创始人恩佐·法拉利说:“他最中意的赛车是他还没有造出来的赛车,他最大的成功是他还没有达到的成功。”这位被誉为“赛车之父”的意大利人,嗜车如命的血液从小就在他的身上沸腾。当他13岁时,终于说服了父亲,开始了自己单独驾车的历史。赛车场上发动机的轰鸣声,比赛的惊险和刺激,使他越战越勇。他当年驾驶着阿尔法·罗密欧(Alfa Romeo)驰骋赛场,屡获胜利,被队友们誉为赛车队的“骑士”。他由参加赛车到组建赛车俱乐部,最后终于创建了自己的汽车公司。法拉利被誉为“红魔”。
Enzo Ferrari was born on February 18, 1898 near Modena, Italy. When he was 10 his father took him to an automobile race in Bologna. After attending a number of other races, he decided he wanted to become a racing car driver. While working at a small carmaker involved with converting war surplus, Ferrari took up racing. In 1919 he finished ninth at the Targa Florio. He ended up landing a job with Alfa Romeo and drove a modified production car in the 1920 Targa Florio. Ferrario managed to finish second. In 1923 while racing at the Circuit of Sivocci at Ravenna he was approached by Count Enrico and Countess Paolina Baracca, the parents of the heroic Italian pilot Francesco Baracca. Francesco was known as the Italian ace of aces. He died on Mount Montello during the war. His parents gave Ferrari their son's squadron badge, which was the famous prancing horse on a yellow shield. Enzo Ferrari was connected with Alfa Romeo for many years, however, he built only a few sports cars bearing his name and his famous prancing horse badge. In 1929 Enzo formed the Scuderia Ferrari with the aim of organizing racing for members. The Scuderia Ferrari team competed in 22 events and scored 8 victories and several good placings. In 1940 Enzo Ferrari left Alfa Romeo and started a new company Auto-Avio Costruzioni Ferrari. During World War II the Ferrari workshop moved from Modena to Maranello. The workshop became a victim of the war in 1944 - it was leveled by bombs. A year after the war in 1946 the shop was rebuilt and work began on the first ever Ferrari motorcar, the 125 Sport. This car started a grand tradition of winning for Ferrari. Since it's first race in 1947, Ferrari's have had over 5,000 successes on race tracks around the globe. In 1969 Enzo Ferrari sold 50% of Ferrari's share capital to the Fiat group. That figure grew to 90% in 1988. Enzo Ferrari died at the age of 90 in Modena on August 14, 1988.。
6.用简单的英语介绍一下 法拉利
Ferrari is an Italian manufacturer of racing cars and high-performance sports cars formed by Enzo Ferrari in 1929. At first, Scuderia Ferrari sponsored drivers and manufactured racecars; the company went into independent car production in 1946, eventually became Ferrari S.p.A., and is now owned by the Fiat group and Piero Ferrari, son of Enzo. The company is based in Maranello, near Modena, Italy.。
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其中多面棱角款的皮卡丘雕像由日本艺术家Hiroshi Fujiwara特别设计,全球限量25个,售价25000美元(约合人民币16万元)。多面碎片式的设计彰显了Baccarat独特的工艺,也让刻有“Electric”标志的皮卡丘更加闪耀。
万宝龙著名人物系列恩佐·法拉利特别款书写工具笔帽和笔杆采用名贵树脂,其颜色取自法拉利品牌标志性的红色“Rosso 70 Anni”。 笔杆尾端刻有两个日期,一个是恩佐·法拉利的出生日期,另一个日期旨在纪念他于1923年在赛场上夺得首胜。
笔帽顶端圆环镌刻“Officina Meccanica Alfredo Ferrari”字样, 致敬恩佐·法拉利的出生地及其父亲工坊的所在地。 镀钌笔夹还刻有恩佐·法拉利的格言“You cannot describe passion, you can only live it(激情无法言喻,惟有亲自感受)”。
该款书写工具包含签字笔、圆珠笔及墨水笔三款样式,墨水笔14K金镀铑笔嘴镌刻法拉利品牌著名车型250 GTO方向盘图案与及 “Pilota” 字样。